The Maunder Minimum: And the Variable Sun-Earth Connection - PDF Free Download (2024)

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Maunder Minimum and the Variable

Sun-Earth Connection

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Maunder Minimum and the Variable

Sun-Earth Connection

WILLIE WEI-HOCK SOON Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, USA


\[p World Scientific NEW JERSEY






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British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

THE MAUNDER MINIMUM AND THE VARIABLE SUN-EARTH CONNECTION Copyright © 2003 by World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved. This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any information storage and retrieval system now known or to be invented, without written permission from the Publisher.

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ISBN 981-238-274-7 ISBN 981-238-275-5 (pbk)

Typeset by Stallion Press.

Printed in Singapore by World Scientific Printers (S) Pte Ltd

To Soon Gim-Chuan, Chua Chiew-See, and Pham Than (Lien & Van's mother) and Ulla and Anna In Memory of Miriam Fuchs (baba Gil's mother) — W.S. In Memory of Andrew Hoff — S.H.Y.

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To interrupt His Yellow Plan The Sun does not allow Caprices of the Atmosphere — And even when the Snow Heaves Balls of Specks, like Vicious Boy Directly in His Eye — Does not so much as turn His Head Busy with Majesty — 'Tis His to stimulate the Earth And magnetize the Sea — And bind Astronomy, in place, Yet Any passing by Would deem Ourselves — the busier As the Minutest Bee That rides — emits a Thunder — A Bomb — to justify Emily Dickinson {poem 224. c. 1862) Since people are by nature poorly equipped to register any but short-term changes, it is not surprising that we fail to notice slower changes in either climate or the sun. John A. Eddy, The New Solar Physics (1977-78)

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Foreword E. N. Parker

In this time of global warming we are impelled by both the anticipated dire consequences and by scientific curiosity to investigate the factors that drive the climate. Climate has fluctuated strongly and abruptly in the past, with ice ages and interglacial warming as the long term extremes. Historical research in the last decades has shown short term climatic transients to be a frequent occurrence, often imposing disastrous hardship on the afflicted human populations. The 17th century in North America, Europe and China provides an outstanding example of the onset of cold. The principal impact is on agriculture, i.e. the food supply, particularly near the northern limits. Famine begets social and political turmoil, as well as pestilence and death. It is as important to appreciate the social impact of the transient cold as it is to understand the cause of the cold. The onset of warm periods has a comparable destructive impact, but in other ways in other parts of the globe, e.g. the prolonged drought in what is now the Southwestern United States during the unusually warm 12th century. Recent studies of ice cores from drilling through the Greenland ice cap show occasional strong transients, with the mean temperature dropping a couple of degrees or more over a decade, followed closely by a substantial reduction of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Is such a cold snap initiated by a temporary disruption of the Gulf Stream, for instance? And if so, then what disrupted the Gulf Stream? Then did a worldwide reduction in surface sea water temperatures consume the missing atmospheric carbon dioxide? We may expect that there is no single cause driving a downturn in temperature, or driving the present upturn. The measured rapid increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere through the second half of the 20th century is largely a consequence of profligate burning of fossil fuels. We can only conclude that the greenhouse effect of the accumulating carbon dioxide (and other anthropogenic emissions) has a warming effect, while anthropogenic aerosols may push a little in the opposite direction. However, that leaves us wondering about the comparable warming through the first half of the century, when the accumulation of carbon dioxide was slow and slight. There we turn to the inconstant Sun. IX

x Foreword

The history of the scientific detective work that has led to the present partial understanding of the brightening Sun (since about 1880) is fascinating. The work really got underway with the invention of the telescope around 1610 and extends through the ongoing contemporary studies of atmospheric physics and of solar and stellar variability. It is fair to say that the scientific inquiry thus far has established the enormous complexity of the 20th century warming problem. The two major drivers appear to be the varying brightness of the Sun and, of course, the accumulating greenhouse gases. These are imposed on the diverse dynamical modes of circulation of the terrestrial atmosphere and oceans. Indeed, it has been proposed by some that the decadal—and even century long—swings in climate might be nothing more than the natural consequence of nonstable modes of atmospheric circulation. That is to say, the climate cannot settle down because there is no truly stable mode into which to settle. This view is perhaps too simple, but it makes the important point that the wandering and never-stable climate is hypersensitive to both external and internal stimuli. The slight deflection by a small tweak may divert the atmosphere into a diverging dynamical path. We would not go so far as to apply the popular saw from chaos theory that the fluttering of a butterfly in the rain forest of the Amazon basin may ultimately strongly influence the rainfall in Tennessee. We reject the applicability of this vivid overstatement for the simple reason that the atmosphere is buffeted so much more strongly by other effects. For instance, the eruption of Mt. Pinatubo represented a "butterfly" of much greater vigor than any Amazonian lepidopteron. However, we cannot escape the fact that seemingly small effects may, by their special nature, ultimately lead to large consequences. Thus, in our search to understand the climatic changes, past and present, we should not immediately reject an exotic idea as absurd until we can be sure that we fully understand the sensitive atmosphere. And that full understanding of the dynamical atmosphere, with its 3D hydrodynamics, cloud formation, coupling to the dynamic oceans, and coupling to the mountainous topography, lies many years in the future. Thus we must give consideration to a variety of unsubstantiated, and even dubious, ideas. We must keep in mind that absence of understanding of an effect is not the same thing as understanding that the effect cannot be. Many current ideas will ultimately prove to be false or inaccurate, just as many old ideas have already fallen by the way. One of the most frustrating aspects of the origins of climate variation is the intermittent nature of some of the effects. An example is the sometime solar correlation of the formation of troughs at the 100 mbar level

Foreword xi

over the north Pacific Ocean. The effect appears to come and go with the varying surface sea water temperatures through El Nino and La Nina. Or are we just kidding ourselves and there really is no connection with solar activity? Then what can we say about the once well established, but now long vanished, correlation of the level of Lake Rudolph (now Lake Turkana) with the solar sunspot cycle? Drought in the high prairie in the Western United States in association with the deep sunspot minimum that occurs every 22 years seems now to be a statistically robust effect, but the physical connection remains mysterious. So what are we to think? H. Svensmark has recently pointed out the remarkably close correlation between cloud cover and the cosmic ray intensity, closer than with any other index of solar activity. The connection here would presumably be through the nucleation of aerosols, water drops, and ice crystals by the atmospheric ions created by the passage of cosmic ray particles. If the effect is real, it represents a highly leveraged control on climate. Unfortunately we do not know enough physics and chemistry of cloud formation to pass judgement at the present time. Then to what extent does the temperature of the upper stratosphere influence the dynamics of the jet stream and the troposphere? The temperature of the upper stratosphere varies widely between solar maximum and minimum. Some atmospheric models have shown a substantial coupling to the dynamical behavior of the lower atmosphere, while others find little or no effect. Progress in understanding cloud formation, the global dynamics of the atmosphere and oceans, the quantitative ocean-atmosphere carbon cycle, nitrogen cycle, etc, will eventually clear away the rubbish and leave the gems. However there are a lot of laboratory work and observations in the field before that will be possible. The worst mistake a scientist can make is to assert prematurely that some exotic new effect "cannot be" because our present limited knowledge does not cover the effect. Certainly some ideas are without a known physical basis at the present time. They should be catalogued under some such heading as "Curious idea, presently dubious, to be kept clearly in mind as the science progresses." The history of ideas on terrestrial climate and weather change and the history of ideas on the magnetic activity of the Sun can be traced back to ancient times. Some of the historical interpretations of the observations bring smiles to our faces today. But it must be remembered that interpretation is the first essential step in setting up the possibility of negation, the crucial step in any scientific investigation. The effort to establish a coherent body of knowledge of climate variation and solar activity variation has been fascinating and protracted. A connection between the two has been speculated off and on for at least a couple of centuries, but only with the concept of quantitative statistical correlations has it been possible to make

xii Foreword

serious progress, and only with the advance of physics and technology has it been possible to pursue the actual mechanisms. There is no single point in time when the science of the connection got underway, but the modern phase, connecting global climate with the activity of the Sun, was initiated by E. Walter Maunder just a little more than a century ago. Maunder's principal contribution was to emphasize the varying level of solar activity over the centuries since the advent of the telescope, with particular attention to the scarcity of sunspots from about 1645 to 1715, beginning only 35 years after the start of telescopic observations. Maunder's point was conveniently ignored or even denied, because no one knew what it meant. Fortunately Jack Eddy took up the historical investigation about 30 years ago and turned up enough old records that the reality of the "Maunder Minimum" was established beyond any reasonable doubt. Subsequent historical research has unearthed detailed systematic records of sunspot numbers which show how peculiar the behavior of the Sun was during that time. Then with modern data on the atmospheric production rate of carbon 14 by cosmic rays, Eddy went on to show that such prolonged periods of solar inactivity have occurred ten times in the last 7000 years. So we may anticipate that there will be yet another Maunder Minima in the future. Finally Eddy showed that the mean annual temperature in the Northern Temperate Zone exhibits a remarkable tendency to track the general level of solar activity. And that set the stage for contemporary research into the Sun-climate connection. Global warming has turned attention to the Sun-climate connection as part of the general warming process. At the same time, the superposition of the two effects, of accumulating greenhouse gases and the brighter more active Sun, has rendered the scientific problem of studying either aspect much more difficult. The consequences of greenhouse gases and solar variability are not readily separated. As already noted, an immense amount of laboratory and field work will have to be done if we are to disentangle and understand the complex response of the atmosphere. Meanwhile, we are in the exciting position—perhaps a little too exciting if we stop to think about it—of living in the midst of the warming Earth. The social and economic impact has not yet touched us, the first warning tremors being the international political and economic efforts to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide, thereby slowing the rate of increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The warming is expected to be strongest at extreme high latitudes, melting the polar ice caps and raising the sea level. Thus we may anticipate desiccation of certain geographical regions in association with the warming, at the same time that the sea begins to encroach on some of the best crop lands. The enhanced carbon dioxide

Foreword xiii

promises enhanced crop yields, but that seems a small gain when compared to the uncontrolled risks with which it is associated. Human society has embarked on an adventure through the 21st century and beyond, and we can only wonder where it will lead. The best preparation is to understand the history of climate changes and the physics of global warming up to the present time, so that we can, hopefully, make intelligent decisions in the face of the forthcoming social, economic, and political problems. We anticipate that the political problems will be the most difficult to manage, of course.

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The authors wish to thank Mary T. Brack, astronomer and expert on women in astronomy who read the entire manuscript, giving us valuable insights not only into the Maunders' private and scientific lives, but also good historical perspectives of England in Maunders' time. To have done so while her husband was very ill, and to have continued to do so even after his death was simply remarkable. In a similar way, we honor the memory of Dr. Jean Grove, who assisted us greatly in dismantling and re-explaining concepts on the "Little Ice Age" that are sure to widen all our understandings of past and future climate change. In addition, she commented on our manuscript at critical junctures in our modest attempts to help broaden the scope of the Sun-Earth connection study. Her sudden death saddened us. We thank Eugene N. Parker, Emeritus Professor at the University of Chicago and delineator of the solar wind who read the entire manuscript with pleasure, and wrote the foreword to this book. He encouraged us with his words and tempered us with his sage advice and positive criticism—a gracious act on his behalf which gained our deepest gratitude and respect. Additionally, Kirill Ya. Kondratyev, an authority on climate and environmental sciences also read our book in draft form, strongly praising and supporting our effort. We also want to thank Richard B. Marks, who assisted in straightening out certain details on the Ming Dynasty. Dr. Marks also gave us insights into the China of the Maunder Minimum period. Our best wishes extend to Victoria Holtby (Kings College, UK) who provided nearly-vanished information on E. Walter Maunder's education record. Then there is John M. McFarland (Armagh Observatory), who provided us with pictures of A.S.D. Maunder that could be redeveloped and scanned, since very few portrait photographs of this regrettably forgotten scientist exist. Also, we thank Alan Maunder, a direct descendant of Maunder's who read and approved parts of the manuscript relevant to his relative and filled in some dark spots—especially about Maunder's first wife, Edith.




With gratitude, we mention Dimitry Sokoloff and Douglas Hoyt, the former for his support and encouragement in reading our work, and the latter for his direct contributions to our efforts in the form of data. Bill (W.C.) Livingston and Dave Hathaway generously supplied us with superb images of the Sun used in this book. Tom Bogdan shared remarkable stories about the fate of the Maunders original art-works (the Butterfly diagram and Annie's 1898 eclipse photo of the structured solar corona) that are now under the safe-keeping at the High Altitude Observatory. Additionally, there were contributions from Melissa Hilbert, Maria McEachern, Barbara Palmer, William Graves, Donna Coletti (John Wolbach Library) and Ewa Basinska (M.I.T. Library) for invaluable assistance in researching the Harvard libraries for material that helped form the backbone of this work. Last but not the least, S. Yaskell thanks Larry DiThomas and John Yaskell. W. Soon further thanks his colleague of many years, Sallie Baliunas, and his elder sisters (Diana Guk-Hua, Yoke-Thim, Yoke-Lay) and brothers (Wei-Lean and WeiSin) and Kamil Abdul Aziz, Gene Avrett, Shaun Cheok, Bob Ferguson, Peter Frick, Gil Fuchs, Richard Goh, Phil Gozalez, Lucy Hanco*ck, Sharil Ibrahim, Robert Jastrow, Joe Kunc, Thu and Duyen Le, Dave Legates, Dick Lindzen, Jane Orient, Eric Posmentier and Art Robinson for their encouragement and friendship. Willie Wei-Hock Soon ([emailprotected]) Steven H. Yaskell ([emailprotected]) Cambridge, Massachusetts, Summer, 2003






1 A Sun Most Pure and Most Lucid


2 Background of the Maunder Minimum


3 The Maunder Minimum: Europe, Asia, North America (As Dated from c. A.D. 1620-A.D. 1650)


4 The Maunder Minimum: Europe, Asia, North America (As Dated from c. A.D. 1650-A.D. 1720)


5 Surveying the Maunder Minimum


6 Maunder's Immediate Predecessors in Delineating Solar Structure and Behavior: Towards Understanding Solar Variability and Sun-Climate Connections


7 Maunder's Early Life and Associations


8 Maunder and the Connection of Sunspot Behavior and Geomagnetism: Resolving "the Fifty Years' Outstanding Difficulty"


9 Studying Aurora... the Scandinavian and American Connection: Tree Rings, Moisture and the Missing Sunspot Cycles


10 The Family Maunder: The B.A.A. and Astronomy for All


11 A Particle Theory for the Sun-Earth Connection


12 Our Knowledge of the Sun and Its Variability Today


13 Earth's Atmosphere and Its Story: A Perspective of Past Changes on the Present





14 The Maunder Minimum and Modern Theories of the Sun's Cyclical Machinery


15 Summary: Cycles of the Sun and Their Tie to Earth


16 The Maunders and Their Final Story


Index of Sources





A Sun Most Pure and Most Lucid

Solar Blemishes and Imputed Effects on Climate: Scientific Solar Study Begins Our Sun, Solis, shines upon us from roughly 149 million km away. It is the only star like it known to harbor life on any of its nearby planets.! People have used solar cycles for telling time, determining seasons, and measuring financial periods since antiquity.2 The notion of cycles implies "circles" or repetitive phenomena. This is similar to the tree rings Leonardo da Vinci examined and thought reflected age and weather conditions over long periods of time.3 (Centuries later, scientists would prove this connection.) But did da Vinci know about more distant cycles? Solar cycles—either as a means of practical measurement or as an abstraction—were used and reflected upon. However, other solar phenomena were also known long ago. So long ago, in fact, that perhaps even prehistoric people were familiar with them. Sunspots were seen and discussed in China even in antiquity and probably a thousand years


That is, stars with a similar age and mass to our Sun. Since September 1995, the number of extra-solar planets detected around other stars has been growing steadily. Those planetary bodies around rho 55 Cancri, 14 Herculis, 70 Virginis, 47 Ursae Majoris, tau Bootis, rho Coronae Borealis, upsilon Andromedae, 16 Cygni B, 51 Pegasi, Gliese 86, Gliese 876, HD 187123, HD 75289, HD 217107, HD 195019, HD 168443, HD 114762, HD 210277 have masses ranging from about 0.4 to 11 times of Jupiter and orbital positions from the host stars of about 0.04 a.u. to 3 a.u. Much progress and many breakthroughs have yet to be made before any capability to search for life is obtained, including perhaps even those life forms unfamiliar to what we can currently define. 2

Prehistoric Native American Cahokia mounds, Japanese Edo-era (1603-1864) sun clocks, and the four-quarter business year are some. See Krupp, E.C., Echoes of the Ancient Skies (Oxford University Press, 1983), pp. 29-33, Renshaw, S., Ihara, S. "Marking the noon hour: Sun clock at Kochi Castle, Japan" (March, 1997, Internet URL), and Aveni, Anthony Conversing With the Planets (Times Books, 1992), p. 94, on business years. 3

Webb, G.E., Tree Rings and Telescopes: The Scientific Career of A.E. Douglass (University of Arizona Press), p. 101. 1


The Maunder Minimum and the Variable Sun-Earth Connection

before any were referred to in the west.4 A Chinese oracle bone translation from about 3,200 years ago states: "will the Sun have marks? It really has marks."5 Many believed that there were connections between the weather and such "marks" on the Sun. In Classical Greece, Theophrastes observed spots on the Sun approximately 2,400 years ago,6 and perhaps Pythagoras saw them earlier in some kind of an astronomical context as well.7 In his intricate notations on weather, Theophrastes forecast rain if there were "black spots on the sun...," or, wind if "red spots."8 Fair weather will be witnessed if "the sun rises brilliant but without scorching heat and without showing any special sign in his orb."9 Much later a Chinese astrologer/astronomer's log entry for January 10, 357 A.D. stated: "within the Sun there was a black spot as large as a hen's egg."10 The scholarly pursuits of cloistered theologians in Medieval Europe—perhaps prompted by the observations of their parishioners—could have included drawings of these marks in diaries and books (see Fig. 1). We assume from these ancient non-Christian and early Christian European notes that people throughout this part of the world were already associating the Sun with having marks or blotches on it that challenged the notion of the Sun being "perfect." That is, the Sun that is pure and perfect should be without any marks or blemishes.11 We can also see from this that such observed "impurities" may have been thought to have had effects on Earth's weather.

4 Needham, J., Ling, W., Science and Civilisation in China. Vol. 3, Mathematics and the Sciences of the Heavens and the Earth (CUP, 1959), p. 435. 5

Schove, D.J., Sunspot Cycles (Hutchinson Ross, 1983), p. 26.


Noyes , R.W. The Sun: Our Star (Harvard University Press, 1982), p. 83. Douglas Hoyt argues diat Theophrastes's observation record was lost in the burning of the Library at Alexandria in 300 A.D. Noyes claimed that Chinese astronomers "have left a rich series of sunspot records dating back at least as far as 1 A.D." 7

Letter to the B.A.A., 101, 5.,1991, by Ronald Hardy. His references to Pythagoras come from the Dictionary of Scientific Biography. References to Theophrastes are from his De Signis Tempestatum (Enquiry into Plants and Minor Works on Odours and Weather Signs, Volume II, Trans. Arthur Hort, [Heinemann, New York, 1916]). 8

Ibid, Hort, p. 409, paraphrased from: "Also black spots on the sun or moon indicate rain, red spots wind." 9 10 11

Ibid, Hort, p. 427. Witmann, A.D., Xu, Z.T., Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series, 70 (1987), pp. 83-94.

Baumgartner, F.J., "Sunspots or Sun's planets: Jean Tarde and the sunspot controversy of the early seventeenth century," JHA, xviii (Science Publications, Ltd., 1987). The Sun was held to be a tabernacle of God. The Jesuit Jean Tarde wrote, "The Sun is the father of light, and so how can it be diminished by spots? It is the seat of God, His house. His tabernacle. It is impious to attribute to God's house the filth, corruption, and blemishes of earth." (p. 46)

A Sun Most Pure and Most Lucid



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Fig. 29 A figure from Maunder's crucial 1904-1905 paper showing that the 276 geomagnetic disturbances (small, horizontal, broken lines) frequently occurred at consecutive 27-day intervals (this is the rotation period of the Sun as viewed from Earth) when a certain meridian has returned to the center of the disc. Maunder also noted that "the disturbances are not distributed irregularly with regard to the solar meridians, but chiefly affect two or three regions." (After Maunder, 1904-05. u )


Italics gratis the authors. Notice Maunder's choice of metaphor.


Ibid, Cliver, Eos, December 27, 1994, quoting Maunder. n Maunder, E.W., Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 65, 1904-1905, pp. 2-34.


The Maunder Minimum and the Variable Sun-Earth Connection

and onward, where Maunder saw the non-isotropic "one-direction-only" nature of the storms. And so, the end of the "fifty years' outstanding difficulty"—the legacy of the soldier-scientist, Edward Sabine to Lord Kelvin. But a crowning glory to these proceedings was Maunder's linking his observations with the particle theories of S. A. Arrhenius. For while the coronal streams deemed responsible for [that is, geomagnetic] storms was unknown, the corpuscular hypothesis in the form proposed by Arrhenius that invoked radiation pressure to drive charged particles11 from the sun was consistent with the observations.13 * * *

Importantly, we digress to show the background Arrhenius provided Maunder with. Svante August Arrhenius is said to have brought de Mairan's14 work on aurora "up to date." Swedish Nobel prize winner Arrhenius15 published as early as 1900 the account that was to figure so greatly in later solar science. The theory, in short, was a description of solar wind before solar wind became known as such. It was, basically a theory based on radiation pressure of electromagnetic waves and eruptions of particles from the Sun. He [Arrhenius] proposed that during great eruptions on the Sun, large quantities of matter, in the form of droplets or dust, are ejected in a radial direction from the sunspots and are pushed out from the Sun by radiation pressure (A mass transport which today is called the Solar Wind) [sic].16 Oddly enough, to support the previously-mentioned auroral scientist Paulsen and his claims that the northern lights were "cathode rays" (that is, electron rays


Italics gratis the authors.


Ibid, Cliver, Eos, December 27, 1994.


Jean Jacques Dotous de Mairan published his main work in 1733. His principle conclusions were that auroral frequency had increased suddenly in 1716 and remained constant, and that it was frequently interrupted in the distant past. He identified 22 such instances from A.D. 500 to 1731, and called their comebacks reprises (resumptions). See George L. Siscoe, "Evidence in the auroral record for secular solar variability," Review of Geophysics and Space Physics, Vol. 18, No. 3, August, 1980, p. 647. 15 It is poignant to note that the early Nobel-laureate Arrhenius "proposed in 1908 that radiation from stars could blow microscopic germs from one world to another" (from "Life's far-flung raw materials," Scientific American, Vol. 281, No. 1, July, 1999, p. 31). 16

Ibid, "Scientific Auroral Experiments Beginning in the Nineteenth Century," p. 85.

A Particle Theory for the Sun-Earth Connection


before electrons were known) it was Arrhenius who could have helped narrow the field on the path to what was later seen as ionized oxygen, here. He did this by noting that, during these "eruptions on the Sun, negative and positive electricity are split into two, and that this division produces cathode rays and X-rays."17 It should also be noted that Arrhenius proposed that such rays can "ionize the gas through which they propagate" which in turn meant negative electricity is created while leaving the Sun positively charged.18 Arrhenius's descriptions are almost frighteningly modern regarding motion and shape. Outward-streaming, negatively-charged particles from the Sun will "hit other celestial bodies, causing them to become negatively charged. They then repel the streaming negative charges from the Sun into hyperbolic paths away from the repelling body."19 This is, then, a very early reference to the notion of "magnetosphere" around magnetized planets like Earth, Jupiter, and Saturn. Also notable is that the most rapidly streaming particles can strike the body and increase its charge, and these bodies occasionally discharge as well. Arrhenius and others also believed that these particle bombardment discharges which cause ultraviolet radiation favored certain areas of Earth, at certain times. Arrhenius believed the bombardments occurred on the "dayside" of the equatorial region, but that the flow in the upper air could move such charged particles to other time sectors of the Earth and thereby bring about discharges on the "night side" as well.20 This ties in with what Sabine, Maunder and others noted regarding "increased (magnetic) activity" at certain times of the day, vis a vis locations on Earth, respective of the geographical observation.21 It also ties in well with seasonal variations.22 Running in parallel, or perhaps competitively, to Arrhenius was the Norwegian mathematician-physicist Kristian Birkeland,23 who performed a

17 18

Ibid, "Scientific Auroral Experiments ...," p. 85. Ibid, "Scientific Auroral Experiments ...," p. 85.


Ibid, "Scientific Auroral Experiments ...," p. 85. A very early reference to the "magnetosphere," in its general description, way before it was so physically and mathematically understood. Note: it is still far from cut and dried. 20

Ibid, "Scientific Auroral Experiments ...," p. 85.


Ibid, Sabine's May 6, 1852 address to the RAS ("on Periodical Laws ..."), p. 105.


Note Maunder's Popular Astronomy article of February, 1905.


See Jago, L., The Northern Lights (Knopf, 2001) for a popular account of the heroic life of Kristian Birkeland, especially with regards to his many accomplishments.


The Maunder Minimum and the Variable Sun-Earth Connection

physical experiment24 that underscored the corpuscular theory. It is important to note Birkeland's experimental tendencies and travels, notably to polar regions to test his and others' theories; the nature and insight gained by Birkeland must have been very valuable to Chapman. Birkeland made a model that directed cathode (electron) rays at a magnetized globe to create phosphorescent patterns at its poles that mimicked auroral behavior. 25 The mathematician Carl StOrmer26 later did the

30 Birkeland's "Terella" (meaning, "little earth") experiment, where he produced phosphorescent light effects on polar regions of a globe, representing Earth, using cathode rays (Birkeland is at left; his assistant, K. Devik, on the right). This approximated auroral belts around the Earth. Birkeland reportedly proved his auroral theory by 1896--that electrically-charged particles ejected from sunspots on the solar surface are captured by the Earth's magnetic field and directed along the magnetic field lines into the polar regions. As incoming particles reach atmospheric heights they are slowed down by the increasing density of atoms and molecules and in the process the atmospheric constituents become excited and ionized. (Reprinted from The Northern Lights)




Ibid, Cliver, Eos, December 27, 1994. See also The Northern Light, pp. 97-101.

26 Stormer "mapped the geographical distribution of auroral light." It was found that "the positions of the auroral zones can change depending upon solar activity. During times of great solar activity the zone will move more equatorwards than during quiet solar conditions" (Ibid, The Northern Light, p. 89). See also Wilfried SchrOder's Diis Phiinomen Des Polarlichts (Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt, 1984).

