LVIA firefighters hold 'Junior Fire Camp' for kids (2024)


Weather Alert

Bulletin: ...EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM EDT THISEVENING...* WHAT...Dangerously hot conditions with heat index values up to 100.* WHERE...In New Jersey, Morris, Warren, and Hunterdon Counties. InPennsylvania, Berks, Lehigh, Northampton, Upper Bucks, WesternChester, and Western Montgomery Counties.* WHEN...Until 8 PM EDT this evening.* IMPACTS...Heat related illnesses increase significantly duringextreme heat and high humidity events.PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out ofthe sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors.Do not leave young children and pets in unattended vehicles. Carinteriors will reach lethal temperatures in a matter of minutes.Take extra precautions when outside. Wear lightweight and loosefitting clothing. Try to limit strenuous activities to early morningor evening. Take action when you see symptoms of heat exhaustion andheat stroke.To reduce risk during outdoor work, the Occupational Safety andHealth Administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks inshaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heatshould be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is anemergency! Call 9 1 1.Stay cool, stay hydrated, stay informed.&&


Type: Excessive Heat Warning

start_time_local: 2024-07-17T03:02:00-04:00

end_time_local: 2024-07-17T20:00:00-04:00


state: PA

headline: Excessive Heat Warning until WED 8:00 PM EDT


category: Met


urgency: Expected

severity: Severe

certainty: Likely

geographicname: Upper Bucks County

state_name: Pennsylvania

Weather Alert

Bulletin: ...EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM EDT THISEVENING...* WHAT...Dangerously hot conditions with heat index values up to 100.* WHERE...In New Jersey, Morris, Warren, and Hunterdon Counties. InPennsylvania, Berks, Lehigh, Northampton, Upper Bucks, WesternChester, and Western Montgomery Counties.* WHEN...Until 8 PM EDT this evening.* IMPACTS...Heat related illnesses increase significantly duringextreme heat and high humidity events.PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out ofthe sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors.Do not leave young children and pets in unattended vehicles. Carinteriors will reach lethal temperatures in a matter of minutes.Take extra precautions when outside. Wear lightweight and loosefitting clothing. Try to limit strenuous activities to early morningor evening. Take action when you see symptoms of heat exhaustion andheat stroke.To reduce risk during outdoor work, the Occupational Safety andHealth Administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks inshaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heatshould be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is anemergency! Call 9 1 1.Stay cool, stay hydrated, stay informed.&&


Type: Excessive Heat Warning

start_time_local: 2024-07-17T03:02:00-04:00

end_time_local: 2024-07-17T20:00:00-04:00


state: NJ

headline: Excessive Heat Warning until WED 8:00 PM EDT


category: Met


urgency: Expected

severity: Severe

certainty: Likely

geographicname: Warren County

state_name: New Jersey

Weather Alert

Bulletin: ...EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM EDT THISEVENING...* WHAT...Dangerously hot conditions with heat index values up to 100.* WHERE...In New Jersey, Morris, Warren, and Hunterdon Counties. InPennsylvania, Berks, Lehigh, Northampton, Upper Bucks, WesternChester, and Western Montgomery Counties.* WHEN...Until 8 PM EDT this evening.* IMPACTS...Heat related illnesses increase significantly duringextreme heat and high humidity events.PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out ofthe sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors.Do not leave young children and pets in unattended vehicles. Carinteriors will reach lethal temperatures in a matter of minutes.Take extra precautions when outside. Wear lightweight and loosefitting clothing. Try to limit strenuous activities to early morningor evening. Take action when you see symptoms of heat exhaustion andheat stroke.To reduce risk during outdoor work, the Occupational Safety andHealth Administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks inshaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heatshould be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is anemergency! Call 9 1 1.Stay cool, stay hydrated, stay informed.&&


Type: Excessive Heat Warning

start_time_local: 2024-07-17T03:02:00-04:00

end_time_local: 2024-07-17T20:00:00-04:00


state: PA

headline: Excessive Heat Warning until WED 8:00 PM EDT


category: Met


urgency: Expected

severity: Severe

certainty: Likely

geographicname: Western Montgomery County

state_name: Pennsylvania

Weather Alert

Bulletin: ...EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM EDT THISEVENING...* WHAT...Dangerously hot conditions with heat index values up to 105.* WHERE...Portions of northern Delaware, central, northern, andsouthern New Jersey, and southeast Pennsylvania.* WHEN...Until 8 PM EDT this evening.* IMPACTS...Heat related illnesses increase significantly duringextreme heat and high humidity events.PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out ofthe sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors.Do not leave young children and pets in unattended vehicles. Carinteriors will reach lethal temperatures in a matter of minutes.Take extra precautions when outside. Wear lightweight and loosefitting clothing. Try to limit strenuous activities to early morningor evening. Take action when you see symptoms of heat exhaustion andheat stroke.To reduce risk during outdoor work, the Occupational Safety andHealth Administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks inshaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heatshould be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is anemergency! Call 9 1 1.Stay cool, stay hydrated, stay informed.&&