A Particle Theory for the Sun-Earth Connection


calculations that showed how charged particles are forced to move around the Earth's dipole magnetic field. * * *

Now that we have an image of the charged particles causing auroral light, we go back to where we left Chapman, considering the Maunders' work. It was stated that Dyson left Chapman with Maunder's work to further investigate, or to test and eliminate, or confirm, perhaps, the nature of geomagnetic storms and their connection to the Sun's magnetic activity. It was a labor that was to occupy Chapman, off and on, through the 1940s. To some extent, as the record shows, this question was to occupy him for the rest of his life. The first paper by Chapman in 1918 led to a view of what Birkeland and Arrhenius proposed in a synthesis based on mathematics. The great insights had to survive the test of repeatability: clear, conceptual and mathematical models were the tools used for this. Chapman envisioned geomagnetic storms primarily as systems of electric currents flowing about the higher layers of the Earth's atmosphere. The geomagnetic field variations produced by these currents can be broken down into local, irregular and rapidly-changing parts. However, the most fundamental characteristic of a geomagnetic storm is the world-wide diminution of the intensity of the Earth's horizontal magnetic field as it is detected near the surface. So what Chapman did was to separate the Maunders'27 solar-induced geomagnetic storm variations into three distinct components: one representing stormtime variation (Dst) that is independent of longitude; one for the occurrence of the storm in local time (Sd, "d" standing for diurnal variability) and the last being the baseline geomagnetic component during magnetically-quiet days (Sq).28 This delineation into components seemed to cover all of Maunder's and perhaps Ellis's, the Indian magnetic scientist N. Moos's, and others', observed and recorded phenomena on the matter of geomagnetic storms. In 1918, Chapman found that storms in local time (5d) are quite different in form, from magnetically quiet days (5q) so that during the storm, the total changes are not simply an enhancement of the quiet magnetic day (5q) alone. Chapman noted that Sd had much the same physical form after two days, as on the first day—though, 27

Also extending the Indian magnetic scientist N.A.F. Moos's statistical study of magnetic storms. (Ibid, Chapman obituary, "Biographical Memoirs," p. 64). The following paragraphs paraphrase pp. 65-66 of this same document. 28

Added complexity that cannot be ignored is the variation of the Earth's self-induced disturbances to Sq, which can in turn produce changes in Sd and Dst much the same in form, although smaller in magnitude as those triggered by the Sun.


The Maunder Minimum and the Variable Sun-Earth Connection

only less powerful. Additionally, he showed that storm-time variation (D st ) in relation to these (Sq and Sd) at low geomagnetic latitudes can be seen as a compression of the geomagnetic fields during the initial phase of a magnetic storm on Earth (the "sudden commencement phase") and as an expansion of thefield,during subsequent phases of maturation and decay. (To visualize this, recall the sequence of events Richard Carrington, R. Hogdson and Balfour Stewart described, on 1 September, 1859.) From about 1918 to 1927, Chapman's research shed further light on the significance of Birkeland/Arrhenius and others on what caused this compression, which represented the solar-terrestrial connection science interpretations of the phenomena, less the pure mathematics. That is, Chapman refined the conceptual nature of how the phenomena were understood. The solar connection, between the compression/expansion of the geomagnetic field during the storms, was that the geomagnetic field was believed to be compressed by the impact of a stream of solar charged particles. It must be recalled that in the 1910s the true nature of the solar corpuscular emission was not known.29 So, like Birkeland30 and Arrhenius, Chapman ascribed the geomagnetic disturbance factor to solar charged particle emanation from the Sun—but not by electrons, alone; rather, by streams of ionized gas.31 He was led to accept this complex reality arising from potential dual-processes involved in compression after F.A. Lindemann rejected some of Chapman's suppositions. At first, Chapman thought that some separation in "sign" was needed to justify the magnetic storms' electrical discharges, but he later concluded that the source of the daytime and storm's variations (Sd, Sq) were controlled by ultraviolet light associated with energetic solar particle streams.32 Because the particle streams could not propagate cohesively for more than one to two solar radii due to mutual repulsion, Lindemann proposed that a roughly equal number of positively and negatively charged particles (now called "plasma") must actually be the


In 1905, Maunder asked the question, "are the particles reaching us from the Sun all of the same size, or, what comes to the same thing, do they all travel with the same rapidity?" (E.W. Maunder, Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 21, p. 113.) 30

Chapman is particularly grateful to Birkeland's indirect assistance in solving these puzzles in papers, notably, his "Historical Introduction to Aurora and Magnetic Storms," Annates Geophysique, Vol. 24, 1968, pp. 497-505. 31

Ibid, Cliver, Eos, December 27, 1994. Schuster and Lindemann objected to particles all of one sign. Hence, the shift to ionized gas.


Ibid, Cliver, Eos, December 27, 1994.

A Particle Theory for the Sun-Earth Connection


expelled "cloud of particles" from the Sun.33 Thus, important advances away from Arrhenius' and Birkeland's initial positions were made at this time.34 Chapman proceeded with the theory from his 1918 start, arriving in 192735 at further insights into the variations to storms in local time (Sd) and storm-time variation (Dst). There are not only external forcing agents to be considered in geomagnetic variations, but also internal ones. This was the realization that Earth's self-induced disturbances to the quiet component Sq can—in turn—produce changes in both Sd and Dst very similar in form, but smaller in magnitude to those triggered by the Sun. Together, these variations encompassed minor disturbances, which caused a "disturbance geomagnetic field" having characteristics that "do not vary much in form as [much as] its intensity." Now, he noted that this "disturbance field" was larger and more irregular at higher geomagnetic latitudes than at lower ones. By so noting, Chapman highlighted the disturbance field at the maximal auroral frequency zones near the Earth's poles—like the ones Birkeland described in his Terella experiment. What was inferred as the cause of the disturbance was electric currents flowing in the Earth's ionosphere, concentrating in these maximal auroral frequency zones; namely, the poles. And, why did the currents concentrate here, he asked, pondering Birkeland's experiments and polar observations? They did so because the local charged particles, produced through ionization of the upper air by solar plasma streams, energetic ultraviolet and X-ray lights, are strongly guided by Earth's dipole magnetic field. Modern Geomagnetic Storm Theory and Delineating the Magnetosphere A number of incidents converged in 1931 to bring about the first "modern"36 magnetic storm/solar theory—relative to the Earth—thus making it "geomagnetic," as it included the Sun and Earth fully and properly.37 33

Ibid, Cliver, Eos, December 27, 1994.


Chapman, for one, could not emphasize enough Birkeland's "indirect" assistance in understanding these proceedings. 35

1927 is coincident with Greaves' and Newton's 1928-1929 independent re-confirmation of Maunder's finding. See Cliver, E.W., "Solar Activity and Geomagnetic Storms: From M Regions and Flares to Coronal Holes and CMEs," Eos, Vol. 76, No. 8, February 21, 1995, this independent re-test showed evidence for recurring smaller storms every 27 days. 36 37

Ibid, Cliver, Eos, December 27, 1994.

Charles Chree, who was quoted by Chapman and Battels in their 1940 book, Geomagnetism, praised Maunder for not mystifying his work by using obscure language (see Cliver, Eos, December,


The Maunder Minimum and the Variable Sun-Earth Connection

To widen understanding especially of the "solar secrets" of those times, let us return to the Sun. George Ellery Hale's 1892 invention, the spectroheliograph, allowed Hale to take the first photograph of a solar flare ever to be published. This device allowed isolating narrow solar emission lines (calcium, hydrogen, etc.) "to build up an image of the Sun by scanning a slit across the disk."38 Hale called flares "emission phenomena," or "eruptions," and he photographed this publishable one in July, 1892. In these early years, Hale favored the notion that solar magnetic storms could be caused by disturbances in prominences or faculae from anywhere on the Sun.39 In Hale's 1931 paper, The Spectroheliograph and its Work, Part III: Solar Eruptions and their Apparent Terrestrial Effects,40 Hale shows some of the thoughts on the subject that were prevalent at the time. On page 405, Hale writes about Chapman that: He [Chapman] ascribes auroras and magnetic storms to the action of small temporary spots of very high temperature on the sun, from which blasts of ultra-violet light ionize the gases at high levels in the earth's atmosphere. The ions thus formed descend in spirals around the lines of force toward the northern or southern auroral zones. Chapman maintains that these terrestrial corpuscles,41 with a speed of about 10 km/sec, could not possibly penetrate the atmosphere to the observed lower level of the aurora.42 Hale also noted that the "intensely hot regions" had yet to be discovered, but postulated that if they were to be found, that in relation to ultraviolet light emission, they would occur in time and position with the calcium and hydrogen eruptions he described elsewhere in the paper.43

(continued) 1994). Chapman, on the other hand, may have unintentionally begun a chain of—if not obscure— then at least, arcane, usage of single, complex words to denote several large concepts: a habit he was praised for throughout his life (he was as compact with math as with words—a disturbing trend for all but those as mercurial as the inventor). Maunder probably never used "geomagnetic" (the start of which uses a classical prefix for Earth) but phrases like "terrestrial magnetism." 38

Ibid, Cliver, Eos, December 27, 1994.


Ibid, Cliver, Eos, December 27, 1994.


Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 73, 1931


Italics gratis the authors. Note how corpuscular takes on its meaning in relation to charged particles.


Ibid, Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 73, 1931, p. 405.


Ibid, Hale, G.S., Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 73, 1931, pp. 405^-06, reading into his footnotes.

A Particle Theory for the Sun-Earth Connection


So the "corpuscular theory" is mentioned here, one could say, in a more dynamic sense. It is also modified significantly to contain newer insights into solar physics. And near this time, the first modern theory was proposed for geomagnetic storms by Chapman and his student, V.C.A. Ferraro.44 This modern theory can be encapsulated as follows. We have, then, Maunder's directed lines of electromagnetic stream from certain parts of the Sun, striking Earth, and universal acceptance of this except from less important quarters. We know it hits Earth, but, how? Lindemann, though critiquing Chapman, left it to Chapman and—as it would turn out—his graduate student, Ferraro, to wonder about what consequences on the Earth the impact of such a stream of gas would have.45 Thus, if Maunder had resolved one of the mysteries of the cosmic stream, ending the "fifty years' outstanding difficulty" by finding it emitted as a directional stream from the Sun, Chapman would be left to his own devices to explain how this emanation of an electromagnetic force transmuting into an ionized particle stream affected the Earth's polar regions. To do this implies more complexity than a "Terella" experiment. Chapman must have applied the Maunders' observational solar work in coming to the conclusions he soon reached. For Annie and Walter Maunder observed and described the entire process of solar mass ejection as early as 1905 (as noted earlier in Chapter 8) from "certain restricted areas," rather than from the whole surface of the Sun. They had this insight to report: There is no difficulty in conceiving the manner in which the solar action giving rise to our [that is, Earth's] magnetic storms may be conveyed to us. The corona has been at some trouble, these many years past, to visualize for us an action which is at least analogous to that in question. For myself, the first hint of the idea came with my first sight of a total solar eclipse in 1886. From that time I have never had the slightest doubt but that at least polar plumes are strictly analogous to the tails of comets; that is, they consist of very minute particles driven away from the Sun by some repulsive force; whether that might be electrical, or due to the pressure of radiation or to so me other cause, is not at this point a matter of importance.46 This solar part of the solar-geomagnetic storm connection later came to be known as "M-regions." Today, the eruptive phenomenon and the solar source have been more For example in Chapman, S., Ferraro, V.C.A., "A new theory of magnetic storms," Nature, Vol. 126, 1930, pp. 129-130. 45 Ibid, Akasofu, "A note on the Chapman-Ferraro theory," p. 6. 46

Ibid, Maunder, E.W., Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 21, 1905, pp. 107-108.


The Maunder Minimum and the Variable Sun-Earth Connection

precisely linked to "coronal mass ejections" (or "CMEs") and "coronal holes"— namely, a "spotless" area.47 To iterate Syun-Ichi Akasofu,48 the distinguished space science physicist from the University of Alaska, Fairbanks: "It is most amazing that Maunder's statement in 1905 is an accurate description of high-speed solar wind streams from corona holes; in fact, he noted the source region of the highspeed streams on the solar disk is spotless!"49 However, sighting and description alone are poor sisters to repeatability, even when models are used. Furthermore, as Lord Kelvin insisted about Carrington and others regarding "one-time observations" (Carrington seeing the solar flare and recording eruptions in 1859): "one swallow does not make a summer."50 Such healthy skepticism on behalf of Lord Kelvin and FA. Lindemann— rather than being rude—is good science. Chapman momentarily aside, George Ellery Hale in his important 1931 paper showed Carrington's 1859 observation repeated nearly ten times over seventy years, in anecdotal evidence. That is, solar flares—or more precisely in modern terms, a combination of flares and coronal mass ejections51-lead to geomagnetic storms.52 There was not much to show after Carrington's 1859 event for some 73 years. Apparently, with Hale's help, the flocks of swallows were gathering. #** But back to Chapman and Ferraro and the loaded questions: "we know the storms hit Earth, but how? What do they look like?" To answer Lindemann's challenge, Chapman and Ferraro went back to the basics. They studied Maxwell on electricity and magnetism. They created a model of how the solar corpuscular stream would interact with the Earth's magnetic field while being slowed down in its journey to Earth. They showed that the highly-conducting solar stream would create a force field with unequal repulsion in parts as it wrapped around Earth. It would wrap around Earth, since parts farther away would be subjected by weaker 47

Ibid, Cliver, Eos, December 27, 1994.


Akasofu, S.-L, a former student of Sydney Chapman, is a prominent auroral scientist who studied the phenomenon for more than 40 years. He has recently published the insightful Exploring the Secrets of the Aurora (Kluwer, 2002). 49

Akasofu, p. 5 of "A note on the Chapman-Ferraro theory" in Physics of Magnetopause, eds. Song, P. et al. (American Geophysical Union, 1995). 50

Ibid, Akasofu, p. 5. For a broad but technical overview on the nature of Coronal Mass Ejection-Flare phenomenon, see e.g., Lin, J., Soon, W., Baliunas, S., "Theories of solar eruptions: A review," New Astronomy Reviews, Vol. 47, 2003, pp. 53-84. 51


Ibid, Cliver, Eos, February 21, 1995.

A Particle Theory for the Sun-Earth Connection


forces. They concluded that a cavity would be made around the Earth with the formation of an overall ring of currents. The solar stream protons are guided against the direction of rotation of the Earth, while the electrons go along with the Earth's rotation. In so doing, the solar plasma compresses the geomagnetic field lines, and hence, the strengthening of Earth's "field" (as during the initial phase of a large geomagnetic storm). The conception of a magnetosphere and the corpuscular theory of a Sun-Earth connection was thus formed. The formulation was published as a note in Nature in 1930.53 What was also being sought after was how the disturbances at various levels of upper air from the magnetosphere down to the ionosphere (that is, within this Chapman-Ferraro "cavity") are interconnected. As the Earth's dipole field lines are threaded, relative to the magnetosphere during daily rotation, a potential is set up to allow flows of currents between the poles and the equatorial plane around the space of the ionosphere and magnetosphere.54 With disturbances to the equatorial ring current, electrical repulsion of particles with like charges can cause diffusion or drifting of charged particles away from the equatorial ring. They then accelerate along the lines of force of the Earth's magnetic field, ending near the top of the northern and southern polar auroral zones. Models and mathematics by Chapman and Ferraro showed that the motions of protons and electrons in such a particle stream from the Sun are strongly linked to the Earth's dipole field.55 The solar stream, much later to be called the "solar wind," and its charged particles was assumed to be a non-magnetized wind. As such, it was difficult to see how the stream could penetrate the Earth's magnetic field. A strong "shielding current" flows on the front surface of the advancing stream, and is called the Chapman-Ferraro Current56 in their honour. As a result, Chapman, S., Ferraro, V.C.A., "A new theory of magnetic storms," Nature, Vol. 126, 1930, pp. 129-130. 54 Such a system current is known today as the Birkeland Current. A.L. Peratt noted that Chapman critiqued Birkeland's ideas quite sharply (but Chapman apparently scathingly indicted Birkeland and Alfven since it was not possible to distinguish unambiguously between current systems that are field-aligned and those that are completely ionospheric from a study of surface magnetic field measurements). However, satellite confirmation in 1967 showed that Birkeland's pioneering insights were largely correct. In deeper space, as a matter of fact (between lo and Jupiter, for instance, a five mega-ampere Birkeland Current was measured) such currents might exist on larger scales. (See Peratt, A.L. et al, in Galactic and Intergalactic Magnetic Fields, p. 149, eds. R. Beck et ai, Kluwer, 1990). For an excellent review of magnetospheric physics, see David P. Stern, "A brief history of magnetospheric physics during the space age," Reviews of Geophysics, Vol. 34, 1996, pp. 1-31. 55 56

This went against Alfven's theory on protons and electrons being semi-independent, in this respect. All of this, in direct quotes or otherwise, is from Akasofu.


The Maunder Minimum and the Variable Sun-Earth Connection

the Earth and its magnetic field are completely confined in a cavity with the solar stream pressure merely producing the compression effect sought after for explaining, for example, the onslaught of sudden geomagnetic storms and the later-discovered Sudden Ionospheric Disturbances (SIDs). In other words, the "corpuscular stream" was actively resisted by the action of the Earth's own magnetic field.57 Thus, Maunder's hidden assistant on this—Arrhenius—foresaw what Thomas Gold would later come to call the "magnetosphere."58





/ ""*' / ^

20R 15 -\i 1

jfo-" Ur- -


i a

Fig. 32 A cartoon of the solar sphere, illustrating several basic features. (Image courtesy of NASA/ESA/SOHO.)4


For a long time, the source of the Sun's energy was not well understood. The continual gravitational contraction to account for all of the Sun's energy (more notably argued by Lord Kelvin) is not viable since it would only provide for about 45 million years of the Sun's output at the current luminosity. 4

Available at


The Maunder Minimum and the Variable Sun-Earth Connection

10-50 nm) under the high density condition within. The convective zone is the region where the energy transfer is characterized by the flow of hot gases near the bottom of the convective zone at about 0.7 RSUB to cooler regions near the surface at 1 Rmn. The temperature of the Sun changes between the surface and the central core. It is about 5,800 K at the surface, rises to 3 million K midway of its radius, and is a hot 15 million near the center. Only the outer surface of the Sun is visible to us. This is the solar atmosphere and it is further divided into three layers: the photosphere, chromosphere and corona. The Sun emits a vast amount of energy, but only a tiny portion reaches the Earth. This energy comes from nuclear fusion. Since the Sun is now in its stable nuclear-burning phase, it promises to remain at roughly constant radiant energy and surface temperature for a long time. But as will be shown later, this relative stability could be quite deceptive for interpreting past climatic changes. The stability comes from the fact that inward gravitational force is balanced by the outward forces due to gas and radiation pressure. The vast amount of energy liberated at the centre of the Sun means three things. First, there is sufficient heat pressure within the Sun to resist the inward collapsing force of gravity. Second, the nuclear heat comes in the form of radiation slowly making its way to the solar surface. Only about one part in 2 X 1011 (or 200,000,000,000) of this thermal radiation in the nuclear core leaks out, but obviously, this is more than sufficient to power the light of our star and its surroundings. By comparison, about 3% (or 3 parts in 100) of the Sun's core energy is radiated away in the form of neutrinos.5 Third, some of the Sun's energy goes into churning and turning gas near the outer layer and its surface, namely, the convective zone. These complicated gas motions, of essentially charged particles owing to the high temperature, can in turn cause the formation of various magnetic field structures. It is rather remarkable that only about 1% of the thermal nuclear energy is turned into the kinetic energy for the convective heat engine in the outermost layer. And only about 10"4 to 10"3 of that kinetic energy is in turn converted into magnetic form.


Note: it may take about 1-10 million years for the core's "nuclear heat" to reach the surface via energetic photons because the core density is about 148,000 kg m~3 or about 100 times denser than the surface. This process of diffusion of photons is very slow when compared to that whereby a neutrino takes only three seconds to travel from the core to the surface! Neutrinos do not interact with the dense gas inside the Sun while the photons are forced to be highly interactive with the solar gas. To further marvel at the nature of neutrinos (the famous "ghost particle" conceived by Wolfgang Pauli with theoretical arguments), it is estimated that a neutrino could pass through a wall of lead 1,000 light years thick and not be stopped!

Our Knowledge of the Sun and Its Variability Today 111

Solar Magnetic Field and Variable Solar Outputs Concerning Historical Solar Minima Solar activities refer to a host of complex and ever-changing phenomena that originate in the ionized, electrically-conducting and magnetized plasma of the convective zone and solar atmosphere. Most of these phenomena are associated with the magnetic field, which is generally not uniform in its distribution across the solar surface. Superimposed on the general field of about a few Gauss (on the largest spacial scale) are the time-varying high field strength structures of 10-1000 Gauss, most notably those concentrated around sunspot active regions. Figure 33 shows the sunspot activity cycles, which are the most obvious manifestation of solar magnetism. Usually sunspots come and go in a more-or-less periodic fashion every 11 years or so. But there are also intervals when sunspots drastically disappear altogether from the face of the Sun. This interval is of course now the already familiar anomalous period around 1645-1715 called the Maunder Minimum. Also notable is the relatively depressed solar activity maxima around 1795-1823 known as the Dalton Minimum. The magnetic field is also likely to be responsible for heating the solar corona to high temperatures of one to two million degrees. Yet the origin of these magnetic fields and their changes are not fully understood. In the 1980s and 1990s, there came a surprise. For a long time, it was thought that the total amount of energy emitted by the Sun should remain constant over thousands of years. Now, observations of the Sun's total light outputs by numerous NASA satellites since 1978 show that the Sun, in fact, brightens and fades in relatively close synchrony with the 11-year sunspot cycle. Figure 34 shows this remarkable result as measured accurately by six radiometers. Different radiometers onboard different spacecraft may give different absolute levels of total irradiance, but the brightening of solar luminosity of about one to two parts in a thousand, or 0.1 to 0.2%, from solar minimum to solar maximum is real. Apparently, the explanation for the change in the stream of solar radiant energy rests on the tug for relative dominance between the dark magnetic spots and the bright faculae on the face of the Sun. Dark sunspots inhibit the flow of energy while bright faculae add positively to the solar irradiance. On a rotation timescale of 27 days, very large sunspots (or sunspot groups) could dim the Sun's total irradiance by as much as 0.2-0.4%.6 Over 11-year cycles, the bright 6

See for example the review by Frbhlich, C, Foukal, P.V., Hickey, J.R., Hudson, H.D., Willson, R.C., "Solar irradiance variability from modern measurements," in The Sun in Time, eds. C.P. Sonett etal. (University of Arizona, 1991), pp. 11-29.


The Maunder Minimum and the Variable Sun-Earth Connection

Sunspot Record ( 1 6 1 0 - 2 0 0 1 )

Maunder Minimum (c. 1645-1715)









Dalton Minimum (c. 1795-1823)


2000 1980 1960 1940 Year Fig. 33 Sunspot number record from 1610 to 2001. Notable are the regular 11-year cycles and the persistently low sunspot number count during the Maunder Minimum and perhaps during the Dalton Minimum. Even the 22-year cycles of solar magnetism having one low-peak alternating with one high-peak are visible in such a record (starting from about 1855). (Data Courtesy of David Hathaway/NASA/MSFC.)



magnetic components win out, and that is why the Sun is brighter when solar activity is strong. However, a true understanding of the irradiance changes in relation to solar magnetism remains a matter of continuing scientific research. The question at hand is whether or not the Sun's total irradiance varies on timescales longer than 11 years. How much dimmer was the Sun during the Maunder Minimum, compared to the present, for example? There is evidence from solar-star study to suggest that the Sun's brightness during the Maunder Minimum could be anywhere from 0.2% to

Our Knowledge of the Sun and Its Variability Today 179

0.7% lower than present (with a mean of about 0.4%),7 but the large range of indeterminacy of the estimate is still an ongoing research question seeking resolution. Solar Winds and Coronal Holes Moving forward past the Maunders in the study of the Sun brings numerous new and surprising revelations about the nature of the solar corona. In the 1950s, the now-elderly Sydney Chapman pointed out a remarkable implication of the enormous thermal conductivity sustained by the million degree solar corona. Chapman showed with this fact that the coronal gas must extend far Total Solar Irradiance Data Days (Epoch Jan 0, 1980) 4000





1374 —


1370 —

"3 t



1364 — • JPL Rocket Exp. • PMOD Rocket & Balloon Exp. 1362























19781979198019811982198319841985198619871988198919901991199219931994199519961997199819992000 Year

Fig. 34 Records of changes in the total solar irradiance of the Sun. Results from six different radiometers are shown and they proved that the so-called "solar constant" (or total solar irradiance) adopted by most meteorologists and climate scientists is not actually constant. (Courtesy of C. Frohlich of WRC/PMOD and SOHO Virgo Team.)8 7

Zhang, Q. et al, Astrophysical Journal Letters, Vol. 427, 1994, pp. LI 11-114, and Soon, W.H., Baliunas, S.L., Th&ng, Q., "A technique for estimating long-term variations of solar total irradiance: Preliminary estimates based on observations of the Sun and solar-type stars," in The Solar Engine and Its Influence on Terrestrial Atmosphere and Climate, ed. E. Nesme-Ribes (Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg, 1994), pp. 133-143. 8

Available at


The Maunder Minimum and the Variable Sun-Earth Connection

out into space, and it is certainly extended beyond the orbit of the Earth at 1 a.u. In 1951, Ludwig Biermann performed a careful study of the behavior of ionized gas tails of comets, especially on the formation and precise direction of those ion tails as the comets swing near the Sun. It was found that ions in the comets' plasma tails are always systematically accelerated in an anti-sun direction, and the plasma tails are always present in all heliographic latitudes. Such behavior also appears to persist at all times, regardless of the Sun's activity. To explain the observations, Biermann proposed that there is a continuous flow of solar plasma in all directions.9 Ludwig Biermann's proposal meant that this was the weak background flux that "gave rise to incessant minor geomagnetic fluctuations and to faint polar aurorae."10 There is a problem however: this proposal would contradict the powerful theoretical persuasion of a static corona, made by Chapman. Eugene Parker, studying cosmic-ray modulation in 1955, was struck by both Biermann's and Chapman's arguments. The Sun's hot corona, that fiery solar fringe envisaged by Herschel, as perhaps Maunder could have told us, was not static as Chapman had assumed. Parker resolved the dilemma of what this corpuscular stream/plasma from the Sun was doing by stating that it was a hydrodynamic expansion of the solar corona. (Parker is essentially telling us that the gas pressure in the hot solar corona of 1 to 2 million K is sufficiently strong to counteract the binding effect of gravity.) And that was what this particle stream was all about. It was a "solar wind":11 a gust of solar charged particles blowing into yet another sphere—the heliosphere12—where constituents of the solar system reside. By 1958, Parker had put forward a theory that described the flow of this hot plasma from the Sun.13 Parker calculated that for the hot million-degree corona 9

See for example, Biermann, L., "On the history of the solar wind concept," in Historical Events and People in Geosciences, Ed. W. Schroder (Peter Lang, 1985), pp. 39^17. 10

Ibid, Eos, Vol. 75, No. 12, March 22, 1994.


Artificial satellites, like Explorer 1 in 1958, helped discover Van Allen Zones, or Belts: electricallycharged particles trapped by Earth's magnetic field. The inner belts are mainly electrons and protons. The outer belt is composed of electrons, and it was this discovery that cleared the path for Mariner 2 in 1962 verifying that the Sun was ceaselessly shooting out electric particles in all directions, and in gusts, relative to how active or inactive the Sun is at a particular time in space—which led to calling this outpouring, the "solar wind." For further historical perspectives, see, for example, Karl Hufbauer's Exploring the Sun (John Hopkins University Press, 1991). See also David P. Stern (Ibid, Reviews of Geophysics, 1996). 12

Although its exact form is still under close investigation, the heliosphere covers roughly 200 a.u. in its fullest extension (that is, diameter) where the outermost reaches of the solar wind pressure balances the inward pressure from the local interstellar space/wind. 13

See also a recent after-thought by Parker, E.N., "Space physics before the space age," Astwphysical Journal, Vol. 525 (Centennial Issue), 1999, pp. 792-793.

Our Knowledge of the Sun and Its Variability Today 181

temperature, the solar wind would be flowing with supersonic speed (that is, a flow speed greater than the speed sound waves travel) beyond a few solar radii. Modern measurements14 show that at Earth's orbit the solar wind velocity, plasma density, and plasma temperature are about 470 km/s, 8 protons cm - 3 , and 1.0-1.2 X 105 K, respectively. Sound waves travel with a speed of 60 km/s in this 1 a.u. medium, so the solar wind is indeed flowing supersonically. The ionic composition of solar wind plasma is about 95% protons and 5% helium nuclei. The solar wind plasma has a high temperature, and is therefore very conductive. It carries with it magnetic field which is ultimately the source for the interplanetary magnetic field. At 1 a.u., the interplanetary field strength ranges from 1 to 10"4 Gauss. There are also obvious time-varying features of the solar wind plasma, summarized in Figure 35. 15 Now that the solar wind was recognised, what was the source on the Sun that brings us the recurrent geomagnetic variation as highlighted by J. Bartels' work? What, then, is the connection between those source regions and the solar wind? In perhaps what the Maunders, or A.E. Douglass, or others privy to these secrets of the Sun earlier on in the journey could not imagine, it took the space age to find out or double-confirm what M regions are. Coronal holes—literally, holes in this tenuous outermost part of the Sun—were found to be the source of highspeed wind streams and the 27-day recurrent geomagnetic storms (Figure 36a). This was revealed in the 1970s by Skylab. Space flights were the first to observe "dark rents in the solar atmosphere in images of the EUV and X-ray corona."16 Coronal holes are, indeed, areas of open magnetic field lines where charged particles stream away from the Sun at high speed. This open magnetic field structure contrasts the more familiar closed magnetic structures at lower heights of the solar atmosphere like those of sunspots at low to middle latitudes, or even some of the non-flaring solar prominences seen protruding from the Sun's limb at higher latitudes. Coronal holes come in a variety of sizes, but are more prominently observed near the polar

Gosling, J.T., "The Solar Wind," in Encyclopedia of the Solar System, eds. Weissman, P.R. et al., (Academic Press: 1999), pp. 95-122. Materially, we do not have to worry about the Sun losing all its mass through solar wind because this amount is very small, roughly a few part 10~14 mass of the Sun is spewed out by the solar wind per year. 15

Data downloaded from the National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC)'s webpage, http://nssdc. For more descriptions, see for example, Paularena, K. I., King, J.H., "NASA's IMP 8 Spacecraft," in Interball in the ISTP Program (Studies of the Solar Wind-Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Interaction), eds. Sibeck, D.G., Kudela, K. (Kluwer, 1999), pp. 145-154. 16

Ibid, Cliver, Eos, February 21, 1995.


The Maunder Minimum and the Variable Sun-Earth Connection

Solar Wind Plasma Properties at 1 a.u.

^ 20 E





\^^M 1975



1985 Year






2.5x10 2 2.0x10 t ^


fc 1.5x10° a. a> 1.0x105 E 5.0x10 r

I 1970


Fig. 35 27-day averages of solar wind plasma properties at 1 a.u. over the last 30 years recorded by a series of in situ orbiting NASA satellites. Top top panel shows the wind speed, the middle panel shows the plasma number density, and the bottom panel shows the plasma temperature. (Data courtesy of Joseph King and Natalia Papitashuili, NSSDC OMNIweb.)15

regions. The largest individual holes are no more than a few percent of the total solar surface area. The total area of the Sun covered by coronal holes enlarges to about 25% during the declining phase toward solar activity minimum, and shrinks to only a few percent during activity maximum. Apparently, the opened and closed magnetic structures on the solar surface tend to crowd each other out. Figure 36b shows the example of this inverse relationship for total coronal hole area, versus the sunspot number.

Our Knowledge of the Sun and Its Variability Today


Fig. 36a The Sun in X-ray exposing detailed features of the dynamic corona. Large areas devoid of X-rays, especially obvious near the polar regions, are known as the coronal holes. The coronal holes are simply open magnetic field line areas that extend outward from the Sun's corona into interplanetary space (in contrast to, say, closed magnetic field features like those bright coronal loops at lower latitudes or bipolar sunspot regions down in the photosphere). The coronal holes are also known to be the source regions of a continuous stream of high-speed solar wind. Thus, the secret of M regions is revealed at last. (Image Courtesy of Yohkoh satellite soft X-ray telescope science team. Re-adaptation by David Hathaway, University of Alabama, Huntsville.) An Inverse Relationship Between Opened and Closed Magnetic Structures - i




Total Coronal Hole (Opened Structure)





1 ^ - | — i















Sunspot Number (Closed Structure)



Fig. 36b An inverse relation between opened magnetic field structure (as proxied by total solar coronal hole area) and closed magnetic field entity (as proxied by sunspot number count). (Coronal hole area data courtesy of Y.-M. Wang of the Naval Research Laboratory.)


The Maunder Minimum and the Variable Sun-Earth Connection

But the trickiness of the Sun's magnetism does not stop here. There are even more dynamical events: impulsive solar flares and coronal mass ejections. Solar Flares Solar flares are indeed complex energetic events normally seen as sudden brightening near the solar surface, and are once again linked to solar magnetic activities. Eruptive phenomena like flares have been known for a long time, as exemplified

Fig. 37 Trails and loops of hot corona gas after the expulsion of a solar flare near a magnetically active region on June 26, 1992. This post-flare loop system was observed in Hydrogen filter (Hafilter) by the Lockheed group using the Swedish telescope at La Palma. (Image courtesy of David Hathaway.)17


Available at Details of this particular flare event of June 25-26,1992 are described in Moore, R.E., Schmieder, B., Hathaway, D.H., Tarbell, T.D., "3-D magnetic field configuration late in a large two-ribbon flare," Solar Physics, Vol. 176, 1997, pp. 153-179.

Our Knowledge of the Sun and Its Variability Today 185

by Carrington and Hodgson's observation in 1859—or even back to Stephen Gray, in 1705. The study of flaring events have certainly been enhanced by Hale's invention of the spectrohelioscope in the 1920s and 1930s. Today, we know that flares occur within the magnetically active regions near sunspots, and tend to occur near the boundary between opposite magnetic polarities (that is, directions) of an active region. Flares are also observed to originate out of unstable arches of large prominences in the chromosphere. Solar flares are violent explosive outbursts of energy that send energetic particles, including protons and electrons in kilovolts or more, out into interplanetary space. The radiation accompanying flares is emitted over the full electromagnetic spectrum from gamma rays, X-rays, and radio waves. Flare events last from a few minutes up to hours, but the effects can be felt for days in interplanetary space. The ejected particles may reach the Earth within a day or more. It was certainly a dream of Walter and Annie Maunder, George Hale, Sydney Chapman, and others, to be able to resolve how flaring events could trigger auroras, disrupt radio wave transmission, and even cause energy surges in high voltage transmission lines. Although flares are believed to be associated with sudden releases of magnetically stored energy, the conversion of magnetic energy into particle energy remains an open question. Coronal Mass Ejections Like the discovery of coronal holes, it was also in the 1970s that the Orbiting Solar Observatory (OSO) 7 spacecraft literally saw the explosive mass ejections of matter near the boundaries of coronal holes, bringing us a "coronal counterpart to chromospheric flares."18 Coronal Mass Ejections, or CMEs, as they are now called, were associated with "eruptive prominences" on the Sun more than with flares, and that they even preceded flares in "lift off' in some cases.19 Today, these ejected masses are known to contain typically 1015 to 1016 grams (or about 10 billion tons) of solar stuff while moving between the Sun and the Earth at speeds anywhere between 50 and 2,000 km/s.20 CMEs are also distinct in that their mass ejecta covers longitudinal and latitudinal extents far larger than the small 18

Ibid, Cliver, Eos, February 21, 1995.


For a broad but technical overview on the nature of Coronal Mass Ejection-Flare phenomenon, see e.g. Lin, J., Soon, W., Baliunas, S., "Theories of solar eruptions: A review," New Astronomy Reviews, Vol. 47, 2003, pp. 53-84. 20

Ibid, Gosling and see also Zirker, J.B., "The Sun," in Encyclopedia of the Solar System, eds. Weissman, P.R. et al. (Academic Press, 1999), pp. 65-93.


The Maunder Minimum and the Variable Sun-Earth Connection

regions associated with solar flares. We know that the occurrence of CMEs follows the solar cycle. There is an average of three to four CME events per day at solar activity maximum and one CME event every five to ten days at solar activity minimum. It is estimated that Earth intercepts about 72 CMEs per year during solar activity maxima, and about eight CMEs per year during activity rninima. 21 The energy of CMEs is now seen as a major cause of interplanetary phenomena like

1997/11/06 12: 10(C2) 11 :50(C3)

12:36(C2) 12:41 (C3)

13:30(C2) 13:46(C3)

14:26(C2) 14:12(C3)


Fig. 38 A wide-angle view of the Sun's extended corona out to 32 solar diameters (or 45 million km, or roughly half the diameter of the orbit of Mercury) showing the development of a Coronal Mass Ejection on November 6,1997. Ejecta with velocity as high as 1,500 km/s, or 3.3 million miles per hour, are observed. The numerous bright points and streaks in the two bottom panels are caused by impacts of highly energetic protons on the detector. The innermost white circle overlays the occulting disk (to show the fainter corona by blocking off intense light from the solar surface) and shows the actual size of the Sun. (Image courtesy NASAIESAISOHOILASCO.)22

21 Ibid, Gosling, p. 112. 22 Available at

Our Knowledge of the Sun and Its Variability Today 187

shock wave disturbances, rather than solar flares. But more research is certainly warranted. The rational explanation for great geomagnetic storms can now be found in transient blasts of solar energetic charged particles, typified by solar flare and coronal mass ejection events, while the smaller 27-day recurrent geomagnetic disturbances are linked to fixed streams of fast solar wind originating from coronal holes or Bartels's M regions. In short, today's solar science, with the help of technology, is a vigorous and fruitful pursuit; one with plenty of promise for a deeper understanding of our Sun and related terrestrial effects. As E.W. Cliver aptly put it: sunspots, which provided the initial evidence for a solar-terrestrial connection, were eventually discarded in favor of flares and complemented by M regions. In turn, flares and M regions were displaced by CMEs and coronal holes23 and the writer admits this is an oversimplification. Oversimplified, or not, it shows the evolution of thought, study, and proof from the days of de Mairan, Carrington, and the Maunders; Arrhenius, Birkeland, Alfven, through Bartels, Chapman, Ferraro, Hale, Parker, and others (to name a few) to now.

Ibid, Cliver, Eos, February 21, 1995.

13 Earth's Atmosphere and Its Story: A Perspective of Past Changes on the Present

We now turn from the Sun and magnetosphere to the lower atmosphere of the Earth. If we look into historical examples of early scientific or fairly-recent religious-philosophical approaches in understanding the natural world, there is often a strict, compositional notion of Earth's atmosphere. In one view of composition, there is the physical structure (Aristotle) and, for example, spiritual growth (Teilhard de Chardin) in the spiritual, metaphysical view. However, in both, there are implications of atmospheric specificity, limitation, and non-change. For example, Aristotle listed four spheres beyond that of the of the Earth:1 those of water, air, fire and in the outermost, the celestial sphere. To de Chardin, for example, there were spiritual spheres above the sublunary (that is, beneath the moon's) plane, such as the "Noosphere," a physical part of the atmosphere wherein "spirit will gain rapidly in its sway against matter."2 We now take a leap from these ideas in order to adhere to Lord Kelvin's dictum: namely, that which you can measure, you may have a good or better idea about. Today, the atmosphere has been measured and studied far more than Aristotle could ever have imagined. For many geophysical scientists, Earth's atmosphere is similarly composed of layers. From the Earth's surface out, there first appears the troposphere (or 'a sphere of change' measured at 0-circa 15 km up). From circa 15 km to 50 km runs the stratosphere: a very mysterious place just forty years ago, which contains the changeable ozone layer. Above this to roughly 90 km, we find the mesosphere. From about 90 km to 5,000 km lies the ionosphere, which consists of various distinct plasma layers, in contrast to the layers beneath, the layers being lettered from D to F. And, expanding outward to face the Sun, the previously-much discussed magnetosphere is found.


Ibid, King-Hele, D.G. (The Milne Lecture, 1984).


See Gould, S.J., "Our Natural Place," from Hen's Teeth and Horse's Toes (W.W. Norton, 1983). 188

Earth's Atmosphere and Its Story


Winnowing in and out of these "spheres" are various "pauses" including the magnetopause illustrated in Figure 31 of Chapter 11. The density of the total atmosphere decreases with height because the air of our atmosphere is mostly a compressible fluid, and because of background gravitational stratification. Solar energy drives the motions of the atmosphere, and the Earth intercepts about half a billionth (0.5 X 10"9) of the total energy emitted by the Sun.3 The solar "constant,"4 as it is called, is—notably—the solar radiant energy that is intercepted by the Earth's outer envelope (that is, outside the magnetosphere). The way the Earth orbits in space means changes occur seasonally by latitude as Earth receives radiant energy from the Sun. We might reflect on the research of Birkeland, Arrhenius, Chapman, and many unnamed meteorologists and climate scientists when we consider the following points of understanding. Thirty percent of all total solar radiation hitting Earth is reflected back into space.5 Twenty percent is reflected by clouds; about six percent reflected by the atmosphere, and around four percent reflected by the Earth's surface. At the ground, such albedo effects are manipulated by natural phenomena like vegetation, snow, and ice.6 Under present-day conditions, clouds are the major reflector of incoming solar radiation since they have global coverage, while ground albedo (reflectivity) effects from snow, ice, and vegetation (rain forests and the like) are confined to limited regions of the Earth. Thus, the rest of the solar radiation (that is visible light or shortwave radiation) is made available for Earth's surface and atmospheric system. Longwave radiation (that is, infrared light) is then the converted mode of energy transfers within Earth's surface-atmosphereocean system. How much of the Earth is heated by the Sun? About 51 percent of solar energy is converted into heat on the Earth's surface while almost 20 percent of solar energy gets absorbed by the atmosphere itself (energy that keeps for example 3

"The radiation budget of the atmosphere," The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences, Ed. D.G. Smith (Cambridge University Press, 1981), p. 279. 4

A clear misnomer because it is now known that the Sun's irradiance on Earth does vary significantly on interannual and decadal timescales.


To appreciate these modern estimates (30%), contrast with the value of 89% reflected sunlight deduced by F.W. Very in 1912. Very was a pioneer in deriving such an important quantity by measuring the relative brightness of the Sun-lit and Earth-lit portion of the lunar disk as well as the neighboring sky (see Hunt, G.E. et al., "A history of pre-satellite investigations of the Earth's radiation budget," Reviews of Geophysics, Vol. 24, 1986, pp. 351-356). 6

Provocatively, other planets (such as Mars) also reflect radiation from their surfaces, outward, in similar manners (that is, albedo effects on Mars, such as ice cap reflectivity).


The Maunder Minimum and the Variable Sun-Earth Connection

water vapor, clouds and ice afloat in the atmosphere). This means much shortwave radiation is made available for energy transfers in Earth's intimately related surface-atmosphere-ocean system. Longwave radiation emitted by the Earth is absorbed, re-emitted, and reabsorbed by compounds we are all familiar with: water vapor, C0 2 , and material like cloud droplets. By contrast, nitrogen and oxygen are transparent to infrared radiation. In the troposphere—our breathing space—water vapor is the main absorber of longwave radiation. In the mesosphere, C0 2 is the big absorber/emitter, with some net loss of energy through longwave radiation into space. Cloudless days or cloudless moments on Earth are mostly transparent to longwave radiation. If clear days are a "window," then this "window" can be blocked by clouds or gaseous and particle pollution. The blockage happens, regardless of whether the pollution is natural, like from volcanoes, or is human-made. Longwave radiation is emitted in all directions, then is reabsorbed, and a complex balancing act between short- and long-wave radiation occurs. This provides Earth a mechanism that, were it not in place, would rapidly see a cooling of the Earth's upper atmosphere and a warming of the Earth's surface or vice versa. The radiation exchange, in part, is responsible for transferring heat and potential heat around the Earth's entire surface. You may wonder why radiation fluxes dominate our discussion on Earth's climate system energy budget while experience shows that simple flow or convection of air and water seem to be the dominant factors explaining weather and climate events. The short answer is that electromagnetic radiation is really the only way that will cause the Earth system to gain or lose significant amounts of net energy globally in short timeframes. Our "living" sphere—the troposphere—contains water and water vapor entering the air through evaporation and other processes, evaporation drawing heat off of surfaces, and condensation releasing the latent heat. As noted before, wetness was a clue to Sun-Earth connections in tree rings as found by Douglass. Water vapor largely follows the "general" air circulation as dictated by differential solar heating and the rotating Earth. The water vapor is transferred pole-wards at latitudes higher than 20 degrees, and equator-wards at lower latitudes. Most of the recognizable warmth is released from condensation processes where northeasterly and southwesterly trade winds converge. Half of this amount of warmth transported within the troposphere originates between 0-10 degrees, north latitude. Due to astronomical (Sun-Earth orbital configuration), geographical and other factors, atmospheric circulation is stronger in Earth's Southern Hemisphere than in Earth's Northern Hemisphere. So, these geographical features (for example,

Earth's Atmosphere and Its Story


ocean-to-land surface ratios) affect air flow (or air current), south to north. These features affect water flow in a similar way, south to north, including the previously-discussed example of the deflection of the Gulf Stream by the equatorial ocean surface's counter-current off the coast of Brazil. Dynamically, the air—like water—carries imprints of temperature variations caused by any means in these streams, south to north, to seek energy and momentum balance. However, due to the Earth's rotation, and due to the different thermal inertias of the world's oceans and its air, complexities arise in all these transfers. Warm air thus does not simply rise in the tropics, heading pole-wards to sink there, and then head equator-wards, again. For latitudes pole-wards of 30 degrees, the dominant carrier of energy comes in the form of transient eddies. The bottom line is that roughly two-thirds to one-half of the total net energy transported pole-wards is carried by the atmosphere (either in the form of the latent heat of condensation or the sensible heat by transient eddies) while the oceans account for the remaining transported energy.7 Were we not alternately constrained and given free reign by our elliptical planetary motion about the Sun, a different situation would prevail indeed.8 At this point we can look upwards again. At heights of over 200 km (the thermosphere, on up) the atmosphere is mostly Sun-controlled. The atmosphere there consists of atomic oxygen (rather than molecules of oxygen). Higher than 500 km, it is mainly helium. The temperature changes at these high altitudes are large, often in tens or hundreds of degrees. The highest daily temperatures are experienced at about 1500 Universal Mean Time (UMT); the lowest, at around 0300 UMT up there.9 But a lack of extreme ultraviolet (EUV) radiation from the Sun, especially during the lows of the 11-year Schwabe sunspot cycle, can be responsible for very cold nighttime temperatures. In 1686, Edmund Halley first demonstrated how air pressure decreased with height. Temperature controls the rate at which pressure and density change. Temperatures in the stratosphere rise when ultraviolet radiation is absorbed by the Earth's ozone. In these regions between the stratosphere and thermosphere, nitrogen fills the atmosphere, which is an element important for creating the earliermentioned Carbon 14 (14C) isotope. At times however, density varies greatly in 7

See for example, Peixoto, J.P., Oort, A.H., in Physics of Climate (American Institute of Physics, 1992), pp. 342-347.


Most of the data in these last few paragraphs were taken from The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences (Cambridge University Press, 1981), pp. 279-290. 9

Ibid, King-Hele, D.G. (Milne Lecture, 1984), p. 241.


The Maunder Minimum and the Variable Sun-Earth Connection

Earth's atmosphere—and so does the temperature—linked as it is, sympathetically, to density changes. This consideration of chemical composition changes and heat exchanges is especially relevant for the study of the Sun's impacts on our atmosphere. Solar magnetic storms can disrupt the Earth's electrically charged upper air and its magnetic properties, as shown earlier. The density can also double in certain areas,10 such as in the ionospheric sub-layers. Solar disturbances to mundane things like telephone or cellular phone calls and radio transmissions—and to what Annie Maunder described in her book about sea cable communications11 or what Balfour Stewart mentioned on the disturbance telegraph lines underwent—are thus all seen in a clearer light. Density variations also occur in the atmosphere in semi-annual patterns. It is no surprise that most hard-to-explain variations in density, temperature, etc., occur in the upper atmosphere. As shown in Figure 31 of Chapter 11, the magnetosphere is the first layer to come into direct contact with the Sun's awesome power, being belted with a cosmic particle spray. The solar wind plasma, some from the eruption of flares and sudden magnetic bursts, conspires to warp, bend, and ultimately penetrate the Earth's magnetic field that is sheathing us. The solar wind-charged particles winnowing their way in through our polar skies and magnetosphere's tail are then able to transfer their energy and momentum. It is this which gives us curtains of aurora in gorgeous greens, yellows, and reds from energy given off by, for instance, the excited nitrogen and oxygen atoms of our air. "The solar wind plasma near the earth," as Minze Stuiver and Paul D. Quay wrote, "can be considered an extension of the solar corona, and changes in the solar wind properties reflect coronal changes."12 The corona, as we remember, is


Ibid, King-Hele, p. 241.


"[A]t six o'clock in the afternoon of October 31 [1903], a [geo-]magnetic storm burst suddenly, the most violent that has been experienced in the memory of man; so violent that it is disturbed the submarine cables all over the world, and stopped the sending of any telegraphic messages." (p. 188 of The Heavens and Their Story). Also, Stewart, B., MNRS, 1861. 12

Stuiver, M„ Quay, P.D., "Changes in Atmospheric Carbon-14 Attributed to a Variable Sun," Science, Vol. 207, January 4, 1980, p. 11. This quote is essentially a restatement of the remarkable fact first uncovered by S. Chapman (Proc. R. Soc. London, Vol. 253 A, 1959, p. 462) that the high thermal conductivity and the hot, million degree temperature of the solar corona must mean that the corona extends far out into interplanetary space (in his model, the electron density and temperature near the orbit of Earth are about 100-1000 cm"3 and 200,000 K, respectively) [see for example, Parker, E.N. Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 525, 1999, p. 792].

Earth's Atmosphere and Its Story


"the vital sign" of an active and dynamic Sun. The magnetic changes in the solar plasma surrounding the nearby planets and interplanetary space actually deflect and modulate the galactic cosmic rays13 heading for Earth. So the cosmic ray flux arriving at the uppermost part of Earth's atmosphere will actually vary with changes in solar activity. Evidence of this is shown by the connection between the incoming cosmic-ray flux with the actual timing and phase of the solar magnetic polarity (field direction) that vary in 22-year cycles or double the 11-year Schwabe sunspot cycle (which is also called the Hale Cycle). When sunspot activity is low, such as it was in the Maunder Minimum, magnetic shielding is minimal, such that larger cosmic ray flux enters the top-most part of the atmosphere. When sunspot activity is higher—as it is today—these fluxes are lower. Earth's very own magnetic field, with a power of its own, can also modulate the incoming cosmic ray flux and with it, 14C production. The variations in cosmic ray flux affect the production of Earth's atmospheric neutrons. As 14C is produced from the transmutation of atmospheric nitrogen by adding one neutron, the 14 C0 2 levels in the atmosphere can thus reflect, in turn, changes in the Sun's behavior through its close link to cosmic rays. The record of this atmospheric 14C activity—as noted in tree rings—can give a "printout," as it were, of ancient solar fluctuation recorded on Earth. Yet, for all this, variation of 14 C is not due to solar action alone. And 14C production relative to solar activity is not constant with time. Millennial change of geomagnetic field strength is an important factor, as shown by the smooth curve in Figure 5 (of Chapter 2). To consider the complicated nature of 14C as a radioisotopic time-measuring stick with a half-life decay-time of 5,730 years, Stuiver noted that the amount of 14 C in the atmosphere depends not only on the neutrons produced in the upper atmosphere, but also the exchanges of carbon within Earth's reservoirs. These reservoirs are repositories like oceans, the entire biosphere, etc. Using one model14 describing long- and short-term carbon and 14C variation, it was found that 14C can reside in the biosphere for about 60 years15 and stay in the


Galactic cosmic rays is a term for the relativistically-moving charged particles coming in from all directions through interstellar space. These cosmic rays are generated and sustained by supernova explosions of dying massive stars. The rate of supernova occurrence for a typical galaxy like ours is about once or twice per century. (Of course, the rate of supernova explosions within 10 parsec from the Sun is much less frequent, roughly once per 10-100 million years.) The constituents of the cosmic rays are about 90% protons, 9% alpha particles (helium nuclei), and 1% heavier particles. 14

H. Oeschger and colleagues' four-reservoir, box diffusion model.


Ibid, Stuiver and Quay, Science, January 1, 1980, p. 15.


The Maunder Minimum and the Variable Sun-Earth Connection

deep ocean for as long as one thousand years,16 thus introducing further uncertainty in the accounting of the 14C budget. Furthermore, relative comparison of modern (circa 1900 to present) levels of 14C to those in the past is now very much complicated by the strong dilution due to releases of relatively carbon-14-free C0 2 from buried hydrocarbons. This human-made 14C dilution factor is known as the "Suess Effect" (see Figure 5 of Chapter 2). As Figure 31 in Chapter 11 partly illustrates, solar wind and Earth magnetospheric interactions result in electric currents in the ionosphere and magnetosphere (due to motion of charged particles) producing measurable actions on the ground. What comes to a confluence here are the yearly, decadal and century-long changes of solar magnetism and the production of 14C (see the "wiggles" in Figure 5). The relationship between these aspects shows that, during the Maunder Minimum,17 there was a weakened solar wind-enhancing level of cosmic ray flux, so 14C level was higher during this weak solar activity phase. The Maunder Minimum may also have witnessed an unusual incidence of highly weakened interplanetary fields normally supplied by the solar wind, and, having little interaction with the Earth's

Fig. 39 In an ancient manuscript, the Sun is shown ruling Earth's spheres. (After G. Reisch, Margarita Philosophica Nova, 1512.) (From D.G. King-Hele, 1975.)


Stuiver, M., Braziunas, T.F., "Sun, ocean, climate and atmospheric 14 C0 2 : An evaluation of causal and spectral relationships," The Holocene, Vol. 3, 1993, pp. 289-305. 17

As well as the Sporer Minimum of roughly 1420-1530, and the putative Wolf Minimum of about 1280-1350.