Type: Excessive Heat Warning

start_time_local: 2024-07-17T03:02:00-04:00

end_time_local: 2024-07-17T20:00:00-04:00


state: PA

headline: Excessive Heat Warning until WED 8:00 PM EDT


category: Met


urgency: Expected

severity: Severe

certainty: Likely

geographicname: Lower Bucks County

state_name: Pennsylvania

Weather Alert

Bulletin: ...HEAT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM EDT THIS EVENING...* WHAT...Heat index values up to 95.* WHERE...Carbon and Monroe Counties.* WHEN...Until 8 PM EDT this evening.* IMPACTS...Hot temperatures and high humidity may cause heatillnesses.PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out ofthe sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors.Take extra precautions when outside. Wear lightweight and loosefitting clothing. Try to limit strenuous activities to early morningor evening. Take action when you see symptoms of heat exhaustion andheat stroke.To reduce risk during outdoor work, the Occupational Safety andHealth Administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks inshaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heatshould be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is anemergency! Call 9 1 1.&&


Type: Heat Advisory

start_time_local: 2024-07-17T03:02:00-04:00

end_time_local: 2024-07-17T20:00:00-04:00


state: PA

headline: Heat Advisory until WED 8:00 PM EDT


category: Met


urgency: Expected

severity: Moderate

certainty: Likely

geographicname: Monroe County

state_name: Pennsylvania

Weather Alert

Bulletin: ...EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM EDT THISEVENING...* WHAT...Dangerously hot conditions with heat index values up to 100.* WHERE...In New Jersey, Morris, Warren, and Hunterdon Counties. InPennsylvania, Berks, Lehigh, Northampton, Upper Bucks, WesternChester, and Western Montgomery Counties.* WHEN...Until 8 PM EDT this evening.* IMPACTS...Heat related illnesses increase significantly duringextreme heat and high humidity events.PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out ofthe sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors.Do not leave young children and pets in unattended vehicles. Carinteriors will reach lethal temperatures in a matter of minutes.Take extra precautions when outside. Wear lightweight and loosefitting clothing. Try to limit strenuous activities to early morningor evening. Take action when you see symptoms of heat exhaustion andheat stroke.To reduce risk during outdoor work, the Occupational Safety andHealth Administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks inshaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heatshould be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is anemergency! Call 9 1 1.Stay cool, stay hydrated, stay informed.&&


Type: Excessive Heat Warning

start_time_local: 2024-07-17T03:02:00-04:00

end_time_local: 2024-07-17T20:00:00-04:00


state: NJ

headline: Excessive Heat Warning until WED 8:00 PM EDT


category: Met


urgency: Expected

severity: Severe

certainty: Likely

geographicname: Warren County

state_name: New Jersey

Weather Alert

Bulletin: ...EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM EDT THISEVENING...* WHAT...Dangerously hot conditions with heat index values up to 100.* WHERE...In New Jersey, Morris, Warren, and Hunterdon Counties. InPennsylvania, Berks, Lehigh, Northampton, Upper Bucks, WesternChester, and Western Montgomery Counties.* WHEN...Until 8 PM EDT this evening.* IMPACTS...Heat related illnesses increase significantly duringextreme heat and high humidity events.PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out ofthe sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors.Do not leave young children and pets in unattended vehicles. Carinteriors will reach lethal temperatures in a matter of minutes.Take extra precautions when outside. Wear lightweight and loosefitting clothing. Try to limit strenuous activities to early morningor evening. Take action when you see symptoms of heat exhaustion andheat stroke.To reduce risk during outdoor work, the Occupational Safety andHealth Administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks inshaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heatshould be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is anemergency! Call 9 1 1.Stay cool, stay hydrated, stay informed.&&