Earth's Atmosphere and Its Story


magnetosphere and upper atmosphere, a very much-reduced level of auroral activity occurred, hence the overall "profound magnetic calm" noted by Agnes M. Clerke and pondered by Walter Maunder. To what degree all these changes played a role in the weather and climate at this time is still under very active investigation. That it may have helped make it colder during the Maunder Minimum is a distinct possibility. So is the fact that a "Maunder Minimum" could happen again. ^ * #

How could these galactic and solar effects actually be tied to the Earth's weather? What are the possible mechanisms for the connection? The specific roles of the Sun come in many forms: both in its radiation and charged particle inputs, as well as its effect on those incoming cosmic rays. However, defining such "forcing" inputs to the Earth's multi-layered spheres is just half of the story. Indeed, the hard questions are tied to the ways in which those Sun-related forcings get played out in the Earth's ocean and lower atmosphere. First, let us start with the Coriolis effect,18 in regard to moving air. The deflection effect of this force for moving air parcels on Earth is to the right for the 18

This is due to the way the Earth turns, plus a "force arising from the Earth's rotation, deflecting Earth's air to the right in the Northern Hemisphere, and to the left in the Southern" (see (a))—that is, the Coriolis effect. Foucault showed this in an experiment in 1851 (see (b)) after George Hadley's famous arguments based on the conservation of angular momentum (see (c)) and William Ferrel, and others by 1857 (see (d)), had elaborated the general circulation of the atmosphere, but did not account for zonal asymmetry. This is sorted out only much later by Edward Lorenz, Villem Bjerknes, and still later, by Richard Lindzen and colleagues. Further historical notes: (a) Self-taught American teacher William Ferrel, developed this idea mathematically in 1858, off Foucault's experiment of 1851 (according to James Burke, "Lend me your ear," Scientific American, Vol. 280, No. 3, March, 1999, pp. 93-94). (b) Leon Foucault suspended a cannonball on 220 feet of piano wire in the French Pantheon in 1851, pulled it to one side with a cord, then burned the cord to release the ball without effecting its motion. As the pendulum thus formed by ball and wire moved in inertial space, a stylus attached to the ball's bottom traced a line that shifted as the Earth turned beneath it. Outside of proving Copernicus, in part, this discovery continued forming the basis for determining how global weather was driven. (Read "And now the weather," by James Burke, in Scientific American, Vol. 280, January, 1999, p. 91.) (c) Edmund Halley attempted a low latitude wind system study in 1686. But George Hadley used words to conceptually describe this motion of general circulation in 1735. Elegantly put, it was thus: "... it follows that the air, as it moves from the tropics towards the equator, having a less velocity than the parts of the Earth it arrives at, will have a relative motion contrary to that of the diurnal [that is, daytime] motion of the Earth in those parts, which being combined with the


The Maunder Minimum and the Variable Sun-Earth Connection

Northern Hemisphere, and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere. A more playful illustration of this rotational effect would be to consider the deflection of a baseball thrown with a speed of 25 m/s, or about 55 miles per hour, to curve at about 1.5 centimeters to the right in the United States—a Northern Hemisphere country.19 Or, more serious is the World War I tale from battle at the Falkland Islands off Argentina about the British ship gun shells consistently landing approximately 100 yards—some one hundred meters—to the left of German ships, despite having already anticipated for the effects of the Earth's rotation.20 Apparently, the British gunners had done their Coriolis adjustment for 50 degrees north, rather than 50 degrees south, so that they had mis-aligned their targets by twice the actual distance towards the right, for the target is expected to drift to the left in the Southern Hemisphere. Useful to keep in mind for understanding the Coriolis effect in the context of climate, is the fact that the parcels of air and water move much more slowly and traverse far greater distances than baseballs or ships' gun shells would. The factor of rotation is, then, much more important in the consideration of climate. So there is a tendency for air parcels to turn in opposite directions in either hemisphere as the Earth rotates. Besides the general circulation forced by rotation, the weather and climate system are also driven by waves and eddies generated by various forms of inertia, thermal, gravitational, and convective instabilities of the air and sea. As a rule, air is moved or shifted from high pressure zones to low

{continued) motion toward the equator, a NE wind will be produced on this side of the equator and a SE, on the other." From Lewis, John, "Clarifying the Dynamics of the General Circulation: Phillips's 1956 Experiment" (Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Vol. 79, 1 January, 1998, pp. 39-40). For an in-depth discussion of the role of the Coriolis force in atmospheric circulation that arose from the balance of the rotational kinetic energy versus the more traditionally assumed balance of angular momentum, see Anders Persson, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Vol. 79, July, 1998, pp. 1373-1385. (d) For a more mathematical appreciation of the early models of global circulation by first Hadley, and then Thomson and Ferrel, with more modern mathematical models of Bjerknes, Lindzen, E. Schneider, et al., see Dynamics in Atmospheric Physics (Cambridge University Press, 1990) by Richard S. Lindzen. A very good view of the picture up to the present (less mathematical; more historical and conceptual) would be John M. Lewis's "Clarifying the Dynamics of the General Circulation: Phillips's 1956 Experiment" (Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Vol. 79, 1998). 19

From Persson, A., "How do we understand the Coriolis force?" Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Vol. 79, July, 1998, pp. 1373-1385. 20

From Parker, B., "The Coriolis effect: Motion on a rotating planet," Mariners Weather Log, Vol. 42, No. 2, August, 1998, pp. 17-23.

Earth's Atmosphere and Its Story


pressure ones; that is, due to pressure gradients. The balance between pressure gradients causes global wind, or the so-called "general circulation." A balanced wind that blows along curving isobars is called the gradient wind; if this blows around low pressure zones, it is called cyclonic (counterclockwise in the Northern Hemisphere, clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere). If the gradient wind blows around a high pressure zone, it is called anticyclonic (opposite of the NorthernSouthern Hemisphere case, just noted). It is most relevant to recall that, occasionally, the persistent west-east zonal flow due to Earth's rotation can be disrupted by stronger and more persistent wind flows running north-south. These north-south flows interrupt the west-east weather flow in the more-land-dominated Northern Hemisphere more easily at times—often causing widely fluctuating weather effects: for instance the extreme year 1666, as recorded in the Maunder Minimum, London, England. That is, blocked weather patterns can help cause extreme cold in locations allowing extreme dryness or even extreme warmth that is uncomfortably unrelenting, forcing droughts and egging on fires (in the 1666 London case). All such large-scale changes in weather patterns or long-term systematic deviation from the climate's mean pattern could result from either changes in external boundary conditions, such as the Sun's irradiance or volcanic eruptions, or could be due to an internal, non-linear manifestation of atmosphere-ocean circulation dynamics—or both.

Isotopic Recorders of the Sun and Climate: Using the Maunder Minimum To Study Implications for Deep and Deeper Time Carbon 14 The silent searching of A.E. Douglass is once again recalled, seeing his remarkable connection between the sizes of trees, regarding their topographical locations and the constraints forced upon them by their own biological limitations. What we recall is the wetness that reached those trees (like those growing at higher altitudes under stressed conditions) controlling the size of rings (fat, wet, warm or thin, dry, cold). Yet, Douglass of course had no idea at that time that isotopes existed: let alone that they "fractionated" during photosynthesis. To quote solar astronomer John Eddy: Trees [regarding how much radiocarbon was in the atmosphere at a particular time, such as the Maunder Minimum] keep that record for us, for


The Maunder Minimum and the Variable Sun-Earth Connection

atmospheric radiocarbon (as carbon dioxide) enters their leaves in photosynthesis and is preserved, as cellulose, in new growth wood. Growth rings in many temperate-latitude trees, as Douglass demonstrated, can be identified as an annual diary that extends, in the long-lived species such as the bristlecone pine, for many thousands of years.21 Hans E. Suess and Timothy Linick had also noted this effect. Namely, "that C in the cellulose present in wood in a given annual tree ring corresponds remarkably well to that in the C0 2 of the atmosphere at the time of the growth of the ring, if one corrects for isotope fractionation during photosynthesis."22 We have, here, the isotopic link that Douglass long sought after. It was some time after Douglass's death that Hans Suess, for one, noted and stressed that the century-wide 14C variations in C0 2 relate to solar activity variation. C0 2 is, as Suess noted, a "counting gas," as is acetylene.23 Counting gases can be used to count radioactive decay, acetylene being the better counter in this case. The isotope of carbon, 14C, was named "radiocarbon" by Willard F. Libby and it was Libby who actually developed the radiocarbon method of dating.24 As such, Suess was able to correctly date continental glaciation in North America to 20,000 years ago Before Present (BP) using this counting technique. The story moves from the mid-1940s to the early 1950s, when Libby, part of that "can-do" crowd involved in the Manhattan Project25 actually found that 14C was a product of cosmic-ray bombardment. One of the goals at the time was to see if 14C was ubiquitous in living things. This took the measurement work over to— of all places—the University of Arizona, where a colleague of Douglass's, Edmund Shulman, kept bristlecone pine samples. There were also sequoia 14


Eddy, J.A., "Historical and Arboreal Evidence for a Changing Sun" in The New Solar Physics (AAAS Selected Symposia, 1978), p. 16.


Suess, H.E., Linick, T.W., "The 14C record in bristlecone pine wood of the past 8000 years based on the dendrochronology of the late C.W. Ferguson," Phil. Trans. R-Soc-Lond., Vol. A330, 1990, p. 404. 23

A colorless but poisonous and highly flammable gaseous hydrocarbon (HC^CH) used in organic compound synthesis. See Suess, H.E. and Linick T.W. (1990), p. 403. 24

For which he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1960. For the whole history, see Taylor, R.E., Long, A., Kra, R.S. (eds.) Radiocarbon After Four Decades (Springer-Verlag, 1992). 25

Harold Urey was one of the chosen few to lead the effort to separate 235U from the element, uranium. Willard Libby was one of the "two people he hired, in what became a huge, industrial effort" (ibid, Taylor et al, p. 4).

Earth's Atmosphere and Its Story


samples reliably dated to 2,000 or so years that were available. Shulman offered his database to the researchers. (The now-elderly A.E. Douglass had left this and had turned his attentions to other astronomical and climate research.26) In any case, time variations in the atmospheric inventory of 14C in tree contents was first demonstrated by Hessel De Vries in 1958—and is called the De Vries Effect.27 The demonstration was to see if the radiocarbon-dating would, by itself, confirm the already-known dates. But the calculated values deviated too much from the measured 14C ones. Hard questions—some originally posed, as we saw, by Douglass, in part—had to be asked again. Namely: • Were the deduced tree ring ages (in the samples) correct? • Do wood samples from different types of trees grown at different geographic locations and having the same tree ring age show the same 14C content? • Can 14C in the wood samples change through contamination, irradiation, etc? These were—with reservations and exceptions—"reliably answered," Suess stated. "Fractionation" of isotopes in the photosynthesis process was seen: corrupting values of tree rings being, for example, sap and lignin in the sapwood in older rings. But, just as true, it was found that cellulose in wood grown at the same time is practically independent of geographic location and altitude, with a few mille28 (or, a few part per thousand) difference in 14C collected from either the Southern or Northern Hemisphere. For all this and its use in archaeology 14C dating cannot be expected to be more accurate than the century mark. Also, 14C remains in the atmosphere (as previously noted) longer than expected and will not settle immediately downward after its initial manufacture in the atmosphere for several decades. Thus, measured 14 C values reflect steady-state concentrations, which depend on cosmic ray production and the rate which 14C finds equilibrium in the terrestrial land biosphere and oceans.


Ibid, Webb, pp. 186-187.


De Vries, H., Koninkl. Ned. Akad. Wetenschap, Proc. Ser., Vol. B61, No. 1, 1958, pp. 94-102.


The specific variable that occupies a central role in measurements of radiocarbon is the delta 14C defined by A14C = (14Cref—14Cinv) /14Cinv, where 14Cref is the chronological reference activity at time, t, determined from tree ring counts and 14Cinv is the true measured activity. This difference is normally then multiplied by a thousand to express the result in per-mille or by a hundred to give it in percent (Sonett and Finney, "The spectrum of radiocarbon," Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond., Vol. 330, 1990, pp. 413-426).


The Maunder Minimum and the Variable Sun-Earth Connection

So, other than for deviations from the trend of 14C values of dates calculated from tree rings (called "wriggles"), century-to-century variations of 14C in atmospheric carbon dioxide are related to the variations in solar activity. In addition, the variation of 14C is also tied in the overall longer-term trend of changes in the Earth's magnetic field intensity, as previously discussed.29 When the effect of Earth's magnetic shielding is removed, the resulting spectrum shows cyclical variations on century and millennial scales. It is held that the Sun is a major cause of this variation.30 Beryllium 10 Another isotope that can be measured in the firmament is Beryllium-10 (10Be). 10 Be, discovered in the 1950s, is formed mainly in the atmosphere by "spallation" of oxygen and nitrogen induced by secondary neutrons. (Spallation is a kind of nuclear reaction wherein several lighter fragments are emitted from an atomic nucleus after being struck by highly energetic cosmic ray particles [mainly protons and bare-helium nuclei].31'32) After production in the atmosphere, 10Be attaches itself to either solid or liquid aerosol particles and water vapor there, following the air masses in which it was formed.33 By comparison, 14C oxidizes to C0 2 as 14 C0 2 , and does a complex transforming dance between reservoirs in the atmosphere, biosphere, and oceans—sometimes for long periods before settling. 10Be, on the other hand, does not suffer from this trouble of delays between the time of production and time of being recorded in its terrestrial reservoirs. Once it is made 10Be reaches the Earth's ground quickly owing to precipitation. The residence time of 10Be in the atmosphere is only one to two years. Literally, like the nuclear explosion wastes that have been stuffed into our atmosphere since


That is, tied to the magnetic field's dipole moment. Damon, RE. "The Natural Carbon Cycle," in Radiocarbon After Four Decades, 1992, p. 18. 30

Damon (1992) notes Charles Sonett.


McHargue, L.R., Damon, RE. "The Global Beryllium 10 Cycle," Reviews of Geophysics, Vol. 29, May, 1991, p. 141. 32 To readers for whom atomic science is an esoteric mystery, a non-technical, biographical approach to the modern understanding of this science can be read in Richard Rhodes's Pulitzer-prize winning book, The Making of the Atomic Bomb (Touchstone, 1988). 33

Beer, J., Raisbeck, G.M., Yiou, R, "Time Variations of 10Be and Solar Activity," from The Sun in Time (eds. C.R Sonett et al, University of Arizona Press, 1991), p. 345.

Earth's Atmosphere and Its Story


the 1940s, 10Be "falls out" and makes, in some cases, direct bee-lines for soil, and, significantly, gets locked in ice. In oceans, it is often in a solution form, and settles into seabed sediments that have made it useful as a tracer in studying island-arc volcanism.34 However, for arguments pertinent to this book, ancient ice cores can thus also carry a Sun-activity imprint. Although sensitive to other perturbations, the key with 10Be is its close connection to atmospheric neutrons. Why does the Sun leave a record of its past activity in these isotopes? This is a complex piece of detective work. By comparing neutron flux at the Earth's surface—like on the mountain tops of the world— against the sunspot number, as a proxy of solar wind plasma conditions in the interplanetary space, year-by-year, one can show a close negative correlation between the two variables. Since 10Be made naturally in the atmosphere ("cosmogenically" versus "anthropogenically"—since people can now split atoms, too) is proportional to the local neutron flux there, it shows an inverse correlation with ongoing solar activity with as little delay as the 1-2 years 10Be residence time in the atmosphere. Once again, contrast this with the 14C story.35 The main source of short-term 10Be variation is thus interpreted as a result of solar wind interacting with cosmic ray flux. Seen in this measurable way, 10Be is found in higher concentrations in ice cores when the Sun underwent lower activity—similar to 14C. As such, in ancient ice, we can see when the Sun was more active or not, simply by measuring how much 10Be is in it. In the Maunder Minimum, there was—predictably—quite a bit. Polar ice is the best for high resolution studies, as it directly samples the atmospheric fallout of 10Be-water vapor-laden aerosol particles and keeps it frozen.36 It is a lot more stable than ice at lower latitudes, prone as it is to shifting and re-melting processes, which shuffle and mix around the neat deck of annual, time-layered ice cards. With its comparatively regular 11-year Schwabe sunspot Cycle, the Sun, as Maunder well noted, goes through sunspot minima and maxima. The traditional task of quantifying the strength of solar activity by counting sunspot number faces a dead end when there are few sunspots like during the Maunder Minimum interval. In this respect, modern isotopic tracers like 10Be can help trace the historical solar activity with more certainty (see Figure 40).

Ibid, McHargue and Damon, p. 141. Ibid, Beer et al. p. 343. Ibid, Beer et al. p. 350.


The Maunder Minimum and the Variable Sun-Earth Connection




1400 i



1500 .


1800 i







~ 1,410 h-

/ \



cr 1.0o




v\ /



•' \r\r\J







, 1300














Fig. 40 Two polar samples from the North (Milcent, Greenland) and South Pole, showing enhanced 10 Be concentrations in ice over three solar minima (Wolf, c. 1280-1350, Sporer, c. 1420-1530, and Maunder, c. 1645-1715). Their composite result (constructed to reduce meteorological noise) is shown as the bottom panel. (Note that dating between peaks could be as uncertain as seventy years owing to uncertain ice-layer stratigraphy.) (After Beer et al, 1991.)

Earth's Atmosphere and Its Story


Thus, two powerful terrestrial isotopes can serve as independent, and perhaps complementary, records of solar activity extending further back in time than the sunspot record can cover. The key conclusion drawn from these isotopic studies amassed over the last 50 years appears to be that there is large-amplitude solarterrestrial variability. That variability operates not only on the scale of the 11-year Schwabe sunspot cycle, but also the 80-100-year one as seen in both the 10Be and sunspot records. Significant changes are also noted in the forms of 2,200-2,400-year and 210-year cycles in the residual 14C record, after removing the effects from the Earth's changing magnetic field strength. Once again, even if there are large-amplitude intrinsic changes in the Sun's radiative and corpuscular (charged particles) emissions, the missing half of the puzzle is still about the finding of any climatic changes that may correspond to those external solar forcings. # * *

What then can paleoclimatic study tell us? In terms of variations over millennium timescales, there is, indeed, some positive news. Large climate cycles of 1,470 years ±500 years have now been seen in the Greenland ice core records and marine sediment records of the North Atlantic (Figure 41). The ice core research uses the relative abundance of the stable oxygen isotope oxygen-18 ( 18 0) over oxygen-16 ( 16 0) in snow/ice to reveal large and rapid temperature fluctuations37 over Greenland, with possible implications and connections to world-wide changes.38 In addition, the marine sediment work

The idea here is that natural water contains a fixed fraction of isotopically heavy molecules with oxygen-18 (that is a regular oxygen atom with two extra neutrons). Water molecules with oxygen-18, except for being 12% heavier, are essentially the same as the common water molecules with oxygen16. The main difference is that heavier water molecule condenses more easily and does not evaporate as readily as the light water molecule. When the air is warmer, the heavier water vapors containing oxygen-18 more readily condense out to form the snow that falls in a land-based ice-core season's layer than when it is colder. Thus, ice core layers with an enriched ratio of oxygen-18 to oxygen-16 indicate times of warmer air temperature and vice versa. 38

Broecker, W.S., "Massive iceberg discharges as triggers for global climate change," Nature, Vol. 372, 1994, pp. \1\-M\; Mayewski, P. et al, "Major features and forcing of high-latitude northern hemisphere atmospheric circulation using a 110,000-year-long glaciochemical series," Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 102, 1997, pp. 26345-26366; Steig, E.J. et al., "Synchronous climate changes in Antarctica and the North Atlantic," Science, Vol. 282, 1998, pp. 92-95.


The Maunder Minimum and the Variable Sun-Earth Connection

measures change in the amount of small rock grains 9 that settle into the sea bed of the North Atlantic. The rock grains provide estimates for the surface ocean circulation and surface ocean temperature associated with various episodes of icerafting events. Also to be noted is that those rock grains are either too large or too angular to be interpreted as materials from river run-off. Additional supporting evidence for the climatic oscillation could be found from studies of the intensity and pattern of polar atmospheric circulation,40 the atmospheric concentration of methane trapped in ice core air bubbles,41 and the population of surface-dwelling, planktonic foraminifera.42 During the last deep glacial period, the millennial-scale climate oscillation was characterized by a recurring rapid Earth warming, with a change of 5 to 8 °C of air temperature over Greenland in just decades to centuries. Then, a more gradual move back to cold conditions again after the brief warming occurred. In fact, such a climate cycle has been known to be operating consistently between 11,000 (or 11 kiloyears [kyr]) and 140 kyr BP. The cold portion of the cycle is thought to be connected to major discharges of icebergs into the North Atlantic from the unstable Laurentide continental ice sheet, or Barents ice shelf, or both of these. The drifting icebergs, furthermore, are thought to have potential impacts on the North Atlantic thermohaline circulation because they are a large supplier of freshwater, which significantly lowers the surface ocean salinity. Simultaneously, there is evidence for massive reorganisations of the atmospheric circulation. This makes sense, because as previously mentioned, ocean and atmosphere motions are closely related. The research on the rock grains in North Atlantic sediments by Gerard Bond and colleagues have been able to identify how the intriguing millennial cycle operates not only for the glacial period between 11 kyr and 140 kyr BP. The cycle also seems to be persisting through the current, relatively warm and stable Holocene phase (that is, over the last 10 kyr) that we are living in now (see Figure 41).


Namely, lithic glass, fresh volcanic glass and hematite-stain grains (see Bond et al, 1997).


Mayewski, P. et al. (1997).


Brook, E.J., Sowers, T., Orchardo, J., "Rapid variations in atmospheric methane Concentration during the past 110,000 years," Science, Vol. 273, 1996, pp. 1087-1091.


For example, Oppo, D.W., McManus, J.F., Cullen, J.L., "Abrupt climate events 500,000 to 340,000 years ago: Evidence from sub-polar North Atlantic sediments," Science, Vol. 279, 1998, pp. 1335-1338.

Earth's Atmosphere and Its Story


Ice Age

2| 0.0% B>0.1% Q> 1.0% EVEN CYCLES •> 0.0% a>0.1% Q> 1.0%



Fig. 46 Daily sunspot area average over individual solar rotations from the year 1876 to the present [circa 1999]. (Courtesy David Hathaway.) [A color version of this plot is available at]


Fig. 47 Maunder's original "butterfly diagram" (1904) for the distribution of sunspots between 1876-1902 (North, above; South, below).4 The idea thus created by Maunder was used to reconstruct the Maunder Minimum sunspot arrangement from 1620-1670, and 1670-1719 by Elizabeth Nesme-Ribes and others (see Figure 48). 4

Ibid, Maunder's 1904 paper. Maunder, E.W., Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 64, pp. 747-761, "Note on the Distribution of Sun-spots in Heliographic Latitude" (1904).


The Maunder Minimum and the Variable Sun-Earth Connection

extraordinary butterfly diagram summarizing the 6,701 individual observations (covering January 17, 1976 and December 24, 1986) by the amateur astronomer Sieglinde Hammerschmidt (a housewife from Solms, near Wetzlar, Germany) in Rudolf Kippenhahn's Discovering the Secrets of the Sun.5 Constructing a butterfly diagram is not a trivial task, but it can certainly be done with sufficient dedication and the aid of a small telescope. This is a real tribute to Walter Maunder's early vision of the joy of astronomical studies in general. But what about the actual spots on the Sun's face during the Maunder Minimum? What can be said about this, in addition to all the incidental notes given in earlier chapters? Research from solar astronomers like the late Elisabeth Nesme-Ribes, Jean-Claude Ribes and colleagues is able to shed light on this somewhat enigmatic riddle.6 Figure 48 shows a modern attempt to construct a butterfly diagram for the past—indeed, over the Maunder Minimum—to obtain results that can be compared to the large set of butterfly wings seen in Figures 46 and 47. What NesmeRibes and colleagues did was to reconstruct data over the period 1620 to 1670 and 1670 to 1719. This is based mainly on sunspot observations recorded at the "Sun King's"—Louis XIV's—creation: the Paris Observatory. Royal vanity aside, there is perhaps a reason for this king's sub-appellation for himself.7 Indeed, he strengthened this image of solar magnificence by ordering the creation of hundreds of portraits and other images of himself, as such.8 In the reconstruction by Nesme-Ribes and others, the appearance of sunspots during the Maunder Minimum seemed to be more narrowly confined around the solar equator. Furthermore, nearly all the spots appeared in the Sun's Southern Hemisphere. Only three appeared in the Sun's Northern Hemisphere for the period measured (see the bottom half of Figure 48). Indeed, such a spot distribution is quite unusual compared to modern day "butterflies." It appears that those butterfly wings have been broken? And, as we remember from earlier on in this book, the observation of sunspots (or perhaps, the careful notation of sunspots' absence) 5

See Figure 2.10 (on p. 28) of Kippenhahn, R., Discovering the Secrets of the Sun (John Wiley, 1994) for this very special illustration of the Hammerschmidt's butterfly.


Ibid, Nesme-Ribes, Sokoloff et al, 1994 and J.-C. Ribes and E. Nesme-Ribes, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Vol. 276, 1993, pp. 549-563. 7 "The reign of Louis XIV appears to have been a time of real anomaly in the behavior of the Sun." John A. Eddy (Science, Vol. 192, 1976, p. 1189). 8 9

Ibid, Verdet, p. 67.

A term used by Elisabeth Nesme-Ribes; the first author, Willie Soon, heard it during a lecture by her in a June 1993 conference on solar physics.

The Maunder Minimum and Modern Theories of the Sun's Cyclical Machinery




i'" C

UTITUOE 'degree)




• T



> If' .












Fig. 48 Sunspots seen by selected recorders between 1624 and 1719—as covered in the first parts of this book. Although early archival data was not perfect—as amply shown—the lack of spots in the Northern Hemisphere during 1670-1719 was real.10 The "butterfly" (bottom, covering the span c. 1680-1710) was not much of one, compared to the 1904 one recorded by E. Walter Maunder) and shows a period of "inactive" (that is, minimal or weakened) solar activity. (Courtesy of the late Elizabeth Nesme-Ribes and the Paris Observatory archives.)11

10 11

See Hoyt, D., Schatten, K., Solar Physics, Vol. 165, 1996, pp. 181-192.

For example, Nesme-Ribes, E., Sokoloff, D., Ribes, J. C , Kremliovsky, M., in The Solar Engine and Its Influence on Terrestrial Atmosphere and Climate, ed. E. Nesme-Ribes (Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg, 1994), pp. 71-97.


The Maunder Minimum and the Variable Sun-Earth Connection

was quite well covered for the time measured in the top half of Figure 48 (about 1620 to 1645). The quality of measurements and observations of sunspots (or their lack, thereof) in proportion to those of their modem counterparts is good enough to give us a fairly firm picture of what the Sun was undergoing during the Maunder Minimum period. The Royal Observatory's sunspot work given to Maunder had more to tell him than he knew. With the elemental knowledge within the Sun's spectra light,12 Maunder's diagrams 13 and other supporting data, George Ellery Hale and Seth Nicholson subsequently discovered sunspots' magnetic qualities (see Figure 49, and compare with Figure 3 in Chapter 2), and their true time-variability patterns. It was found that most spots are "bipolar." That is, they have a leading and a following polarity having opposite "sign" (that is, direction). All spots in an activity

April 7, 1994 (near minimum)

February 12,1989 (near maximum)

Fig. 49 Full disk magnetograms of the Sun on April 7, 1994 (near activity minimum) and on February 12, 1989 (near activity maximum). Compare these with the white-light images, Figure 3 in Chapter 2, for the same days. In each magnetogram, North is at the top, East is to the left and the sun rotates from left to right. Color is used to contrast both the direction (polarity) and strength of the magnetic field. Bright color (shading) shows, for example, a north-pointing field with increasing strength from light yellow, orange to bright red. Dark color (shading) shows the reverse pointing field with increasing bluing for increased strength. Near activity minimum, the magnetic pattern composed essentially of the "salt and pepper" background of weak, small-scale magnetic flux. Near activity maximum, larger magnetic structures, like the large-scale bipolar toroidal field (that is, solar-spots), dominate. (Images courtesy of William C. Livingston, Kitt Peak Solar Observatory. Color images are available from the authors.)

12 Especially the Zeeman splitting of certain spectral features due to the presence of a magnetic field. Under the inspiration of Michael Faraday (1791-1867), Pieter Zeeman (1865-1943) had originally studied this effect using the yellow spectral line produced by sodium (the sodium D-line); hence, the "Zeeman Effect." 13 Which revealed a "new spot appearance" phenomenon happening at higher latitudes on the Sun at a sunspot cycle's start.

The Maunder Minimum and Modern Theories of the Sun's Cyclical Machinery


belt tend to have the same leading polarity—such as a north magnetic polarity—as they rush to the Sun's edge (known as the "limb.")14 If a spot or spot group's leading polarity is north pointing for that solar hemisphere, then the leading polarity will be south pointing in the opposite hemisphere. With each new 11-year cycle, the spots' polarity15 in both hemispheres is switched (see Figures 50 and 52 below). This reversal occurs roughly every 22 years, or, double the 11-year Schwabe cycle, and is called the solar magnetic polarity cycle (or even the Hale Cycle, in Hale's honor). The Driving Solar Dynamo What drives the giant cyclical "machinery" in the Sun that could in fact be the cause of sunspots as well as other phenomena? In this regard, the Maunders expressed a sense of frustration and perhaps pessimism: What causes the spots we do not yet know. We may never know, for their cause seems to lie deep down in the Sun itself ... We cannot tell if it is the same cause that gives rise to the outbreak of spots in each zone, eleven years after eleven years. If the spots are the same, cycle after cycle, we have no means of recognizing them. We can recognize again a star by its place in the pattern of stars; we can do the same with a planet by its color and its movements; ... we can even know again a whale if it has a harpoon driven to it; but how are we to know a Sunspot when it emerges again from the solar depths?16 From Hale, it began to be understood that the Sun's magnetic field was the key for the character of sunspots. Magnetic field and its variability is also the key in the Sun drenching Earth in ultraviolet light, X-rays,17 electrons, and atomic nuclei and then wrapping it in its own magnetic field, but it is still not understood how these intense fields are created inside the Sun or how they make solar flares,18'19 In the sense of the solar rotation: this feature explained that most bipolar spots are associated with the underlying toroidal field. 15

Or the Hale polarity cycle.


Ibid, The Heavens and Their Story, p. 142.


Information taken from the NASA education page (Internet).


As noted earlier in some detail, a white light flare was noted by R. Carrington and R. Hodgson on September 1, 1859. Both of them reported their observations in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 20, 1860, pp. 13-15 and pp. 15-16. 19

There are, as previously mentioned, other less well-known, earlier accounts of solar flaring phenomena. For example, Stephen Gray saw a white-flare (which is rare) on December 17, 1705 in Cambridge, England, but never published—or managed to have published—his observation.


The Maunder Minimum and the Variable Sun-Earth Connection

heat the Sun's corona, or power solar winds around Earth. The still-challenging question concerning the solar magnetic field's origin remains theoretical, with only gradual progress being made. However, a theory relates that a regenerative mechanism such as a dynamo can fulfill observations about the Sun's magnetic and 11-year sunspot cycles. This could also explain Maunder's butterfly, and potentially all butterfly diagrams. To see how the dynamo works, one divides what is the Sun's velocity field into two components. The first component of this velocity field is orderly in motion. For example, the differential rotations, with gas near the solar equator rotating several days faster than that near solar poles.20 These facts had been noted on the Sun's surface early on by acute observers like Sporer and Carrington. This second component of the velocity field—the "chaotic" or disorderly part—was not realized and formalized until the 1950s by Eugene Parker21 concerning the "cyclonic" or "spiral motion" (helicity22) within the rotating and convecting solar plasma layer's confines. This chaotic part could be described as "whirlpool like," often having preferred rotations in clockwise or counter-clockwise directions, but which have opposite directions (signs) in either the Sun's Northern or Southern hemisphere. The strength of helicity—also referred to as the "source of generation"— is not constant with latitude but is typically assumed to have peak strength near low-to-middle latitudes.23 The convecting solar plasma is mostly ionized because of the high temperature, leaving the charged, ionized plasma with electrical conductivity. (The level of conductivity of solar plasma is similar to weakly-conducting metals like mercury or nickel-chromium alloy at room temperature here on Earth.24) It is the plasma 20

A similar pattern is observed to persist throughout the whole convective zone, proper (the outer 30% of the Sun), until the base, by helioseismological study. The difference in the equator-to-pole rotation period ranges from roughly 5-20 days or so depending on the markers of rotation used. 21

Parker, E.N., The Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 122, 1955, p. 293. Parker's breakthrough is the realization (without formal proof, until Steenbeck, Krause and Radler in the 1960s) of the fact that even when turbulence is isotropic, its statistical properties need not be mirror-symmetric, but that it may be cyclonic; that is, it possesses helicity. 22

Thus, the choice of words. A printed phrase by the dynamo doyen, Dmitry Sokoloff, emphasizes the point of the elusive tensorial properties of the helicity: "A special feature of the dynamo theory is connected with the fact that helicity is a property that is very difficult to extract from observations or experimental measurements. Until now, there has been no direct observation of helicity. This is a challenge. Helicity observation is in some senses more attractive than, say, problems of observing quarks or gravitational waves, because it is based on quite classical physics." 23

See, for example, Kunzanyan, K.M., Sokoloff, D., Solar Physics, Vol. 173, 1997, pp. 1-14.


See, for example, Ruzmaikin, A., Quantum, September/October, 1995, pp. 12-17.

The Maunder Minimum and Modern Theories of the Sun's Cyclical Machinery


conductivity and the relatively strong gas pressure which allows realizations of "frozen-in" magnetic field lines. To picture what these are, recall the well-known iron filings pattern that trace out the force lines around25 magnets. These "field lines" are then tied to solar gas motions. Subsequent relative charged-particle motions of an orderly/turbulent nature then make up the two key ingredients for the Sun's electromagnetic dynamo: differential rotation and turbulent helicity. Together, differential rotation and turbulent helicity make maintaining the cyclic solar magnetic field possible. Here is how. Picture what is termed a "poloidal field." This is an elastic pole extending in a north-south direction, parallel to the Sun's rotation axis. Picture also a "toroidal field," which is a doughnut-shaped ring running perpendicular to the rotation axis. Essentially, differential rotation turns an initial poloidal field into a torodial one, while the helicity allows for lifting the torodial field to twist it into a regenerated poloidal field26 with an opposite polarity. That is, if the initial poloidal field runs from south to north, the regenerated poloidal field now runs north to south, or vice versa—thus making the proposed large-scale dynamo a self-excited feedback process.27 This process occurs over and over, with each recurrence having slight variations (see Figure 50). All of these geometrical magnetic field line transformations occur beneath the Sun's visible surface.28 The strongly strengthened toroidal magnetic fields' subsequent rise, helped by additional physical mechanisms, are ultimately revealed as sunspots that are bipolar in nature as the toroids rise to the surface. In such a picture, it would have pleased Maunder (and of course, Galileo and others) to know that Maunder's butterfly is most likely a cyclical dynamo wave manifestation that can be revealed by the sunspot distribution across the Sun's surface and the time

The distinction here is "permanent" magnets: the reality of frozen magnetic field lines for the Sun is not usually discussed. 26 A poloidal field supported by differential rotation alone will decay due to dissipative forces. For full mathematical and physical formulation of the dynamo theory, see, for example Roberts, 1967; Moffat, 1978; Parker, 1979; Krause and Radler, 1980; Zeldovich, Ruzmaikin and Sokoloff, 1983; Belvedere, 1985; Stix, 1989; Hoyng, 1992, and so on. (Detailed references are available upon request to the first author—W. Soon.) 27

This manifestation of an alpha-omega dynamo due to the motions of charged particles is only possible, of course, with the energy of the motion supported mainly by the enormous heat generated within the core of the Sun: nuclear fusion of protons into helium. (So this is not to be fancied as that old dream about a perpetual motion machine within the Sun.) 28

A precise location which is likely to be near the strongly-sheared region at the base of the convective zone (a constraint confirmed by helioseismological observations).


The Maunder Minimum and the Variable Sun-Earth Connection

(al) Sense of Rotation Toroidal field produced: Polar region: Northern Hemisphere slow time, long winding






c = ±

North-leading, N) South-following bipolar magnetic spot



Equatorial region: quicker time, shorter winding and reversed direction




zz^ Polar region: Southern Hemisphere slow time, long winding


South-leading, North-following bipolar magnetic spot

(bl) Sense of initial North-pointing (leading) Poloidal field

Regenerated South-pointing (leading) poloidal field

Sense of Rotation


o o


Preferred (dominant) clockwise rotation of "whirlpools" in Northern Hemisphere

Preferred counter-clockwise rotation of "whirlpools" in Southern Hemisphere


Fig. 50 (al) Differential rotation effects: winding of an initial North-leading poloidal field into oppositely oriented toroidal fields in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, (bl) Cyclonic (spiral) motion effects: lifting and twisting of oppositely oriented toroidal fields to produce South-leading poloidal fields.

The Maunder Minimum and Modern Theories of the Sun's Cyclical Machinery


(a2) Sense of Rotation Toroidal field produced: | Polar region: Northern Hemisphere slow time, long winding

South-leading, North-following bipolar magnetic spot

Equatorial region: quicker time, shorter winding and reversed direction

North-leading South-following bipolar magnetic spot

Polar region: Southern Hemisphere slow time, long winding

(b2) Sense of initial South-pointing (leading) Poloidal field

Sense of Rotation

Regenerated North-pointing (leading) poloidal field

i k

o u

Preferred clockwise rotation of "whirlpools" in Northern Hemisphere


Preferred counter-clockwise rotation of "whirlpools" ^ k in Southern Hemi phere

Fig. 50 (a2) Differential rotation effects: winding of an initial South-leading poloidal field into oppositely oriented toroidal field in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. (b2) Cyclonic (spiral) motion effects: lifting and twisting of oppositely oriented toroidal fields to produce North-leading poloidal fields. The effects of differential rotation and cyclonic motion on the toroidal and poloidal fields over a full magnetic polarity cycle. Panels (al) and (bl) indicate conditions during the first half of the magnetic cycle (or one Schwabe 11-year sunspot cycle) while panels (a2) and (b2) show the second half. The Hale magnetic polarity rules for the sunspots (that is, strong toroidal fields) across the solar hemispheres and the solar magnetic cycle, are illustrated in panels (al) and (a2).29 This figure was re-adapted with inspiration from David Hathaway's web page (http://science.


The Maunder Minimum and the Variable Sun-Earth Connection

spectrum30 (see Figure 52). Thus, an explanation to the seemingly simple question as to why magnetic spots simply do not just appear randomly across all latitudes on the Sun's surface31 may now be in sight. The Maunder team, in The Heavens and Their Story,32 used a metaphor to illustrate how sunspots probably move, relative to the sunspot zones, and what they resemble in more familiar terms. The metaphor invokes pods of whales: It is as if our solar whales belonged to different species in the different zones, and sought the solar depths for periods of time that varied with their distance from the solar equator; and then brought the young schools to the surface to sport for lengths of time that again varied with their distance from the solar equator. Third [point], the whole time from the beginning or end of the next does not greatly differ for the different zones. If a school of solar whales stays long upon the surface, it must stay the shorter time below; and the two times together make up about eleven years. Fourth, the outbreak of spots in the zones far from the solar equator begins earlier, and therefore ends much earlier, than those outbreaks that are near the equator. This is so marked, that we have a new outbreak starting in the highest latitudes before the old outbreak in the lowest latitudes has subsided. During a period, then, of about eleven years we seem to have an outbreak of spots on the sun beginning in the 30

Near a cycle's minimum, sunspots appear near the solar equator. As a new cycle starts again, sunspots appear in higher latitudes. It was this that gave the "butterfly pattern" shown in Maunder's diagram. The physical origin for this sunspot migration pattern is not completely known, and understanding it could tell scientists something about the Sun's internal magnetic field; something that Eugene Parker, Paul Roberts, Nigel Weiss, Michael Proctor, Fritz Krause, Alexander Ruzmaikin, John Thomas, Axel Brandenburg, Gunther Rudiger, Leonid Kitchatinov, Steve Tobias, Aad van Ballegooijen, Elisabeth Nesme-Ribes, Sallie Baliunas, Paul Charbonneau, Peter Gilman, Arnab Rai Choudhuri, Mausumi Dikpati, Karel Schrijver, Manfred Schussler, Dmitry Sokoloff, and many colleagues have since begun to investigate. 31

"It is very rarely that any spots are found outside the parallels of the Sun's latitude that are 35° north or south of the equator. A very few have been found in a latitude so far from the equator as 40°; one spot has been seen at 50°; but all of these are very small, and lasted for no longer than two or three days. The seas in which we find the solar whales are 'tropical' or 'sub-tropical'.... [T]here is quite a long interval of time between two outbreaks of spots in any of the zones [referring to the 7 zones divided equally between 0 to 35 degrees]; always a year or two, perhaps many years; so that there is no doubt as to when an epidemic of spots begins and ends in any particular zone. Next, the time during which the outbreaks last is shorter, and the interval between the outbreaks is longer for the zones which are farther from the equator, than for those nearer to it." (pp. 135-137 of The Heavens and Their Story). 32

Ibid, The Heavens and Their Story, pp. 137-138.

The Maunder Minimum and Modern Theories of the Sun's Cyclical Machinery


regions farthest from his equator, and spreading to the lower zones, increasing for a while as it spreads. Finally it dies out at the equator, when a new outbreak of spots has already started in the high latitudes. This period of change is called the sun-spot cycle. Aside from sunspots, there are other magnetically active regions appearing on the Sun. For example, there are the large bright areas called faculae, and plages, active magnetic networks and intra-network magnetic elements, grouped to manage the Sun's total energy output. Sunspots and plages, taken together, actually control most of the Sun's radiated energy flow on 11-year activity-cycle time scales. The more subtle changes in active magnetic networks or intra-network magnetic elements—which cover larger surface areas on the Sun—are able to influence the outputs over longer timescales, such as several decades to centuries. When solar magnetic activity is at its maximum, increased plage areas and intensities enhance for example ultraviolet light (UV) outputs from the Sun. Still being researched are the Sun's effects on Earth's magnetosphere, as covered in previous chapters: these are literally the effects on Earth's magnetic field, with radiation belts, Earth's plasma ionosphere, and Earth's upper atmosphere. Solar plasma streams around the Earth's magnetic shield could possibly create micro-scale dynamo effects. These dynamo effects accelerate charged particle entry into Earth's atmosphere creating for example, northern and southern "lights"—aurora borealis and aurora australis—the context of which led Clerke and Maunder to ponder their absence to mean "profound [solar] magnetic calm" so long ago. The Dynamo's Dynamics: The Prolonged Activity Minima of the Sun Fraunhofer's famous solar spectral lines (and what Kirchhoff and Bunsen found out about them), called simply "spectra," can be partially used as longer-term indicators to explore variation in the Sun's magnetic activity peaks and dips versus Earth's weather—and the influence these peaks and dips have on Earth's climate. Various known elements make up the Sun's spectra. A ubiquitous spectra signature is ionized Calcium H and K emission lines. These lines tell scientists much about the changing magnetic activity near the Sun's, as well as any solar star's,33 surface. Satellite observations devoted to the Sun over the last 16-20

One of Walter Maunder's expressions seen in his writing as early as 1893, also variously used in this book to denote stars with similar mass, age and magnetic variability like the current Sun (that is, "Sun-like" stars).


The Maunder Minimum and the Variable Sun-Earth Connection

years have yielded adequate data that tells a good tale of contemporary solar variability. Especially important is the hard-to-measure35 total (summed over all wavelengths of light) solar irradiance. But now there is a dilemma that Maunder or Wolf did not have: this database is too short to make any long-term surmises on how the Sun worked in the past.36 To get a better picture of solar chronology, then, stars similar to our Sun in type have been monitored to see what they could yield regarding "Sun-like behavior" as in studies pioneered by Olin C. Wilson in the 1960s. To date, Sallie Baliunas, Willie Soon and colleagues at the Mount Wilson Observatory have done a restricted study on stars similar to the Sun in mass and age, revealing some quick drops and sudden spurts in magnetic activity (see Figure 5137). That is, some solar stars show cyclic or phasal variations much like our own Sun. There are indications38 from observations that some stars like our own go through "Maunder Minimum-like" activity phases, too.39 These observations may allow us to further understand this particular solar minimum's—the Maunder Minimum's—root cause. The solar star examples proffer additional Maunder Minimum-like physical conditions that are capable of yielding insights into the causes of minima. In addition, the total light outputs using broad-band photometry in solar stars have also been carefully monitored by stellar astronomers: for example, Lou Boyd (Fairborn Observatory), Gregory Henry (Tennessee State University), Wes Lockwood and Brian Skiff (Lowell Observatory) and Richard Radick (Sacramento Peak Solar Observatory). Since the variation in brightness of the Sun and Sun-like 34

For a fuller historical account of the study of the Sun in the space age, including the interesting development of accurate measurement of the solar total irradiance (or the "solar constant" according to meteorologists/climate scientists), read Karl Hufbauer's Exploring the Sun (John Hopkins University Press: 1991). This research continues with SOHO, a spacecraft that monitors the Sun on a 24-hour basis. See Kenneth R. Lang, "SOHO Reveals the Secrets of the Sun," Scientific American, March, 1997. 35

Hard to measure because changes in the total solar irradiance are very small, of the order of a few tenths of a percent over a one-decade long activity cycle. See also K. Hufbauer (1991) for a historical perspective in this quest of solar research.

36 Nesme-Ribes, E., Baliunas, S.L., Sokoloff, D. "The Stellar Dynamo," Scientific American, Vol. 275, No. 2, August, 1996, pp. 31-36, and Baliunas, S., Soon, W. "The Sun-Climate Connection," Sky & Telescope, December, 1996; the problem of getting around the lack of data and the acknowledgment of the shallow data base, respectively. 37

The bright (V magnitude = 5.9) star HD 3651 (54 Piscium) in the constellation of Pisces is one such example.

38 39

Ibid, "The Stellar Dynamo."

See e.g., Ibid, "Eighteen Hundred and Froze to Death" for discussion on the Dalton Minimum of ca. 1795-1823.

The Maunder Minimum and Modern Theories of the Sun's Cyclical Machinery


Wilson Observatory




0.30 "




HD 32471



1980 1985 Year








1980 1985 Year


HD 10700

Entering A Minimum?

''*;'. •'











An Activity Minimum Phase?


1980 1985 Year


^,iii»yiM' : Mi

1980 1985 Year



Fig. 51 Four examples of activity cycle morphology in solar stars: HD 26965, showing short, roughly 10-year activity cycles. HD 166620 shows a long, roughly 16-year activity cycle. HD 3651 shows a possible cycle entering into a Maunder-like phase. HD 10700 shows a relatively weak inactivity phase perhaps not unlike the Maunder Minimum. (Courtesy of Sallie Baliunas and Robert Donahue of The Mount Wilson Observatory HK Project.)

stars is related to changes in magnetic activity (as determined by the Calcium H and K fluxes) it has now been shown how these solar-star studies could perhaps explain how our own Sun's brightness varies in connection to the long and short cycles of solar magnetic activity.40 As previously discussed, some other elements useful for tracing the Sun's magnetism are done with the help of isotopes like Carbon-14 (14C) and Beryllium-10 (10Be). Records from the trace changes to these terrestrial isotopes can provide views on how solar activity cycles vary on much longer time scales than possible by sunspots alone. 14C and 10Be are more favorably produced at the upper Earth atmosphere when solar activity weakens via Earth's interaction with Galaxyoriginating, high-energy charged particles. The isotopes are then "brought down" Baliunas, S., Soon, W., The Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 450, 1995, p. 896.


The Maunder Minimum and the Variable Sun-Earth Connection

to Earth through systematic weathering patterns into proxy recorders like trees,41 pollen, zooplankton, compacted ice, and so on. Another powerful and independent tracer that has been used to examine the reality of prolonged solar activity minima over the last several centuries are the production of intermediately long-lived isotopes like Titanium-44—^Ti (with a mean life of 96 years) and Argon-39—39Ar (with a mean life of 388 years) in meteorites. These isotopes are a more direct and sensitive tracer of heliospheric magnetic field conditions—and hence, the solar wind and solar activity—because they avoid many complicating terrestrial factors like geomagnetic field strength and atmospheric transports associated with the production of 14C and 10Be isotopes in Earth's atmosphere. However, measurements of 44Ti and 39Ar in various stony and iron meteorites remain difficult because of their very small amounts. Thus far, enhancements of 44 Ti and 39Ar concentration42 have indeed been found in Earth-bound meteorites with known dates of entry, supporting the idea of a much weakened solar activity during many of the previously-mentioned solar minima periods. These extended minimas include the Sporer (c. 1420-1530), Maunder (c. 1620-1720) and Dalton (c. 1795-1820) minimas. Regarding the Sun's dynamo, Dmitry Sokoloff and the late Elisabeth NesmeRibes have offered an explanation on what might actually have occurred in order to produce the lull in activity that was the Maunder.43 This first suggestion involves pure energy exchanges between the Sun's dipole and quadrupole magnetic field components.44 Under normal cyclic conditions, it is proposed that the quadrupolar field oscillates at a lower intensity than the dipolar field, known


Many things can absorb such particles: all carbon-based life, including plants, can take on 14 C. Wines and even beers can, too. It should be remembered that this isotope can date "carbon-based substances" such as fossil bones or fossilized wood to obtain age approximations. 42

There are of course many detailed technical issues associated with measurements of the 44Ti and Ar isotope production in meteorites, including calibration, inhom*ogeneous samples, exposure age, shielding depth, etc. See Bonino, G. et al, Science, Vol. 270, 1995, p. 1648, and Forman, M.A., Schaeffer, O.A., in The Ancient Sun, eds. R.O. Pepin et al. (Pergamon Press, Houston, 1980), pp. 279-292. 39


Sokoloff, D.D. and Nesme-Ribes, E., Astronomy and Astrophysics, Vol. 288,1994, p. 293. See also earlier works by Brandenburg et al, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Vol. 213, 1989, p. 411, Brandenburg, A., Krause, R, Tuominen, I., in Turbulent and Nonlinear Dynamics in MHD Flows, eds. M. Meneguzzi, A. Pouquet and P. L. Sulem (Elsevier Science Publ., North-Holland, 1989), pp. 35^-0 and Jennings, R.L., Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 57, 1991, pp. 147-185. 44

Nesme-Ribes, E„ Baliunas, S.L., Sokoloff, D., "The Stellar Dynamo," Scientific American, Vol. 275, No. 2, August, 1996, pp. 31-36.

The Maunder Minimum and Modern Theories of the Sun's Cyclical Machinery


as the "odd-parity"45 dominant solution (see Figure 52, below). Because the dipole field is dominant and anti-symmetric with respect to the solar equator, one is expected to see about equal dominance of magnetic field of opposite polarity for the Sun's northern and southern hemispheres, which is what is being observed today.46 However, during the Maunder Minimum, the Sun's dipole was somehow less intense and the solar magnetic field's quadrupolar component began to reach similar intensity: this is recognized as a solution with "even-parity" dominance. Because the quadrupolar field is symmetrical with respect to the equator, while the dipole is anti-symmetrical, one can expect large magnetic flux cancellation in one solar hemisphere, leaving the surface manifestation of the dynamo's magnetic field visible only for the other solar hemisphere.47 The sunspots were found—as stated and shown—to be mostly confined to the southern-half of the Sun's face during the Maunder Minimum interval (Figure 48). Steve Tobias, Edgar Knobloch and Nigel Weiss have clarified the situation and point to a second, more realistic mechanism. This mechanism invokes non-linear exchanges between magnetic energy and kinetic energy that have a direct consequence on the large-scale velocity field.48 Fritz Krause49 has further remarked that the weakened dipolar solar field during the Maunder Minimum can explain the increased cosmic ray intensity, traceable via increased 10Be and 14C production in ice cores and in tree ring records on Earth, respectively. Summarizing magnetic 45

The most easily excited mode from the dynamo equation is that of the "odd parity" (such as that seen dominating the regular cyclic sunspot activity phase) meaning the mode which has mainly dipolar poloidal field and toroidal field which consists of an even number of rings (or toroids) which are arranged symmetrically to the equatorial plane, but in the opposite direction. "Even parity" can also be excited, but it requires stronger inductive actions. The "even parity" solution gives magnetic fields which have poloidal field in quadrupolar type, while the toroidal field consists of an odd number of rings (toroids). 46 Note that each pair of the butterfly wings is not exactly symmetrical in the North-South extension, and so indicates slightly de-coupled oscillations of magnetic field in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. This could be a hint of imbalances due to the presence of a weaker quadrupolar component during the regular cyclic phase. 47

This is what was observed by the Paris Observatory researchers.


In the language of the practitioners, they have included an additional, necessary equation for the velocity field that accounts for the back-reaction of the Lorenz force generated by magnetic field on the fluid flow (the mechanism of 'Malkus-Proctor'). See Tobias, S. M., Astronomy and Astrophysics, Vol. 322, 1997, pp. 1007-1017; Knobloch, E., Tobias, S.M., Weiss, N.O., Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 297, 1998, pp. 1123-1138. 49

For example, Krause, E, "Oscillatory dynamos showing change of parity on a large time scale," in The Solar Engine and Its Influence on Terrestrial Atmosphere and Climate, ed. E. Nesme-Ribes (Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg, 1994), pp. 49-56.


The Maunder Minimum and the Variable Sun-Earth Connection











0.24 ,0,22 A 0.2 5)0.16 v 0.16 0.14 0.12 210








Fig. 52 The time evolution of magnetic field properties contrasting the periodic dipole solution (left column—revealing the regular, periodic toroidal field phase) versus the chaotically-modulated solution (right column—revealing the strongly suppressed toroidal field phase, a grand minimatype). Solid and dotted lines in the calculated butterfly diagram represent the positive and negative polarity of the magnetic field, respectively. (Time is presented in non-dimensional units scaled to the parameterization of simulation; a low value of B-square means lower magnetic energy, parity value of — 1 means total dominance of the odd parity solution and larger positive p means increasing dominance of the even parity solution. The solution for the left column is for a low dynamo number case, while the right column is for a higher dynamo number.) The right column emphasizes the dominance of the even parity solution with the high degree of north-south asymmetry in the distribution of the toroidal magnetic field that is not unlike the interval of the Maunder Minimum in 1645-1715. Also note the large changes in the magnitude of the toroidal field as the Sun enters a period of weak minimum, complete disappearance of the toroidal field, and the highly asymmetric field in the Southern Hemisphere as the Sun emerges from the minimum between t = 268.5 and 270.0. The dipole pattern is restored at later times as the field grows stronger. (Courtesy Steve Tobias [1997].)50

field properties both during the cyclic and Maunder Minimum phases can be detailed in recent computer simulations made by Tobias and colleagues, shown below. Thus, a "Maunder Minimum" (right in Figure 52) effect is illustrated versus "normal" conditions (left in Figure 52). Tobias, S.M., Astronomy and Astrophysics, Vol. 322, 1997, pp. 1007-1017.