Type: Excessive Heat Warning

start_time_local: 2024-07-17T03:02:00-04:00

end_time_local: 2024-07-17T20:00:00-04:00


state: NJ

headline: Excessive Heat Warning until WED 8:00 PM EDT


category: Met


urgency: Expected

severity: Severe

certainty: Likely

geographicname: Hunterdon County

state_name: New Jersey

Weather Alert

Bulletin: ...EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM EDT THISEVENING...* WHAT...Dangerously hot conditions with heat index values up to 100.* WHERE...In New Jersey, Morris, Warren, and Hunterdon Counties. InPennsylvania, Berks, Lehigh, Northampton, Upper Bucks, WesternChester, and Western Montgomery Counties.* WHEN...Until 8 PM EDT this evening.* IMPACTS...Heat related illnesses increase significantly duringextreme heat and high humidity events.PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out ofthe sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors.Do not leave young children and pets in unattended vehicles. Carinteriors will reach lethal temperatures in a matter of minutes.Take extra precautions when outside. Wear lightweight and loosefitting clothing. Try to limit strenuous activities to early morningor evening. Take action when you see symptoms of heat exhaustion andheat stroke.To reduce risk during outdoor work, the Occupational Safety andHealth Administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks inshaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heatshould be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is anemergency! Call 9 1 1.Stay cool, stay hydrated, stay informed.&&


Type: Excessive Heat Warning

start_time_local: 2024-07-17T03:02:00-04:00

end_time_local: 2024-07-17T20:00:00-04:00


state: PA

headline: Excessive Heat Warning until WED 8:00 PM EDT


category: Met


urgency: Expected

severity: Severe

certainty: Likely

geographicname: Lehigh County

state_name: Pennsylvania

Weather Alert

Bulletin: ...EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM EDT THISEVENING...* WHAT...Dangerously hot conditions with heat index values up to 100.* WHERE...In New Jersey, Morris, Warren, and Hunterdon Counties. InPennsylvania, Berks, Lehigh, Northampton, Upper Bucks, WesternChester, and Western Montgomery Counties.* WHEN...Until 8 PM EDT this evening.* IMPACTS...Heat related illnesses increase significantly duringextreme heat and high humidity events.PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out ofthe sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors.Do not leave young children and pets in unattended vehicles. Carinteriors will reach lethal temperatures in a matter of minutes.Take extra precautions when outside. Wear lightweight and loosefitting clothing. Try to limit strenuous activities to early morningor evening. Take action when you see symptoms of heat exhaustion andheat stroke.To reduce risk during outdoor work, the Occupational Safety andHealth Administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks inshaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heatshould be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is anemergency! Call 9 1 1.Stay cool, stay hydrated, stay informed.&&


Type: Excessive Heat Warning

start_time_local: 2024-07-17T03:02:00-04:00

end_time_local: 2024-07-17T20:00:00-04:00


state: PA

headline: Excessive Heat Warning until WED 8:00 PM EDT


category: Met


urgency: Expected

severity: Severe

certainty: Likely

geographicname: Northampton County

state_name: Pennsylvania

Bulletin: ...HEAT ADVISORY REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM EDT THIS EVENING...* WHAT...Heat index values up to 95.* WHERE...Carbon and Monroe Counties.* WHEN...Until 8 PM EDT this evening.* IMPACTS...Hot temperatures and high humidity may cause heatillnesses.PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out ofthe sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors.Take extra precautions when outside. Wear lightweight and loosefitting clothing. Try to limit strenuous activities to early morningor evening. Take action when you see symptoms of heat exhaustion andheat stroke.To reduce risk during outdoor work, the Occupational Safety andHealth Administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks inshaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heatshould be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is anemergency! Call 9 1 1.&&


Type: Heat Advisory

start_time_local: 2024-07-17T03:02:00-04:00

end_time_local: 2024-07-17T20:00:00-04:00


state: PA

headline: Heat Advisory until WED 8:00 PM EDT


category: Met


urgency: Expected

severity: Moderate

certainty: Likely

geographicname: Carbon County

state_name: Pennsylvania

Weather Alert

Bulletin: ...EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM EDT THISEVENING...* WHAT...Dangerously hot conditions with heat index values up to 100.* WHERE...In New Jersey, Morris, Warren, and Hunterdon Counties. InPennsylvania, Berks, Lehigh, Northampton, Upper Bucks, WesternChester, and Western Montgomery Counties.* WHEN...Until 8 PM EDT this evening.* IMPACTS...Heat related illnesses increase significantly duringextreme heat and high humidity events.PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out ofthe sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors.Do not leave young children and pets in unattended vehicles. Carinteriors will reach lethal temperatures in a matter of minutes.Take extra precautions when outside. Wear lightweight and loosefitting clothing. Try to limit strenuous activities to early morningor evening. Take action when you see symptoms of heat exhaustion andheat stroke.To reduce risk during outdoor work, the Occupational Safety andHealth Administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks inshaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heatshould be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is anemergency! Call 9 1 1.Stay cool, stay hydrated, stay informed.&&