The Maunder Minimum and Modern Theories of the Sun's Cyclical Machinery


The dynamo model results may also be used to study another important question. One persistent enigma of the Maunder Minimum has always been the question about the nature of the 11-year solar activity cycle. That is, did the solar activity cycle simply vanish? There are hints from auroral records51 and 10Be isotope studies52 that solar magnetic cycles persisted throughout the minimum, even though the overall activity was weak from about 1645 to 1715. Once again, Tobias and colleagues are able to use the physics-motivated model to demonstrate that, indeed, the solar dynamo did not just die out. The solar cycle was still operating but it had been strongly modulated so that the produced spots (that is, for the model, it is the toroidal field) could be quite asymmetrically distributed on the solar surface, and at times, may even completely disappear— as observed during a deep activity minimum like the Maunder. This is a nontrivial answer based on modern theoretical analysis. Yet it was born of a question which—remarkably—had been anticipated years before by Walter Maunder: It ought not to be overlooked that, prolonged as this inactivity of the Sun certainly was, yet few stray spots noted during "the seventy years' death"—1660, 1671, 1684, 1695, 1707, 1718—correspond, as nearly as we can expect, to the theoretical dates of maximum. ... If I may repeat the simile which I used in my paper for Knowledge in 1894, "just as in a deeply inundated country, the loftiest objects will still raise their heads above the flood, and a spire here, a hill, a tower, a tree there, enable one to trace out the configuration of the submerged champaign," so the above-mentioned years seem to be marked out as the crests of a sunken spot-curve.53 There are still significant hurdles to meet in turning these non-linear dynamo results into estimates for solar wind conditions during the Maunder Minimum.54 This in order to directly confront the terrestrial auroral and isotopic 51

Gleissberg, W. and Damboldt, T., Journal of British Astronomical Association, Vol. 89, 1979, pp. 440^149; Schroder, W., Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity, Vol. 44, 1992, pp. 119-128. It is important to caution that a complete proof for the operation of the 11-year solar cycle during Maunder Minimum using auroral records may not yet be at hand. S. Silverman's analysis (Reviews of Geophysics, Vol. 30, 1992, pp. 333-352) showed that the cycle perhaps exists before and after the 1650-1725 interval, but not during the deep activity minimum. 52

Beer J., Tobias S., Weiss, N., Solar Physics, Vol. 181, 1998, pp. 237-249.


Maunder, E.W., JBAA, Vol. 32, 1922, p. 144.


For example, Edward Smith (in The Sun in Time, eds. C. Sonett et al, University of Arizona Press, Tucson, 1991, pp. 175-201) discussed even the conditions for the solar wind to cease during the Maunder Minimum, leaving only a "solar breeze" with wind speed of about 20 km/s (to get a feel for this number, consider the 29.8 km/s of the Earth's orbital motion around the Sun). The average solar wind speed at present (over 1964-1994) is about 440 km/s. However, Edward Cliver and colleagues


The Maunder Minimum and the Variable Sun-Earth Connection

records. Even if the solar cycle may still be operating, one would still wish to know the precise outputs from the 1645-1715's Sun for a better understanding of its probable effects on the Earth's magnetic and climatic conditions.55

The Question of Solar Activity Maxima The story of extended solar minima has been quite well covered. But what about solar maxima? Observationally, increased solar activity is associated with abundant sunspots. Take, for example, the period right before and after the Maunder Minimum. The "weakest" solar maximum—so far as is known—was noted in and around 1814-1820 during the Dalton Minimum's height. (The Dalton Minimum was literally a weak maximum during an overall solar minimum.) But this time around, we may be in a strong maximum. Indeed, the last several decades56 may be among the most solar-active since instrument-based record keeping began.57 What Earth might now be going through is a period like the "Medieval" or "Grand Maximum" of the tenth to twelfth centuries (see Figure 5 in Chapter 2). In other words, a possible "Modem Maxima" may be ongoing. The Medieval Maximum caused the cosmogenic isotope production minimum during the tenth to twelfth Centuries as reflected by now-traceable 14C and 10Be records lasting over a period of some 150 years.58 These records suggest solar activity had returned to Medieval Maximum highs after a prolonged, reduced solar-activity (continued) {Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 25, 1998, pp. 897-900) estimated a somewhat higher solar wind speed of about 340 km/s. In addition, they have also deduced that the interplanetary magnetic field strength during the Maunder Minimum may have been about four times weaker than under present conditions. Cliver et al. (1998)'s result seems consistent with the aurora and 10Be isotope studies. 55

Echoing the 1801 call of William Herschel {Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, Vol. 91, p. 316). "The result of this review of the foregoing five periods [from 1650 to 1713] is, that, from the price of wheat, it seems probable that some temporary scarcity or defect of vegetation has generally taken place, when the sun has been without those appearances which we surmise to be symptoms of a copious emission of light and heat. In order, however, to make this an argument in favour of our hypothesis, even if the reality of a defective vegetation of grain were sufficiently established by its enhanced price, it would still be necessary to show that a deficiency of the solar beams had been the occasion of it. " (Note, however, that Herschel's solar beam is connected to his suspicion of the relevance of transmission of some "sun-beams" for the growth of vegetation.) 56

That is, since the 1930s-1940s.


We are not relying only on measures like sunspot number in order to make this statement.


See for example lirikowic, J.L., Damon, P.E., Climatic Change, Vol. 26, 1994, p. 309. In the abstract, Jirikowic and Damon say: "Paleoclimatic studies of the Medieval Solar Maximum (c. A.D. 1100-1250, corresponding with the span of the Medieval Warm Epochs) may prove useful because it provides a closer analogue to the present solar forcing than the intervening era. The Medieval Solar Maximum caused the cosmogenic isotope production minimum during the 12th and

The Maunder Minimum and Modern Theories of the Sun's Cyclical Machinery


period. Perhaps this reduced period was the Oort Minimum, timed to about the years A.D. 1010-1050—and roughly coinciding with Viking exploration records for "more arable land," south.59 A reported climate cooling began in Greenland in the thirteenth century60 which culminated in an abandoned/destroyed colony, and which may be connected to the earlier-noted, long-duration Sporer Minimum of circa A.D. 1420-1530. A "Modern Maximum" could be characterized by a solar magnetic "strong maxima" which may be sustained for decades, on Earth—or even for a century—as the Medieval Maximum apparently did.61 Additional evidence supporting this notion may be noted from the fact that magnetic activity levels in the past few and present decades on the Sun are higher than average compared to some solar stars' levels.62

(continued) 13th centuries A.D. reflected by delta 14C and 10Be records stored in natural archives. These records suggest solar activity has returned to Medieval Solar Maximum highs after a prolonged period of reduced solar activity (possibly referring to the Oort Minima timed to about 1010-1050). Climate forcing by increased solar activity may explain some of this century's temperature rise without violating paleoclimatic constraints." 59

Vikings sailed from Scandinavia to Iceland and Greenland from A.D. 985 to circa A.D. 1011, and subsequently founded colonies in Iceland, Greenland, and even North America. Founding the Nova Scotia colony may have been an attempt to gain more arable land in a cooler climate during the Oort Minimum. Try reading "The King Mirror" (written ca. 1250 by Einar Gunnarson, as recommended in Brekke's and Egeland's The Northern Light). Schaefer, B.E., Sky & Telescope, April 1997, pp. 34-38 gave some historical accounts of Leif Ericson's voyage around A.D. 1000, when he purportedly landed in America. 60

In 982 Erik Rode and his son discovered Greenland. They had heard rumours about new land only a couple of days' sailing from Iceland. They arrived at Kap Farvel, turned north and discovered valleys covered with grass. Here they stayed the winter. The next spring they returned to Iceland to try to bring some more people with them to this new country. Erik got over 500 new settlers who followed him to the new country. The colony on Greenland came under Norwegian rule during the 13th century, but the contact with Norway slowly faded away. At the same time the climate changed for the worse. Still they clung to the colony for over 500 hundred years before they had to leave it because of the worsening living conditions. In the 15th century the colony died and left only ruins of some lonely houses. The last colonists are believed to have been killed by the plague, but no one really knows what happened. Perhaps they were killed by natives. (Hbgskolan I Lulea's Hemsida, Internet, Lulea Universitet) (Note: many historical accounts really need serious re-examination in order to filter out the climatic information.) 61 62

Hence, a long duration of sustained high solar activity is also a part of the reality about our Sun.

See for example, Baliunas, S. et al, The Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 438, 1995, pp. 269-287. See also observational results on brightness changes of many solar stars by Wes Lockwood, Brian Skiff, Greg Henry and Richard Radick. Certainly, more progress in these terms is expected.


Summary: Cycles of the Sun and Their Tie to Earth

He had been Eight Years upon a Project for extracting Sun Beams out of Cucumbers, which were to be put into Vials hermetically sealed, and let out to warm the Air in the raw inclement Summers. Jonathan Swift (1726, A Voyage to Laputa, Balnibarbi, Luggnagg, Glubbdubdrib and Japan)1 What was related in this book regarding the incidents in the Maunder Minimum was a tale told from the viewpoint of the witnesses who lived through the interval. These pioneering observers recorded and in some cases, made syntheses of the data they collected and even witnessed the mechanisms of solar behavior in action, commenting on them and describing them when and where they could. But for the most part the fact of a "weakening" solar activity was either not known or slow to be revealed. As we and others get the impression from art in the late sixteenth through eighteenth centuries, people across most of the Northern Hemisphere had been aware of milder, warmer times in a not-so-distant past that was so unlike the colder, more variable times they were living in. At times, they recorded the effects of heightening freezing and precipitation in paintings, diaries and even in literature. One could not help but also note the care they took to ward off the cold or sudden storms (from architecture or inventions). People from the late nineteenth century well into the twentieth, at times admitted that the weather of their forebears' time was often more brutal than they knew it to be in their regions in their own lifetimes. In glancing over the end of the Sporer Minimum to the putative start of the Maunder Minimum (in the 1620s or 1630s), there are in fact no sharp lines demarcating the end of the one (Sporer) and the beginning of the other minimum. That 1

Swift (1726) Gulliver's Travels, Part III, Chapter 5. 236



is, from actual climate and sunspot records/aurora sightings, this end is not clear, even if there is good evidence between the minima that regular sunspot activity occurred (i.e., from sunspot studies by Scheiner and Galileo and others). That the oddly-punctuated poor weather began lifting in the second decade of the 18th century, along with a marked and well-recorded increase in sunspot and aurora activity versus "deep Maunder" (1645-1695) is, however, much clearer. This lends further empirical weight to the extended minima somehow shifting back into more regular cyclical behavior at or around the first decade of the eighteenth century. The mid-eighteenth century aurora record, for example, is very well represented. This is a sign of very much increased solar activity and the end of the Maunder Minimum. Though likely responsible in itself for reduced global warming due to solar inactivity, the Maunder Minimum was at the same time locked into an alreadyexistent, unsettled, unusually cold weather dynamic having probable roots in the mid-1400s if not earlier (the LIA interval) and which ended in the late 1800s. The Maunder Minimum found itself within the LIA and it served perhaps as a platform on which even deeper unsettled weather/cold dips of the LIA ran its course. This dynamic, as J. Grove found, was further stretched out than most believed, being longer than the A.D. 1550-1880 period claimed. For the trends in the LIA (or the Medieval Maximum—the opposite tendency of LIA) were not continuous or unbroken periods of cold or warmth, dryness or wetness; storminess, etc. Nor was it tied only to temperature—but to hydrologic cycles and other cycles involving ice, vegetation and other environmental variables as well. In such occurrences, we are perhaps seeing one hint of the forces that may have caused the great ice ages to spread and contract on Earth in the distant past, as the Lamoka Lake (Central New York) and Ennadai and Lynn Lake (Central Canada) isotope reconstructions illustrate. Additionally, we also see the quick changes—to warm, to cold, with odd storm effects, severe drought in unpredicted places, etc.—all happening on shorter time scales. Here, we formulate only an idea rather than any testable form of a hypothesis since there are still so much data to collect and synthesize. In graphs, we presented the evidence of significant ups and downs of solar variability. One extended maximum, for instance, was the "Medieval Maximum" of approximately the eleventh through twelfth centuries. This is shown in the low 14 C production in the atmosphere at that time, and also by the lack of 10Be in snow core samples. (The weather in Europe at this time was warm and often sunny, according to understandably incomplete evidence.) Possibly, we are now undergoing a similar period of extended maximum; literally, this could be called a "Modern Maximum." Yet, there is nothing to say that the current warm "spike"


The Maunder Minimum and the Variable Sun-Earth Connection

will not lead to a period such as 6,000-7,000 years ago (roughly the Holocene Maximum) witnessed by the Brewerton (Lamoka) people of what is now Upper New York state. According to pollen samples in undisturbed layers of soil deep in their burial places, they lived in a New York where the climate possibly resembled that of modern-day Missouri's. The pollen tells us that at least the trees indicated a more southern-only spread (perhaps Carolina Hemlock [Tsuga caroliniana] to name one) and to which the archaeologist, W.A. Ritchie, stated that "radiocarbon dating indicated that the climate may have been warmer [after a "thermal maximum"] and perhaps drier" c. 6,500 years ago. This and other evidence reinforces the fact that the tree-line was much higher north at times many thousands of years ago. That meant widespread climate change (that is, the climate in the current U.S. Northeast was approximately as warm as the lower-to-mid-Atlantic states; the mid-Canadian climate resembled approximately that of the current the U.S. Northeast, and so on) occurring naturally, and often abruptly, across history. Human and Natural Global Warming Though this matter is not the focus of our book the issue of natural global warming by solar and purely geothermic means must meet with the concern of C02-global warming produced by humans. This natural global warming, among other issues, is about how the Sun can affect Earth by linking to a subset of planetary warming/ cooling processes and as such, it cannot and should not be ignored. That men and nature are contributing to the recent climate and ecosystem change is no secret, but the fear of global warming engendered by the unknown is also great. The available generations of thermometers suggest that Earth's average surface temperature has warmed. But it has also been noted that this mean world-wide temperature has increased since 1850, before coal and fossil fuels became heavy factors for the attendant increases in carbon dioxide (C0 2 ) of about 25% in Earth's atmosphere. Accounting for other minor greenhouse gases,2 the numerical estimate of the total human contribution or forcing on climate now rises to a "radiative equivalent" of a 50% increase in C0 2 alone or about a global radiative forcing of 2.5 W/m2 over the last 100-150 years or so. This enhanced human factor is riding on top of our Sun's powerful radiance which puts out about 1370 W/m2 at Earth's orbital distance.


Additional minor trace gases that are suspected to be able to contribute to the greenhouse-effect (aside from the dominant greenhouse gas: water) are Methane (CH4), Nitrous Oxide (N 2 0), Ozone (0 3 ) and Chlorofluorocarbons (such as CFC-11 and CFC-12). The major greenhouse gas in the atmosphere is water vapor.



That world-wide mean temperature, however, did not rise steadily. Statistical temperature analyses since 1850 reveal year-to-year and decade-to-decade temperature change patterns.3 Longer-term climate records (although with increasingly less area coverage as the records lengthen) hint that Earth's surface temperatures could have been on the overall upswing since the late 1600s. And this is well before world-wide industrialization began in volume.4 To emphasize the very serious lack of records for a truly global representation of climatic entities like, for example, temperature over any extended time, we quote Malcolm Hughes and Henry Diaz:5 Much work remains to be done to portray in greater detail the climatic essence of the ninth through fourteenth centuries. In particular, the simplified representations of the course of global temperature variation over the last thousand years reproduced in various technical and popular publications [for example, Eddy et al., 1991; Frior, 1990; Houghton et al., 19906; Mayewski et al., 1993] should be disregarded, since they are based on inadequate data that have, in many cases, been superseded. Equally obviously is the fact that temporal changes displayed by nearly all of the long-term paleotemperature records examined [here] indicate


Allen, M.R. and Smith L.A., Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 21, 1994, pp. 883-886.


Bradley, R.S., Jones, P.D., Holocene, Vol. 3, 1993, pp. 367-376; Mann, M.E. et al, Nature, Vol. 378, 1995, pp. 266-270. As noted in the previous chapter, the Little Ice Age and the recent 100-year rise of temperature could be interpreted as part of the natural millennial climatic oscillations that have been known to have persisted since at least 140,000 years ago, based on works from ice cores and marine sediment cores (for example, Keigwin, L.D., "The Little Ice Age and Medieval Warm Period in the Sargasso Sea," Science, Vol. 274, 1996, pp. 1504-1508; Bond, G. et al, "A pervasive millennial-scale cycle in North Atlantic Holocene and glacial climates," Science, Vol. 278, 1997, pp. 1257-1266; Mayewski, P. et al., "Major features and forcing of high-latitude northern hemisphere atmospheric circulation using a 110,000-year-long glaciochemical series," Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 102, 1997, pp. 26345-26366). For a summary of available evidence of climatic variation and change worldwide, see e.g., Soon, W., Baliunas, S., "Proxy climatic and environmental changes of the past 1000 years," Climate Research, Vol. 23, 2003, pp. 89-110 and Soon, W., Baliunas, S., Idso, C, Idso, S., Legates, D.R., "Reconstructing climatic and environmental changes of the past 1000 years," Energy & Environment, Vol. 14, 2003, pp. 233-296. 5

"Was there a Medieval Warm Period, and if so, where and when?" Hughes, M., Diaz, H., Climatic Change, Vol. 26, 1994, pp. 109-142, see p.136. For an updated summary of available evidence of climatic variation and change world-wide, see e.g., Soon, W., Baliunas, S., "Proxy climatic and environmental changes of the past 1000 years," Climate Research, Vol. 23, 2003, pp. 89-110 and Soon, W., Baliunas, S., Idso, C , Idso, S., Legates, D.R., "Reconstructing climatic and environmental changes of the past 1000 years," Energy & Environment, Vol. 14, 2003, pp. 233-296. 6

Houghton et al., United Nations IPCC, on the state of climate change (1990).


The Maunder Minimum and the Variable Sun-Earth Connection

that substantial decadal to multidecadal scale variability is present in regional temperature over the last millennium. This is, in all likelihood, a characteristic of most regional climates for the last several thousand years." Yet new research suggested that the LIA could indeed be seen as part of the natural millennial climatic oscillations known to have persisted for over the last 140,000 years. This latest work is based on accumulating research knowledge from marine sediment cores and polar ice cores.7 With the increase in temperature, we must not bypass the fact that solar activity has also been increasing over the last 100 years. This fact is witnessed by more than mere sunspot abundance. What then is one supposed to make of the human-made greenhouse gases and their putative, long-term impacts on global climate system? One useful question to start is: Do greenhouse gases directly heat the air? It has been pointed out that the "Greenhouse Effect" due to gaseous heating is not the correct operating procedure involved in the actual physical effect. This is simply because it is not the trapping of thermal radiation that brings increased warmth expected for the lower troposphere. The added warm anomaly from increasing concentrations of gases like water vapor, carbon dioxide, and nitrous oxide, and presumably, for the other trace elements in "greenhouse gas warming," such as ozone and CFC, in the troposphere is mainly caused by reduced flow of wind and sea current as well as enhanced latent heat from condensation of water vapor. So it should be said that the greenhouse works by preventing advective and convective cooling or latent heat warming: not by blocking escaping infrared radiation as the popular paradigm would have it. There are many warming and cooling agents to consider in global warming overall rather than just man-made C0 2 and all the other minor greenhouse gases. There are changes to Earth's surface reflectivity (albedo) caused by shifting growth patterns in trees, green plants (rain forest removal/revival activities) and changing distribution of snow and ice. There are even complex urban development and large and small glacial fields to ponder; either can account for surface


See Bond, G. et al, "A pervasive millennial-scale cycle in North Atlantic Holocene and glacial climates," Science, Vol. 278, 1997, pp. 1257-1266. Bond, G. et al, "The North Atlantic's 1-2 kyr climate rhythm: Relation to Heinrich events, Dansgaard/Oeschger cycles and the Little Ice Age," in Mechanisms of Global Climate Change at Millennial Time Scales (American Geophysical Union, Washington DC, 1999), eds. Webb, R.S., Clark, P.U., Keigwin, L.D., pp. 35-58. Please see also Keigwin, L.D., "The Little Ice Age and medieval warm period in the Sargasso sea," Science, Vol. 274, 1996, pp. 1504-1508.



reflectivity of sunlight. There are also oceanic current shifts and imbalances with intimate links to salinity and the atmosphere's temperature and precipitation fields. A role is even suggested for charged particles from the Sun and indeed the Galaxy which may act as mediators for nucleating water, ice, and aerosol particles that in turn convert into condensation nuclei for cloud formation8—literally, the making of clouds by cosmic means which contribute to Earth's warming and cooling. (As we are reminded by Eugene Parker in the Preface: "The worse mistake a scientist can make is to assert prematurely that some exotic new effect "cannot be" because our present limited knowledge does not cover the effect." Another reminder would be the incidence of Lord Kelvin's calculation incorrectly claiming to rule out the link between geomagnetic variations and the changing Sun outputs.) Changes in solar UV radiation modulate the ozone concentration in the stratosphere. This subsequently influences the troposphere's circulation patterns—including mid-latitude storm tracks.9 Thus greenhouse gases are but one heating factor in a whole range of counterbalancing cooling/heating factors. That human-produced greenhouse gases are added to the atmosphere is true: but whether or not C0 2 is the determining factor in large-scale global warming that could further lead to major, future global disaster for all is the hard question. The popular statement10 that increases in C0 2 in the atmosphere resulting from increased industrial activity have not only caused global temperatures to rise over the past century, but if unchecked, will also cause catastrophic warming, is likely more emotional than correct.11 In order to confirm the dominant role of humanmade greenhouses in any climatic change scenario, there are the enormous tasks of rejecting the contribution by the Sun's variable outputs as well as various naturally changing patterns of air and sea circulation. See for example, Tinsley, B.A., Eos, Transaction, American Geophysical Union, Vol. 78, No. 33, 1997, p. 341. 9

Haigh, J.D., "The impact of solar variability on climate," Science, Vol. 272, 1996, p. 981.


The description is from a press release issued by the Fraser Institute, Centre for Studies in Risk and Regulation based on the publication Global Warming: A Guide to the Science, by W. Soon et al., Fraser Institute, November 2001. See GlobalWarmingGuide.pdf or forward a request to W. Soon at [emailprotected] 1

' Other than the models not showing the results predicted by the C0 2 greenhouse gas "hypothesis," it has been pointed out that the "Greenhouse Effect" does not work as popularly believed—since it is not trapping thermal radiation that brings increased warmth expected for the lower troposphere. The added heat from increasing concentrations of gases like water vapor, carbon dioxide, and nitrous oxide (N 2 0) in the troposphere is mainly caused by reduced wind and evaporation. So it should be said that the "greenhouse effect" works by preventing convection cooling: not blocking escaping infrared radiation. See Lee, R., "The 'Greenhouse Effect'," Journal of Applied


The Maunder Minimum and the Variable Sun-Earth Connection

Here are some more relevant details. Although the temperature at the surface of the Earth, measured by thermometers placed on land and sea at locations around the globe has risen by about 0.5°C to 0.6°C over the last one hundred years or so, the main-stage of the warming occurred before most of the greenhouse gases were added to the air by human activities. The record shows that world-wide average temperatures peaked by around 1940, then actually cooled until the 1970s. Since then, there has been a warming of the Earth's surface. But as approximately 70-80 percent of the rise in levels of C0 2 during the twentieth century occurred after the initial major rise in temperature in the 1940s, the increase in C0 2 cannot have caused the bulk of the past century's rise in temperature. Thus, the bulk of the 20th century warming must have been natural. What could be even more unsettling is the fact that the primary impact of the greenhouse effect of added C0 2 is in the lower atmosphere rather than on Earth's surface, but accurate measurements of that layer of air by U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) satellites over the last 23 years have not shown any clear sign of global warming. Concern that the continued increase in the concentration of C0 2 in the air will lead to a disastrous rise in the global temperature stems mainly from computer models of the climate system that have been making forecasts through the next century. The common tool for a computer simulation of the climate is the General Circulation Model (GCM). The climate models are an integral part, not only of the science of climate change, but also of the global warming policy issue so much at the forefront of current world politics. However, present models are not sufficiently accurate in forecasting future climate change.12 At present, it is impossible to isolate the effect of an increased concentration of atmospheric C0 2 on climate. Yet it is not surprising that it is still

(continued) Meteorology, Vol 12, 1973, pp. 556-557; Essex, C, "What do climate models tell us about global warming?" Pageoph (Pure and Applied Geophysics), Vol. 135, 1991, pp. 125-133; Goody, R.M., Principles of Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry (OUP:1995), pp. 129-130; and Soon, W. et al., "Modeling climatic effects of anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions: Unknowns and uncertainties," Climate Research, Vol. 18, 2001, pp. 259-275. For more on convection cooling rather than infrared radiation trapping, see Held, I.M., Soden, B.J., "Water vapor feedback and global warming," Annual Reviews of Energy and the Environment, Vol. 25, 2001. 12

See for example the scientific discussion outlined in Soon, W. et al, "Environmental effects of increased atmospheric carbon dioxide," Climate Research, Vol. 13, 1999, pp. 149-164, and Soon, W. et al., "Modeling climatic effects of anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions: Unknowns and uncertainties," Climate Research, Vol. 18, 2001, pp. 259-275.



impossible to reliably calculate the climatic impact of increases in the concentration of atmospheric C0 2 and to distinguish the C0 2 imprints from other naturally varying changes. At any moment, around five million different variables have to be followed in a computer mock-up of the climate.13 All their important impacts and interactions must be known, yet it is certain that they are not sufficiently well understood.

The Uneven Course of Solar and Geophysical Science in Sun-Earth Connection Study: From the Past into the Future Conceiving the Maunder Minimum even in a rudimentary form took many years to accomplish, as this book has tried to show, just one aspect in the broad range of solar science. Much data describing this minimum was left in storage, as it were: much was forgotten or never properly collected in the first place—solar and terrestrial. A smaller, less politically and scientifically sophisticated world found in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries can be alternately blamed and forgiven for this transgression. Dating the Maunder's Minimum occurrence is still not straightforward. Mild debates for a longer (1620-1720, 1645-1710) and shorter (1675-1715) duration persist and have not at all been settled. The insistence that such extended solar minima (alternately, maxima) are mere hypothetical (hence with no plausible terrestrial impacts) concepts still captures the attention of many people, influential or otherwise. Thankfully, the sunspot record—such as it was—coinciding with a time of energetic and accurate use of early telescopes was left behind in a somewhat

13 In order to convey a sense of immaturity in our ability to model the climate of the world, here is an extensive quote (Kerr, R.A., Science, Vol. 276, 1997, p. 1040): "The effort to simulate climate in a computer faces two kinds of obstacles: lack of computer power and a still very incomplete picture of how real-world climate works. The climate forecasters' basic strategy is to build a mathematical model that recreates global climate processes as closely as possible, let the model run, and then test it by comparing results to the historical climate record. But even with today's powerful supercomputers, that is a daunting challenge, says modeller Michael Schlesinger of the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign: 'In the climate system, there are 14 (to 16) orders of magnitude of scale, from the planetary scale, which is 40 million meters, down to the scale of one of the little aerosol particles on which water vapor can change phase to a liquid cloud particle—which is a fraction of a million of a millimetre.' Of these 14 (to 16) orders of magnitude, notes Schlesinger, researchers are able to include in their models only two of the largest: the planetary scale and the scale of weather disturbances: 'To go to the third scale—which is that of thunderstorms down around 50-kilometer's resolution—we need a computer a thousand times faster, a teraflops machine that maybe we'll have in five years.' And including the smallest scales, he says, would require 1036 to 1037 more computer


The Maunder Minimum and the Variable Sun-Earth Connection

better condition than were the climate records. Still we despair that these historical records may not be fully recovered and restored. An age passed before this great dip in solar activity was noticed and connected by Walter Maunder and others to changing weather patterns, such as increased cold, abundant violent storms and heavy precipitation; fluctuating Earth magnetic activity, and other phenomena. For all this, even his and his contemporaries' observations were tenuous and incomplete. After Walter Maunder's death in the 1920s, it took another fifty years before the low dip in solar activity was finally pinned down to specific data. Solar astronomer J.A. Eddy attached Maunder's name to these findings and connections, so relevant to solar astronomical research, today, and rightfully so. Beyond Eddy's restoration of Maunder's place in these proceedings, Maunder and his wife's pioneering work stands on its own merits: • Butterfly diagrams • Sun-Earth geomagnetic phenomena observations and discoveries, including witnessing solar bursts affecting Earth's largest magnetic storms, recognizing the role of fast solar wind (definite rays or beams) from M regions or coronal holes • Other important insights like a brighter, rather than a dimmer, Sun when solar magnetism is strong It is to E. Walter Maunder and his wife Annie and to their solar work that solar research is very much indebted. Even relatively modern theorists such as Sydney Chapman and astronomers like G.E. Hale found much grist for the mill of solar physics research due to the Maunders' painstaking work and basic scientific

(continued) power. 'So we're kind of stuck.' " Indeed we suspect that the latter of the two major problems will be the ultimate limit to known present observations, let alone predicting future climates. The distinguished dynamic meteorologist Edward Lorenz somewhat humorously reminded us how one early twentieth century meteorologist, Napier Shaw described what we called a "model" today as simply a "fairy tale" {The Essence of Chaos, University of Washington Press, Seattle, 1993, p. 87). In describing the current state-of-the-art, five million variables European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecast, we hear that: "Lest a system of 5,000,000 simultaneous equations in as many variables appear extravagant, let us note that, with a horizontal grid of less than 50,000 points, each point must account for more than 10,000 square kilometres. Such an area is large enough to hide a thunderstorm in its interior. I have heard speculations at the Centre that another enlargement of the model is unlikely to occur soon ..." (pp. 101-102). Philosophically, and in a similar context to our statement about models not being reality, the renowned mathematician and computing pioneer, Peter D. Lax in 1987 is noted to have said: "... there is a danger that the computation becomes a substitute for a non-existent theory." (p. 132 of Essex, C , "What do climate models tell us about global warming?" Pageoph [Pure and Applied Geophysics], Vol. 135, 1991, pp. 125-133).



constructs surrounding their 30-plus year's worth of solar observation and study. These were solar observations and research not in one particular form, but in many forms (solar spots' definition and behavior, faculae; rudimentary understanding of solar magnetism and its behavior; eruptive loops, the corona and so on). The Maunders in particular interconnected the phenomena where and when science allowed. Their practical astronomical studies and methods (use of photography and illustration) should also not be ignored. Their work placed into sharp relief the then-ongoing preliminary work on physical interactions between solar and terrestrial charged particles as done by Birkeland, Paulsen, and Arrhenius, subsuming it to the greater—and eventual—understanding of the magnetosphere, formulated to a great extent by Chapman, Ferraro, Asakofu and refined by many others—such as Parker, who helped delineate the solar wind. For all this, whether in making the fundamental observations and piecing together discoveries in the Sun-Earth connection, all those mentioned above depended heavily on their forebears' contributions. Maunder appreciated and valued the findings of Wolf, Sporer, Schwabe, and Sabine, as Chapman and even Bartels valued the work of Maunder, Birkeland, Paulsen and others. Without the useful scepticism of Lord Kelvin and F. Lindemann at crucial times, the gain in solar science would have been less. All would have been at a loss without the work of Scheiner, Galileo, Flamsteed, de Mairan, and others still. Additionally, how would it now be possible to get a factual view into the past without the tools found and shaped in part by W. Libby and H. Suess? The curious questioning by Douglass—working on trees and not stars—led not only to a concrete connection between the two, but to an entirely new branch of science—dendrochronology. By choosing the way we related these linkages between thinkers and discoverers, grasping at times at straws of truth, and having to reject others whilst looking for tools and processes, we have tried to illustrate science's sometimes tenuous and very often difficult, oft-repeated, and crooked paths. In particular, we have tried to show the difficulties and tangibility of Sun-Earth physics in terms of obtaining concrete, useable, and conclusive findings. * * #

Modem research, where it has been built on the Maunders' work, has been positive as, for example, non-linear dynamo theoretical interpretations of solar cycles now suggest. There was, in the distant past—as modern evidence has gleaned from isotopic records left on Earth by the Sun in the tenth, and twelfth to thirteenth centuries—times when some cycles operated at a higher intensity. Additionally, as the Maunder Minimum illustrates, there were indeed times (so the isotopes


The Maunder Minimum and the Variable Sun-Earth Connection

indicate) when the cycles were more sluggish. With solar proxy evidence in abundance and better Earth climate reconstructions ongoing—including the pointing out of a better understanding of what the LIA was, and what it meant—the hope for a more positive regimen in solar physics and geophysics is certainly apparent. But as the latter chapters of this book show, we have only theory to buttress most claims as to why solar cycles, alone, are as they are. How they operate is still, by and large, a mystery. How they affect Earth's climate, apart from or with Earth's own geophysical frame, is also as yet out of reach. Knowledge gained as to how the Sun works in tandem with Earth has been slow to accumulate, and at times, hard to keep in focus over longer periods of time. As we have tried to show, the database for exploration is rich and continuously growing—however hard it was to create and, at times, reconstruct. Due to neglect or avoidance, this database can grow cold or be lost. Yet it is always ready to be mined by those willing to investigate the riddles posed by our Sun's and Earth climate's operating faculties. The question is, who will be the next solar physicists and geophysicists who will rely heavily on the work of their forebears to establish even greater understanding of the cycles of the Sun as they affect Earth? This, like much that is unforeseeable, lies in the future.

16 The Maunders and Their Final Story

Science fiction is replete, leitmotif upon motif, in relationships men and women have in imagined worlds, deep in space, far into time—back into the past or into the future. We speak in terms of an interdependence of thought and body: a fluid, protean world of man and woman, where form and function intertwine, taking and forming new shapes to fit new functions. The often equally protean nature of ancient Greek or Roman myth comes to mind. Even though all this is usually associated with the non-factual, seldom does one realize how often, among men and women astronomers—famous or otherwise—a similar bonding, interdependence of thought, if not of frame, must occur. As this book has hopefully shown, we have seen a few famous pairings, some like the Maunders more than others. In science fiction, whole bodies are transformed into androids, or cyborgs, or other such phantasmagoria. Such a description is to underline the fluidity of form in the face of function, perhaps: deep space still a mystery to us, as Earth's oceans once were, and somewhat still are. But the marriage bond, or the love bond, if one will, creates with it a kind of strange but often wonderful blend in individuals that sees fit to compensate for the weaknesses of either, such as they are, to make for a better, more complete whole. It is not the intention here to draw an overly romantic picture of what A.S.D. and Walter Maunder found together as husband and wife. It would be overlycynical, by the same token, to assert that the better-educated (and, by association, the more skilled) Annie was making her "will known" through a well-placed and respected adjunct to the Royal Observatory by a marriage of convenience. That Walter Maunder may have taken an avuncular approach to his relationship with a woman young enough to be a daughter is not unlikely, serving at times as a mentor. Little is known of the personal relationship here and we wish to go no further. In the absence of other evidence, what drew these two together was, in Mary Brack's words, their evangelical Christian spirit. Married first at age twenty-three to Edith Bustin—with whom he had all his children—Maunder was a widower by the time he was 36, Edith having died of 247


The Maunder Minimum and the Variable Sun-Earth Connection

acute tuberculosis just short of her thirty-sixth birthday. She had been ill for over a year.1 It seems quite possible that Annie did, indeed, bring a rounder, more professional view to much of Walter's, and her own, work, albeit in the professional manner of those trained beyond undergraduate rank, and it clearly shows in much of her own work, and perhaps, had empowered and rounded out more fully some of the observations, annotations, and mathematics of her husband. She was a skilled solar observer, and photographer. Both astronomers kept up a world-wide correspondence with astronomers and others, right up to their deaths. Walter was a good public speaker, and a fascinating one, being not in the least shy in this regard. Annie, on the other hand, was reluctant to speak, so she claimed, due to her voice, and refused posts in the B.A.A., for example, that would cause her to be a moderator or speaker before public gatherings. As such, the picture of this man-and-woman team is complete. It need only be noted in the obituary for Mrs. Maunder of 1948,2 written by a friend of nearly fifty years' standing—astronomer Mary Orr Evershed—who stated that "love on both sides was deep and true," besides the obvious references to their mutual scientific interests. Annie outlived Walter by nineteen years. E. Walter Maunder, after an extended period of "great disability," died on March 21, 1928,3 to Annie's "great grief," as another obituary by Mrs. Orr Evershed related.4 For some years previous to this, he had been "afflicted with painful internal trouble."5 It was a month before his 77th birthday. He had taken an active part, as we could well think, in the affairs of the Church of England.


Edith Hannah Bustin was born in Shoreditch, Sub District Kennington, October 29, 1852 at 11 Claremont Place. Her father was Antony Bustin, "Gentleman," and mother, Matilda Sarah Bustin. E. Walter Maunder, listed as an "Assistant at the Royal Observatory," was married in the Wesleyan Chapel, High Street, Clapham, by his own father on 11 September 1875. E. Walter's address at this time was 4 Vansillart Terrace, Greenwich. Edith's address was 17 Althorpe Road, Wandsworth Common. Her father being deceased, their wedding was witnessed by Thomas Frid Maunder, Jane Eliza Martindale, Ann Eliza Wheeler (E. Walter Maunder's sister), and probably Hannah's brother, Antony Bustin. Her death was recorded at Greenwich East for 26 October 1888, Hyde House, Ulundi Road. Her death was certified by A. Forsyth (MD) "Cause: Phthisis Pulmonalis (1 year, 3 months), Acute Tuberculosis (21 days)." (Personal communication with Alan Maunder, Maunder's direct descendant.) 2

A.S.D. Maunder Obituary, Notices, MNRAS, Vol. 108, 1948, pp. 48—49.


Ibid, Maunder Obituary, JBAA, Vol. 38, No. 8, Session 1927-1928.


A.S.D. Maunder Obituary, Notes, JBAA, Vol. 57, 1947, p. 238.


Ibid, "Report to the Council to the ...," JBAA, LXXXIX, February 4, 1929.

The Maunders and Their Final Story


In the Nature obituary, for April 7, 19286 two points stand out, in particular, that emphasize Maunder's "unrecognized recognition": that his being brought into the Royal Observatory represented one of the first and most important thrusts into making the observatory a "physical observatory" (that is, Maunder's embodiment of the essence of a pioneering astrophysicist) and second, his "ready pen," which was not merely this, but of course the skilled tool of an acute mind. The laborious nature of the first film developing process at Greenwich is described, since Maunder was appointed the photographer of the Sun before the "gelatin dry-plate" technique was fully adopted. Maunder is shown to be a pioneer in this revealing obituary. Only later, after Maunder's determined dedication to the studies of the Sun are shown, is he given an assistant who can take some of the burden off of him. Clearly, his mind is running ahead of limitations in technology and technique, and is busy devising new ones. It is without doubt that he transferred a great deal of knowledge on photography to Annie, who became more adept at it than him (as her work bore out). It is also said that Maunder was "freed up" to do more important work, like the focus on sunspots and other phenomena, and that the staff grew in the 1880s—whether at his instigation or due to his zeal, or both, or other factors, is not well known. He returned to this work after retirement, in the First World War, taking up his old role of working with sunspots, being put "in charge" of this in 1916.7 What had perhaps been glossed over is his active role in founding the B.A.A., which by 1928 was recognized as a national achievement and as a society of scientists, relatively independent of class concerns, free to think in whatever way they pleased, be they a Stephen Gray or a Lord Kelvin. Annie helped him form the B.A.A. journal's shape and structure,8 and freed Walter of being editor after a year, when he was president. Noticeable, too, is his rather-modern respect and understanding for not only other religions, but even the opposite sex—insofar as his helping found the B.A.A. had as one of its goals, the providing of an open forum where all could pursue astronomical study. Finally, it is Walter's unpretentious and interesting writing style that takes center stage. His "command of language" is made much of, and here, we see his 6

Ibid, Maunder obituary in Nature, No. 3049, Vol. 121, 7 April, 1928, pp. 455^156.


Ibid, Brack, "Alice Everett and Annie Russell Maunder torch bearing women astronomers," Irish Astronomical Journal, p. 289. 8

Ibid, A.S.D. Maunder Obituary in J.B.A.A. According to Brack, the only income A.S.D. Maunder personally made (that is, by herself) for written work after was winning the Gibson Prize from Girton College in 1923. It was an essay on a Biblical subject and earned her £123.


The Maunder Minimum and the Variable Sun-Earth Connection

support of Annie in some of her work. As she writes, we can see much of his assistance, seeing as he had a flair for words, and had been an editor and writer for years in journals like The Observatory, the J.B.A.A., the organ for the RAS, the journal Nature, and others, still. He was also the author of numerous books, one of them being Astronomy Without a Telescope—a very popular item. It is found in observatory libraries (Harvard College Observatory for example) to this day. His eldest brother, Thomas, who died at the age of 92, outlived him by seven years. An obituary statement remarks that he and E. Walter were the "founding fathers" of the society, both acting as "honourable secretaries." Thomas eventually became the legs and arms of the B.A.A., becoming Assistant Secretary, and held this position for the next 38 years. Annie lived until September 15, 1947, dying at the age of 79. She had served as the J.B.A.A.'s editor for two years in the middle 1890s, and for thirteen years between 1917 and 1930. Like her husband, she contributed notes and articles on ancient and current astronomy and her papers were even published at the Victoria Institute, where her husband was a pious associate of many years' standing.9 She was known "ever as a steadfast friend and cheerful colleague whose loyalty was the outstanding feature of her character."10


Ibid, Bruck, "Alice Everett and Annie Russell Maunder torch bearing women astronomers," Irish Astronomical Journal, p. 284. 10 Obituary of Mrs. E. Walter Maunder, December, 1947, The Observatory, Vol. 67, pp. 231-232.

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Index of Sources


Theophrastes, De Signis Temperstatum (Enquiry into Plants and Minor Works on Odours and Weather Signs) Trans. Hort, A. (Heinemann:MCMXVI). Tsurutani, B.T., Gonzales, W.D., et al., Magnetic Storms (AGU, 1997). Verdet, J.-R, The Sky: Order and Chaos (Gallimard, 1987). Walford, E., Frost Fairs on the Thames (London, 1887). Webb, G.E., Tree Rings and Telescopes: The Scientific Career of A.E. Douglass (University of Arizona, 1983).

Poems, Plays, Stories Dickinson, E., Poem 244 (591) (circa 1862) Final Harvest: Poems Selected and with an Introduction, ed. Johnson, T.H. (Little, Brown, 1964). Donne, J., "Ignatius His Conclave" from "The Pseudo-Martyr" Complete Poetry and Selected Prose of John Donne (Modern Library, 1952). Hawthorne, N., "Old News," Twice Told Tales (Volume IV) Walter Black. Marvell, A., "The Last Instructions To A Painter" (1667) (See Weiss and Weiss). Pope, A, The Poems, Epistles and Satires of Alexander Pope (Dutton, 1931).

Recommended Reading on Earth's Climate, Physics of the Sun and Solar-Terrestrial Relationships Akasofu, S.-L, Exploring the Secrets of the Aurora (Kluwer, 2002). Chapman, S., Battels, J., Geomagnetism (OUP, 1940). Grove, J., The Little Ice Age (Routledge, 1988). Hoyt, D.V., Schatten, K.H., The Role of the Sun in Climate Change (OUP, 1997). Kippenhahn, R., Discovering the Secrets of the Sun (John Wiley, 1994) [translated by S. Dunlop]. Lamb, H.H., Climate, History and the Modern World (Methuen, 1982).

Legend CUP = Cambridge University Press HUP = Harvard University Press JBAA = Journal of The British Astronomical Association JHA = Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage MNRAS = Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society OUP = Oxford University Press PUP = Princeton University Press S&T= Sky and Telescope


Acetylene, 198 as a counting gas, 198 Active regions (see also Sun), 177, 184-185, 227 Aerosols, ix, xi, 22, 66 (sulphur), 22, 25, 66 Ague (see Malaria) Air currents, 83 blockages of and hence severe short term climate change, 22, 84 Airy, Sir George Biddell, 102-108 Akasofu, Syun-Ichi, 170, 173 Albedo, 189, 240 effects on Earth, 227 effects on Mars, 189 Alfven, Hannes, 171, 187 Algiers, 158 Alpha-omega dynamo, 223 American Geophysical Union (AGU), 208 Anglican Church (see also Church of England), 98 Ancient Greece, 154, 247 Ancient time keeping (different religions), 154 Anthropogenic aerosols, ix Anthropogenic isotopes, 17, 197 Anticyclones, 76-77 anticyclonic activity, 77 Apelles, 5, 7, 9 Arcetri, 26 Archaeology, 199 Architecture (reflecting housing, implements, to prevent cold), 16, 84 Argon (as isotope) 39Ar, 230 Armagh Observatory, xiv, 147 Arrhenius, Svante August, 130, 160 corpuscular theory, 131, 160, 164, 169

first winner of Nobel Prize for physics, 162 Associated Bandits, the, 36 Assyrians, 154 Astronomer Royal, 46, 89, 106, 137, 155, 160 Astronomical Units (a.u.) (as measurment), 174 Atmosphere (Earth), 62, 71, 188 atmospheric circulation (see also General circulation), x, 190, 204 as compressible fluid, 189 Atmosphere (Solar), 89, 176, 177, 181 Atmosphere (Other planets'), 189 Aurora, 22 Auroral ring, 131 Aurora borealis, 21, 22, 40, 74, 76-77 sightings, 23 lack of, 22 legends tied to, 21 electromagnetic significance of, 127, 130 disappearance or diminution of, 22, 53 return to abundance of, 21, 50 Aurora australis, 227 Australia, 86, 97 Avercamp, Hendrick, 29 Babylonians, 154 Bacon, Francis, 19, 50, 112, 136 Bald Mountains (Tennessee-North Carolina, United States of America), 214 Ballot Act of 1872, 104 Baliunas, Sallie, xvi, 228 Ball, Sir Robert, 123, 147 Barents Sea, 204 Barometers, 26, 55 early use of for weather measurement, 34



Barometric pressure, 130 Bartels, Julius, 173 Beal, Dorothea, 109 Beerstraaten, van, 30 Before Present (BP), 198 Bergen, Norway, 68 Berkshire (United Kingdom), 28 Beryllium (10Be), 200 activity, 229 build up, 200 as a measurement, 199 Biermann, Ludwig, 180 Birkeland, Kristian R., 131, 163 Bodensee, 51, 77, 79 Bond, Gerard, 204 Boyd, Lou, 228 Boy computers, 106 Boyle, Robert, 21, 28, 42, 43 Bradford, William, 37 Bradley, R.S., 152 Brazil, 34, 82, 191 Brinker, Hans, 57 Bristlecone pine, 198 British Astronomical Society (BAA), 101, 108, 140, 146 British Isles (see England), 51 British North America (pre-1775 United States), 28, 67 Brueghel, Pieter, 14 Bruck, Mary, 247 Bubonic plague, 27 Bunsen, Robert, 81, 194-195 Butterfly diagrams, xvi, 111, 112, 115-116, 143 invention of by Maunder, 111 continuing use in solar research, 143 evidence of reduced solar activity due to lack of sunspots, 116 evidence of increased solar activity due to abundance of sunspots, 115 Cairngorm Mountains, 52 Calcium H and K (see also Emission lines), 227 Cambridge, Massachusetts (USA), 70, 80


Campion, Thomas, 44 Canada, 39, 86, 97, 158, 208 Cannon, Annie, 109 Cape Fear, 72 Cape Hatteras, 36, 67 Cape Verde, 58 Carbon dioxide, ix, xii, 198 as an absorber/emitter of longwave radiation in Earth's mesosphere, 200 as a counting gas, 198 Carbon 14 (14C), 191-194 activity, 193 build up, 198 as a measurement, 192 dilution, 194 limitations of as a measurement, 197 Carriacou (West Indies), 155 Carrington, Richard, 58, 90 Cassini, Giovanni, 74 Castelli, Benedetto, 7 Cathode rays, 130, 131, 162-164 Catholic Church, 18 Celsius, Anders, 130 scale of measurement of Earth temperature, 130 first finds connection of magnetic needle movement to Aurora Borealis, 130 Celsius (measurement), 25, 152 Cellulose, 198 Chloroflurocarbon (CFC), 240 Chaotic motion, 222 of Sun, 222 Chapman, Sydney, 159 Chapman-Ferraro Current, 171 Charles II, 44 Charles River, 77 Charged particles (see also Plasma), 163-168 regarding orderly/turbulent motion, 223 Chen, Chung, 33 Chester (United Kingdom), 57 Child, A.L., 136 Chi'ng Dynasty (see also civil war, Chinese), 34, 57, 64, 76



China, ix, 1, 19, 31, 64 Chinese Bureau of Astronomy, 34 Chinsen, Nan Ling, 34 Chromosphere (see also Sun, structure), 110, 113, 155, 176, 185 Christie, Sir William, 105 Church of England (see also Anglican Church), 248 Civil war (English), 18 Civil war (Chinese - end of Ming Dynasty), 32,35 Clerke, Agnes M, 87, 110, 129, 195 "prolonged magnetic calm", 227 Climate (Earth), 83, 84 oscillation as a factor of climate change, 204, 205 connection with weather, 206 Climate models use of, 242 limitations of, 242 Cliver, Edward W., 92 Clouds (Earth) formation theory of, 241 hypothesized place in global warming, 241 Coastal storms, 59 hypothesized increased severity of storms, 68 hypothezied increased wind activity along, 68 Codfish importance of to settlement of British North America, 67 disappearance of in North Atlantic, 22 negative effects of disappearance of to Iceland and Norwegian fishing trade, 53 liver failures of in cold water, 53 Colorado Plateau, 136 Comets as weather portends, 169 Commonwealth, 28, 35 Condensation latent heat of, 190-191,240

Connecticut (British North America / United States of America), 68 Connecticut River, 68 Contact period indians (political state, malnourishment of), 68, 154 Continental glaciation (see also Glacial recrudescence), 198 Convective zone (see also Sun, structure), 175-177 Convection cooling, 241-242 Copernicus, Nicholas, 64 Core (Sun) (see also Sun, structure) (see also Marine sediment cores, Ice cores), 174-176 Coriolis Effect, 195-196 Coronal holes (see also Sun, structure), 125, 170, 179, 181, 183 Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs), 185 Corpuscles (see Plasma) Corpuscular theory, 131, 160, 169, 171 Cosmic particles (see Plasma) Cosmic rays flux, 193, 194 production of, 193 intensity of, 231 Cosmogenic isotopes, 234 Counter reformation, 18 County Deny, Ireland, 62 Crete, 25-28, 53, 76 Cromwell, Oliver, 28 Crops (see also Harvests), 31, 68 Croydon (England), 98, 99 Cultivation, 36, 64 Cyborgs, 247 Cycles, climate, 203 Cycles, solar existence of, 143 interruptions of, 145 Cyclic motion, 225 Cyclones cyclonic activity (intensity), 67, 68 tied to solar activity, 132, 136 solar rotation, 138


Da Vinci, Leonardo, 1, 16 Dalton, John, 17 Dalton Minimum, 17, 26, 70, 88, 177, 234 Danish islands (freezing), 41 De mairan, Jean Jacques Dotous, 162 De Vries, Hessel, 199 De Vries Effect, 199 Declination, 117, 127 Deep time in relation to use of proxy data in climate reconstruction, 210, 213 Defoe, Daniel, 44, 59 Deforestation supposed negative effects of, 72 environmental protection because of, 71 Denmark, 54, 60, 132 Dendrochronology, 245 Derham, Lord, 55, 56 Descartes, Rene, 9, 20 Devonshire Commission, 102 Dipole axis, 132 Dipole solar field, 231 Disraeli, Benjamin, 102 Don River, 56 Donne, John, 13 Douglass, Andrew Ellicott ties tree rings to solar cycles, 134-142 correspondence with Maunder, 152 notes 11-year absence in Maunder Minimum period, 139 Downing, Arthur Matthew Weld, 105 Drought, xi, 19, 22, 76 Dryden, John, 44 Dullier, Fatio de, 88 Dungey, James W., 173 Dunsik Observatory, 147 Dutch East India Company, 66 Dutch painting (technical accuracy reflecting proof of prolonged cold), 29, 30 Dysentery, 36 Dyson, Frank, 107, 159 Earth orbit and axis of rotation, 207


its atmosphere, 188, 189, 192 Easter Islands (disappearance of theocracy in Maunder Minimum), 66 Eddington, Sir Arthur, 159 Eddy, John A., 11, 17, 63, 197, 244 Edwards, Jonathan, 99 Education Act of 1870, 104 Ejecta {see also Solar flares and CMEs), 186 England, 13, 18, 25, 44, 76, 88, 97, 114 Engstligen Alp, 26 Ennadai, 215, 237 Epidemics, 36, 37 Equatorial regions (Earth), 163 Equatorial regions (Sun), 113 Equatorial ring current satellite discovery of, 171 discovery of during Vega expedition, 171 Elizabethan England, 28 Elliptical planetary motion, 191 Ellis, William, 122, 126, 133 Electrical conductivity, 222 Electrons in kilovolts, 185 Electromagnetism as a dynamo, 223 El Nino, xi, 102 Emission lines, 168, 227 ENSO, 102 Eskimos, 56 Etna, 59 European Space Agency (ESA), 92, 94, 175, 186 Evaporation, 62, 136, 190 Evelyn, John, 53 Even-parity solution dominance {see also Quadrupolar fields), 231, 232 Everett, Alice, 147, 148 Extended solar maximum, xi, 17, 59, 173 Fabricius, David, 3 Fabricius, Johannes, 3 Faculae, 5, 10, 21, 48, 87, 117, 168 Faculae Solaris (see Faculae), 48 Faeroes (Faeroe Islands), 58 Falkland Islands, 196