Type: Excessive Heat Warning

start_time_local: 2024-07-17T03:02:00-04:00

end_time_local: 2024-07-17T20:00:00-04:00


state: PA

headline: Excessive Heat Warning until WED 8:00 PM EDT


category: Met


urgency: Expected

severity: Severe

certainty: Likely

geographicname: Berks County

state_name: Pennsylvania

Weather Alert

Bulletin: ...EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM EDT THISEVENING...* WHAT...Dangerously hot conditions with heat index values up to 100.* WHERE...In New Jersey, Morris, Warren, and Hunterdon Counties. InPennsylvania, Berks, Lehigh, Northampton, Upper Bucks, WesternChester, and Western Montgomery Counties.* WHEN...Until 8 PM EDT this evening.* IMPACTS...Heat related illnesses increase significantly duringextreme heat and high humidity events.PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS...Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out ofthe sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors.Do not leave young children and pets in unattended vehicles. Carinteriors will reach lethal temperatures in a matter of minutes.Take extra precautions when outside. Wear lightweight and loosefitting clothing. Try to limit strenuous activities to early morningor evening. Take action when you see symptoms of heat exhaustion andheat stroke.To reduce risk during outdoor work, the Occupational Safety andHealth Administration recommends scheduling frequent rest breaks inshaded or air conditioned environments. Anyone overcome by heatshould be moved to a cool and shaded location. Heat stroke is anemergency! Call 9 1 1.Stay cool, stay hydrated, stay informed.&&


Type: Excessive Heat Warning

start_time_local: 2024-07-17T03:02:00-04:00

end_time_local: 2024-07-17T20:00:00-04:00


state: PA

headline: Excessive Heat Warning until WED 8:00 PM EDT


category: Met


urgency: Expected

severity: Severe

certainty: Likely

geographicname: Lehigh County

state_name: Pennsylvania

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Lehigh Valley News

  • Time to celebrate! Summer Nights at Dorney Park highlights Caribbean, Latin American culture
  • Developer Lou Pektor gets zoning verdict on warehouse requests
  • Bethlehem City Council debates potential appointment of own member to housing authority
  • Not open to the public: Cottingham Stadium walking proposal fails in vote by EASD board
  • Tree blocks road in South Whitehall, thousands remain without power in Lehigh Valley, Bucks
  • House Speaker Mike Johnson, Lara Trump address Pa. delegation at breakfast, say state is important in 2024 election
  • 'We're unified': Local delegate, alternate delegate weigh in on former Trump rival Nikki Haley speaking at RNC
  • 'We try to take every single precaution': Residents try to stay cool amid dangerous heat in Lehigh Valley
  • 'We heard a loud crash': Storm leaves trail of damage in parts of Lehigh Valley
  • Gov. Shapiro speaks with 69 News about new budget, investigation into assassination attempt on Trump

Berks Area News

  • St. Joseph Medical Center named among nation's best hospitals by U.S. News and World Report
  • R.M. Palmer Building #5 to be demolished Wednesday
  • New bill allows legal immigrants to become teachers in Pennsylvania
  • Fleetwood man trains for shot to win gold at Olympics
  • Quick-hitting storm disrupts parts of Berks
  • House Speaker Mike Johnson, Lara Trump address Pa. delegation at breakfast, say state is important in 2024 election
  • 'We're unified': Local delegate, alternate delegate weigh in on former Trump rival Nikki Haley speaking at RNC
  • First responders 'strike a pose' to help find homes for dogs at overcrowded shelter
  • Feds bust gang linked to four deaths, including one in Berks County
  • 'This is a transformation of our party': RNC attendees react to Trump's running mate pick, JD Vance

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  • Ex-regional Fed president: Inflation headed lower, with interest rates likely to follow
  • Stock market today: Wall Street's split deepens between big tech stocks and the rest of the market
  • Can a lottery winner run an effective foundation? Meet Roy co*ckrum
  • UK's new government announces legislation for 'national renewal' as Parliament opens with royal pomp
  • European Union court says TikTok owner can't avoid bloc's law cracking down on digital giants
  • Tight budget? Edmunds highlights the least expensive cars and SUVs for 2024
  • Bank of England faces dilemma after potential Taylor Swift upside impact on UK inflation
  • Aging bridges in 16 states will be improved or replaced with the help of $5B in federal funding
  • Stock market today: Asian stocks slip, while Australian index tracks Wall St rally to hit record
  • After reshaping Las Vegas, The Mirage to be reinvented as part of a massive Hard Rock makeover

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LVIA firefighters hold 'Junior Fire Camp' for kids (9)

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  • ‘Homicide: Los Angeles’ Producer Talks Future Seasons in Different Cities: ‘There’s So Much Potential’
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LVIA firefighters hold 'Junior Fire Camp' for kids (2024)


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Article information

Author: Jerrold Considine

Last Updated:

Views: 5301

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (78 voted)

Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.