"Fall out" (of isotopes), 201 Famine, ix, 19, 23, 36, 52 Faraday, Michael, 104 Ferraro, Vincenzo C.A., 169 Ferrel, William, 195 Field (see also Magnetic field) field strength, 104, 123 Finlay, W.H., 105 "Fifty Year's Difficulty" (see also Kelvin, Lord and Maunder, Edward Walter), 111, 118, 124, 162, 169 First World War (see World War One), 249 Fishing industries, 53 importance of, 55 failures of, 57 Flagstaff, Arizona (United States of America), 135 Flamsteed, John, 21, 46 Flamsteed, Margaret, 47 Florida Keys (wrecks tied to possible storm activity), 67 Foam theory (of sunspots), 9 Fogel, 41 Foraminifera, 204 Fractionation of isotopes, 198-199 France, 20, 47, 54 Franco-German war, 116 Fraunhofer, Joseph, 92, 94, 227 Freezing (intensities), 25, 35 Frohlich, Claus, 179 Frost fairs (Thames), 46 Fujian, 64-65 Fusion (nuclear as related to Sun), 175, 176 Gales (see also Cyclones), 27, 31, 76 Galileo, 3-10 Galilean revolution, 43 Gamma rays, 185 Gassendi, Pierre, 27, 41, 132 Gauss, Carl Friedrich, 86, 119 Gauss (as measurement), 177, 181 Gautier, Alfred, 116 Gazetteers, 34

General circulation early models of, 242 how it operates, 196 Geographic pole, 131 Geomagnetic latitude, 166, 167 Geomagnetic pole, 131 Geomagnetism, 111 Geomagnetic storms (see also Magnetic force) recurring nature of these disturbances as found by Maunder, 129 Geometric pole, 206 Giant (sun)spots "giant spot groups", 113 significance of (Monster spot), 125 Giotto, 16 Glaciers, 207 cirque glaciers, 208 glacierets, 208 Glacial recrudescence, 76 moderate as opposed to deep re-emergence, 206 glacial maximum, 209 Gladstone, William, 102 Global Climate Model, 24 Global warming (see also Greenhouse Gas), 238 as purely natural-occurring phenomena due to geothermic or solar-induced singularities, 238 difficulty in delineating global warming from human versus natural causes, 238 as a result of the "Greenhouse effect", ix, 240-242 Gold, Thomas, 172 Grand Design, the, 33, 64 Gray, Stephen, 48, 49, 58, 185, 249 Greaves, W.M.H., 173 Great London fire of 1666, 45, 50 Great Maximum (see Medieval Maximum), 17 Great Plague of 1665, 83 Greco-roman myth, 247 Green, Reverend Joseph, 68


Greenhouse Gas, x, 238 as hypothesis, 238 actual operating mechanism involved in "Greenhouse effect", 240 as suspect in global warming, 238 Greenland (see also Milcent), 58 ice core particle measurement, 203 Holocene settlement of, 205 Greenwich Observatory, 13, 46, 56, 101-102 Grindelwald glacier, 211, 213 Grove, Jean, xv, 21,83, 207 Guangdong, 31 Guangzhou, 31 Gulf Stream, 67, 81, 191 Hail (as precipitation), 38, 77 Hailstones (see Hail), 57, 70 Hailstorms (see Hail), 57, 68 Hale, George Ellery, 123, 168 Hale Cycle (Hale Magnetic Cycle), 193 his eponymous cycle, 193 Halley, Edmund, 44, 57 Harvests (negative effects on), 57 Harriot, Thomas, 3 Harvard College Observatory, 109, 135 Harvard-Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, 138 Harvard University (as college and as university), 39 Hathaway, David, 178, 184, 217 Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 69 Heat exchange (see Thermosphere), 192 Heliographic latitudes (see also Solar wind), 180 Heliosphere (as adjunct of solar wind), 180 Helicity, 222-223 Helium its discovery, 113 where it steers Earth's atmosphere most, Hemisphere (Earth) Northern, 18-22, 196 Southern, 66, 190, 196 Hemisphere (Solar), 221

Henry, Gregory, 228 Henry, Joseph (sunspot temperature being lower), 95 Herschel, John Herschel, William (Wilhelm), 74 proto-coronal theory, 90 notation of missing sunspots, notation of low crop yield years to low solar spot count, 87 Hevelius, Johannes, 21, 27 Hinduism, 154 Hiorter, O.P., 130 first finds connection of magnetic needle movement to Aurora Borealis, 130 H.M.S. Bounty, 66 Hodgson, R., 91, 185 Holocene, 205-206 Holocene Maximum, 214, 238 Hooke, Robert, 28, 42, 45 Hoset (village, Norway), 58 Hoyt, Douglas, xvi, 27 Huaynaputina, 22, 25, 65, 79 Hufbauer, Karl, 180 Huizhou, 31 Humboldt, Alexander, 131 Huggins, William, 147 Huguenots, 18, 28 Hurricanes, 36, 67, 122 Ice cores, ix, 201, 205 Ice skating, 46, 57 Imperial eunuchs, 34 Impulsive solar flaring (see also Solar flares), 173, 184 India, 102, 114, 128, 138, 156 Infrared light (see Longwave radiation), 189 lnstauration (see Francis Bacon), 19 Ions, 168, 180, xi Ionosphere, 167, 171, 188, 194 Irradiation (irradiance), 199 Ireland, 53, 62 Iroquois wars, 38




Islam, 154 Isle of Wight, 58 Isobars, 197 Isotopes, 17, 197, 199, 201 Italy, 25-27, 57, 76 Janssen, Jules, 87 Japan, 36, 57 Jesuits (Society of Jesus), 6, 34 John of Worcester, 3 Jones, P.D., 25, 57 Journal of the British Astronomical Association (JBAA), 151 Jupiter, 151, 163 Kangxi (emperor) (Kiangsi), 64 Kapteyn, Jacobus, 136 Kelvin, Lord (see also "Fifty Year's Difficulty"), 99 misunderstanding of Sun-earth magnetic relationship, 119, 122, 124 absolute temperature unit, 122, 123 Kennedy, J.E., 130 Kepler, Johannes, 6-8, 59,-64 Kew Observatory, 91, 92, 106 Kiangsi, 36, 64 Kiloparsecs distance of solar system within the Galaxy, 174 King-Hele, D.G., 172, 194 King, John, 15 King, Joseph, 182 "King William's Dear Year", 55 Kings College, xv Kingston, Rhode Island (USA), 46, 68 Kirchhoff, Gustav, 87, 95 Kitt Peak, 14, 220 Knobloch, Edgar, 231 Krakatoa, 22, 66, 68, 77 Krause, Fritz, 231 La Nina, xi La Palma (observatory), Canary Islands, Spain, 184

Lamb, Hubert Horace, 15, 46 Lamoka, 214, 237 Laurentide Ice Sheet, 204 Late Wisconsin epoch, 214 Lauboks, 60 LeFroy, John H., 86, 119 Leibnitz, Gottfried, 34 Libby, William F , 198 Libya, 53, 57 Lignin as an element of sapwood, 199 Linearity as assumed of solar magnetism, 22 Lindemann, FA., 166, 170 Linick, Timothy, 198 Lingnan, 33 Little Ice Age (LIA), xv, 17, 26, 75, 81, 206-209 how label was obtained, 207 actual definition, 26 re-dating of, 208 Lijtens, Gisbrecht, 30 Livingston, William C , 14, 220 Lockwood, Wes, 228 Lockyer, J. Norman, 104, 110 Lockyer, William, 113, 114 Locke, John, 55 London description of in Seventeenth Century, Great Fire (see Great London fire), 44, 76, 82, 83 London bridge (see also London), 51 "Lord Derwenter's Lights", 62 Longwave radiation radiative transfers in Earth's atmosphere, 189 as an absorber of water vapor, 190 Long radio waves, 185 Loops (solar activity as in prominence loops, etc.), 183, 184 Lough Neagh, 62 Louis XIV, 218 Lowell Observatory, 135, 140, 228 Lowell, P., 135 Luculi, 87 Luminosity, 177


Luni-solar years, 154 Lyncei (the Lynxes, Order of), 6 M-regions, 124, 169 Malaria its prevalence in Northern Hemisphere as well as Southern Hemisphere, 47 famous people with this illness in Maunder Minimum, 158 Manhattan Project, 198 Magnetic declination (see also Declination), 117, 127 Magnetic dipole, 18 Magnetic disturbances (see also Magnetic force), 86, 90-92, 117-122 Magnetic field (Earth), 17, 131, 164 Magnetic field (Solar), 123, 177 oscillations of, 177 Magnetic force (horizontal) delayed burst, 90, 93 nonlinearity of bursts emanating from Sun, 169 Maunder's discovery of nonlinearity of bursts effects of solar magnetic bursts on the Earth, 121 Chapman's work on solar magnetic force in relation to Earth, 169 conceiving Earth's magnetosphere, 167 Kelvin's misunderstanding of Sun-earth magnetic force, 121-122 Magnetic storms (see also Magnetic force), 106, 120-122, 129-131 Magnetized plasma, 173, 177 Magnetopause, 189 Magnetosphere, 163, 167, 171-173, 188-189, 192 Magnetosheath, 172, 173 Magnetotail, 172 Mandarins, 33, 36, 64 Mars, 134, 135, 150 Mars Hill, 140, 159 Maraldi, Giacomo Filippo, 56


Maria Celeste, 20, 26 Marine sediment cores, 239, 240 Marks, Richard, xv, 33, 65 Marvell, Andrew, 44 Massachusetts (United States of America), 37-39, 64, 67-69 Massachusetts Bay Colony (British North America), 69 Mather, Reverend Cotton, 71 Matthes, Francois E. on how the Little Ice Age was labeled, 208, 209 Maunder, Annie Scott Dill (Russell) B.A.A. work, 146 education, 10 science photographer talent, 147, 248, 249 solar scientific work with E. Walter Maunder, 11 usefulness to Chapman, Battels et al. in geomagnetic connection of Sun and Earth, 160, 168 workatRGO, 102, 150 Maunder, Edim Augustus, 111 Maunder, Edith Hannah (Bustin), 111, 248 Maunder, Edward Arthur, 101, 111 Maunder, Edward ("E") Walter B.A.A. founding and work, 140 conflicts with Kelvin, 119 conflicts with Lockyers, 114 discovery of nonlinearity of solar magnetic bursts and co-rotational behavior of solar corona, 125, 179 education, 97-98 laments missing weather data, 144 Sun-earth connections with A.E. Douglass, 135 usefulness to Chapman, Battels et al. in geomagnetic connection of Sun and Earth, 160, 168 Wesleyan influence and religious scholarship, 153 Maunder, George Harvard, 111 Maunder, Henry Ernest, 111



Maunder, Irene Matilda, 111 Maunder, Thomas Frid, 101, 107 Maunder Minimum discovery of, xii possible manifestation of in Sun-like stars, 228 Maunder, Walter Anthony, 111 Mauritius, 66, 102, 158 Mayflower, the, 37 Meadows, A.J., 130 Meteorites measuring isotopes located within, 230 Milankovitch Cycle, 207 McBain, Flora, 149 Meldrum, Charles, 102, 103 Medieval Maximum, 17, 18, 214, 234-235, 237 Mediterranean, 18, 19, 24, 25, 31, 41, 66 Mesosphere, 188, 190 Methodism, 99 Meudon (see Paris Observatory) Michelangelo, 264 Milcent, 202 Missionaries (see also Jesuits), 32 Mitchell, W.M., 4 Modern Maximum, 235, 237 Momentum balance, 191 Monck, W.H.S., 150, 154 Monsoons (as tied to solar activity minima and maxima), 138 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (MNRAS), 95, 112 Moon water on, 46 Mosquitoes, 47 Mount Kenya (Africa), 52 Mount Kilimanjaro (Africa), 52 Mount Mansfield, Vermont (United States of America), 214 Mount Tambora (Suva), 70 Mount Wilson Observatory, 228 Naragansett, 46, 68

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 134, 177 Nesme-Ribes, Elisabeth, 218 Neutrinos, 176 Neutrons as flux, 193, 201 Neve, Thomas, 62 New England (unofficial region of U.S. northeast), 38-39, 51, 59-60, 68-70, 76-77 Newport, Rhode Island (British North America/USA), 67 Newton, H.W., 173 Newton, Isaac, 88, 216 Nicholson, Seth, 220 Nitrogen transmutation of in Earth atmosphere, 193 importance to life, 191 Nitrous oxide, 240 Non-magnetized plasma, 173 Nonlinearity of solar magnetism, 22 discovery of (see also Maunder, Edward Walter), 26 Noosphere (see also De Jardin, Teilhard), 188 Nordensjold, Adolf Erik, 131 North Africa, 23-24 North Carolina (British North America / United States of America), 67, 72, 214 Northern lights (see Aurora borealis), 27, 39, 60-63, 129-133 Norway, 56-58, 68, 156, 158 Nottles Island, 40 18

0, 203, 204, 215 Odd parity dominant/ solution (see also Quadrupolar fields), 231, 232 Oguti, Takasi, 131, 132 Oort Minimum, 235 Oracles bones, 2 Orr Evershed, Mary, 248 OSO (Orbiting Solar Observatory), 185 Ottoman Empire, 19 Othello, 28


Outer Banks, 67 Outer Hebrides, 57 Ozone layer, 188 Papitashuili, Natalia, 182 Paris Observatory, 13, 47, 56, 74, 218 Parker, Eugene N., ix, xv, 123, 174, 180, 222, 241 Parkman, Francis, 38 Particles (see Plasma) Paulsen, Adam, 130 Peabody, George, 102 Pearl River, 32 Penumbrae (of sunspots), 87 Perry, Stephen, 155 Perspicillum batavicum (see also Telescopes), 3 Peru, 22, 76 Pfister, Christian, 211 Photons, 175 Photosphere (see also Sun, structure), 110, 176, 183 Photosynthesis, 197-199 Picard, Jean, 21, 27, 41-43 Pickering, Edward C, 134, 135 Plages, 227 Plague year of 1665, 44 Plasma (see also Corpuscles), 166, 167, 173 Plasma tails (see also Solar wind), 180 Plymouth (British North America later United States of America), 37, 38 Pneumonia, 20, 35 Poloidal magnetic field, 223 Polarity, 193,220-221,231 Pond, John, 103 Pope, Alexander, 216 Precipitation as a measurement, 62 as a result of reduced solar activity, 79 Pressure gradient, 197 Proctor, Mary, 149 Prominence (solar) (see also Sun, structure), 110 Protestants, 18-20, 28


Protons in kilovolts, 185 Ptolemaic philosophy, 64 Puritans, 28, 37, 69, 71 Pythagoras, 2 Quadrupolar fields, 230, 231 Queen Victoria, 97, 102 Radiant energy, 176, 177, 189 Radiation pressure, thermal, 130, 162, 176, 240, 241 Radiative zone (see also Sun, structure), 175 Radick, Richard, 228, 235 Radii (as measurement), 156, 181 Radio transmission disturbance (see also Magnetic disturbance), 192 Radioactivity radioactive decay (as a measurement), 198 lifetimes, 198 Radiocarbon (as named by Libby), 198 Radiometrics radiometers, 177 Reconnection theory (see also Dungey, J.W.), 173 Reformation, 18 Renaissance (artistic and scientific), 16 Riccioli, Giambattista, 31, 145 Riordan, Thomas, 135, 138 Ritchie, William A., 238 Rock grains as measurement, 204 as an indicator of climate oscillation, 204, 215 Rome, 26 Royal Astronomical Society (RAS), 108, 110, 114, 124, 142 Royal Commission on Science, 104 Royal Greenwich Observatory (RGO) (see Greenwich Observatory) Royal Observator (see Astronomer Royal) Royal Observatory (see Greenwich Observatory) Royal Society of London, 50, 86



Rudolphine Tables, 19 Russia, 54 Romer, Ole, 59, 80 SAR Stable Auroral Red Arcs, 81 St. Helena, 66, 119 St. Pancras (England), 97 Sabine, Edward, 86 Salem, Massachusetts (British North America / United States of America), 67-69, 80 Sandstorms {see also Coastal), 31 Satellites (man made) used for solar research, 120, 177, 183 Saturn, 163 Scandinavia, 25, 51,55, 129 Schatten, Kenneth, 27, 43 Schreck, John, 9, 32, 75 Schuster, Sir Arthur, 124, 160 Schwabe, Heinrich eponymous cycle, 58, 86, 116, 139 Scheiner, Christopher, 3-6 Schiaparelli, Giovanni V., 134 Science fiction, 247 Scotland, 31, 52, 54-57, 62, 76 Scottish "diaspora", 53 Scott, Sir Walter, 54 Sea cable transmission disturbance {see also Magnetic disturbance), 192 Sexual discrimination (of women), 108 Self-excitation feedback process (as theory of large scale solar dynamo), 223 Sewall, Samuel, 70 Shaanxi Province, 34 Shakespeare, 28 Shetland Islands (United Kingdom), 58 Shin-chi, 33, 64 Shortwave radiation, 189-190 Siberia, 36, 57 Siddhanta Siromani, 154 Skiff, Brian, 246, 253 Skylab satellite, 181

Slipher, Vesto, 159 Shulman, Edmund, 198, 199 Silver Skates {see Blinker, Hans) Silverman, Sam M., 80, 132, 260 Singh, Sawai Jai, 10, 149, 257, 260 Siverus, 41, 56 Snow, 15, 22, 26, 30, 32, 52, 58, 64, 70, 189, 211 Snow, Dean R., 37 SOHO, 92, 94, 175, 179,251 Solar corona {see also Sun, structure), 88, 155, 157, 177, 179, 180 static corona theory of Chapman, 169 Solar cycles {see Cycles, solar) Solar dynamo magnetic field of, 223 Solar flares {see also Sun, structure) Solar luminosity (brightness) as related to solar magnetic activity, 177 Solar magnetism {see also Magnetic force) variability of solar magnetism, 215, 221 Solar maximum, 29, 173, 234 Solar minimum, 14, 177, 228, 234 Solar observatories {see also SOHO), 134 Solar rotational axis, 5 Solar wind discovery of, 162 magnetosphere interactions of, 194, 201 solar wind plasma, 181, 192, 173 Sokoloff, Dimitry, 230 Soon, Willie, 46, 51, 115,228 South Africa, 34, 105, 119 South Carolina (British North America / United States of America), 28, 55, 67, 68,71 South Pole, 155, 202 Spallation of atoms, 200 Spectral lines, 95, 227 Spectrum, 94, 130, 185, 226 Spectroheliograph, 123, 168 Spectrohelioscope, 173, 185


Sporer, Gustav Law of Spot-Zones, 95, 112 Maunder defends work of, 85 Sporer Minimum, 17 Squanto, 37 Stavanger (Norway), 57 Stratigraphy of ice layers, 202 of soil layers, 238 Stratosphere, xi, 188, 191, 241 Stewart, Balfour, 91, 92, 166, 192 Streamers (see also Corona), 125 Stuiver, Minze, 192 Stormer, Carl, 164 Storm tracks, 241 Sudden Ionospheric Disturbances (SIDs), 172 Suess, Hans E., 198 Suess Effect, 18, 194 Sun-like stars, 228 Sunspots discovery of, 5 observations of in antiquity, 1 motions of, 21 construction of, 24 Maunder's classes of, 106, 112, 160 as a sign of high or low solar activity, 11, 75, 83, 116,235 part of solar structure, 155 Sun structure (as in composition), 94 magnetism, 120, 184, 229 radiative effects of: the spiritual perfection of, 9 privileged place in universe according to Wallace, 154 Sun King [see Louis XIV), 218 Supersonic speed (of solar wind), 181 Surface reflectivity (see Albedo), 240 Sweden, 20, 35, 54, 57 Swift, Jonathan, 63, 236 Talni (India), 128, 156 Telegraph transmission disturbance (see also Magnetic disturbance), 118

Telephone transmission disturbance (see Magnetic disturbance), 192 Telescopes (see also Tubus, or Perspicillum batavicum), 20, 135, 243 Temperature (Earth) fluctuation, 203-204 Temperature (Sun), 76 Terrela experiment, 164 Terrestrial magetism (see Geomagnetism), 95, 104, 116, 122, 129, 134 Thames River, 25, 28, 51, 79 Theophrastes, 2 Thermal conductivity, 179 Thirty Year's War, 18 Thermal inertia, 191 Thermohaline circulation (oceans), 82, 204 Thermosphere, 191 Thomson, William (see Kelvin, Lord) Thunderstones (see Hail) Titian, 16 Titanium (as isotope) ^Ti, 230 Tobias, Steve Nonlinear dynamo model of Sun's magnetic field, 231 Topography, 197 Tornadoes (see also Cyclones), 27, 89 Toroidal magnetic field, 220, 223-225 Tramontana winds, 27 Tree line movement north, 214, 238 Troposphere, 188, 190, 240-241 Tubus (see also Telescopes), 3 Turbulence as manifested on Sun (see also Helicity), 222 Turkey (see also Ottoman Empire), 53,71 Turks (see Ottoman Empire), 28, 31 Udal (see Outer Hebrides) Ultra violet radiation, 191 Ultra violet light, 168, 221, 227 Umbrae (of sunspots), 87 United Kingdom (see England)




United States of America, 80, 98, 196 Universal Mean Time (UMT) highest and lowest daily Earth, 191 temperatures at, 191 University of Arizona, 198 Upper New York state (United States of America), 214, 238 Utopian (idealism) paradise restoration as part of, 66 Van der Neer, Aert, 30 Vega expedition, 131 Venice, Venetian sphere of influence, 28, 57 Venus, 8, 9 Victoria Institute, 159, 250 Viking colonies, 22 Vikings, 235 Virginia (British North America/USA), 20,67 Virginia Galili (see Maria Celeste) Visible light (see Shortwave radiation) Vogel (or Vogelius) (see Fogel) Volcanoes volcanic activity influencing weather, 190 Von Bell, Johann Adam Schall, 33 Walford, E., 46 Wallace, Alfred Russell, 99, 154 Wallis, John, 48 Wang, Yi-Ming, 183 Wavelengths, 175, 228 Weather as a function of Earth climate, 84, 246 Recording of during Maunder Minimum: recording of in China, 1-2, 14, 18, 33, 35 recording of in Western Europe, 19, 24, 25, 41

recording of in British North America (pre-1775), 39, 55 recording of in Mediterranean Basin, 25, 31, 38,41 Weickman, 45 Weiss, Nigel, 231 Welser, Mark, 5, 7 Wesley, W.H., 97, 128 Wilson, Olin C , 228 Wisconsin Ice Sheet, 207 Whales, 226 "Wild cold", 45, 53, 77 White flashes discovery of, 21 analysis of, 23, 79 Wilcox, John, 123 Wine, 26 Winthrop, John, 39, 40 Winthrop, John Jr., 39 Wolf, Rudolph, 17, 75 Wolf Minimum, 17 World War One, 151 World War Two, 151 Wotton, Henry, 13 Wren, Christopher, 46, 82 X-rays, 163, 175, 183, 185, 221 Yangtse River, 35 Yellow fever, 47 Yohkoh (see also Satellites), 183 Young, Charles, 87 zooplankton, 230 Angstrom, Anders, 130


This book takes an excursion through solar science, science history, and geoclimate with a husband and wife team who revealed some of our sun's most stubborn secrets. E Walter and Annie S D Maunder's work helped in understanding our sun's chemical, electromagnetic and plasma properties. They knew the sun's sunspot migration tin patterns and its variable, climateaffecting, inactive and active states in short and long time frames. An inactive solar period starting in the mid-seventeenth century lasted approximately seventy years, one that E Walter Maunder worked hard to make us understand: the Maunder Minimum of c 1620-1720 (which was posthumously named for him).

Maunder Minimum Suu l^rlh ComiccHon

With ongoing concern over global warming, and the continuing failure to identify root causes driving earth's climatic changes, the Maunders' story outlines how our cyclical sun can alter climate. The book goes on to view the sun-earth connection in terms of geomagnetic variation and climatic change; contemporary views on the sun's operating mechanisms are explored, and the effects these have on the earth over long and short time scales are pondered. If not a call to widen earth's climate research to include the sun, this hook strives to illustrate how solar causes and effects can inlluence earth's climate in ways we must understand in order to enhance solar system research and our well-being.

World Scientific 5199 he

The Maunder Minimum: And the Variable Sun-Earth Connection - PDF Free Download (2024)


What was the connection between the Maunder Minimum and the sun? ›

Maunder minimum, unexplained period of drastically reduced sunspot activity that occurred between 1645 and 1715. Sunspot activity waxes and wanes with roughly an 11-year cycle. In 1894 the English astronomer Edward Walter Maunder pointed out that very few sunspots had been observed between 1645 and 1715.

What is the grand solar minimum Maunder Minimum? ›

The Maunder Minimum (1645–1715 AD) is a representative grand solar minimum. The cyclic variation of solar activity, especially the cycle length during this period, is critical to understand the solar dynamo but remains unknown.

What is the meaning of Maunder Minimum? ›

/ môn′dər,män′- / A period of unusually low sunspot activity lasting from approximately 1645 to 1715, as noted in records kept by contemporary observers.

What was the Maunder Minimum between 1645 and 1715? ›

The Maunder Minimum, also known as the "prolonged sunspot minimum", was a period around 1645 to 1715 during which sunspots became exceedingly rare. During a 28-year period (1672–1699) within the minimum, observations revealed fewer than 50 sunspots.

What was happening on the Sun during the Maunder Minimum? ›

Although the time of the Maunder minimum (1645–1715) is widely known as a period of extremely low solar activity, it is still being debated whether solar activity during that period might have been moderate or even higher than the current solar cycle #24.

What was the Maunder Minimum period when sunspot activity decreased dramatically? ›

One interesting aspect of solar cycles is that the sun went through a period of near zero sunspot activity from about 1645 to 1715. This period of sunspot minima is called the Maunder Minimum. The "Little Ice Age" occurred over parts of Earth during the Maunder Minimum.

How did solar sunspot activity affect global climate during the Maunder Minimum? ›

The Maunder Minimum was a period of significantly low sunspot numbers, indicating reduced solar activity. This decline in solar activity coincided with notably cold temperatures in Europe, presenting a correlation between solar variations and climate changes.

How many years are there between the Suns minimum and maximum solar activity? ›

The Short Answer:

The solar cycle is the cycle that the Sun's magnetic field goes through approximately every 11 years. Our Sun is a huge ball of electrically-charged hot gas. This charged gas moves, generating a powerful magnetic field. The Sun's magnetic field goes through a cycle, called the solar cycle.


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Article information

Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Last Updated:

Views: 5725

Rating: 5 / 5 (50 voted)

Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

Address: 5050 Breitenberg Knoll, New Robert, MI 45409

Phone: +2556892639372

Job: Investor Mining Engineer

Hobby: Sketching, Cosplaying, Glassblowing, Genealogy, Crocheting, Archery, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.