Low Tide in Twilight/Characters (2024)

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Some or all of these characters need descriptions. A list of tropes is not a description.

Characters from Low Tide in Twilight include:

Kim Sahyeok

Yeo Taehwa


Kim Euihyun

Kim Euiyoung

Yeo Heeju

Yeo Taeju

Yeo Wonyoung



  • 1 Kim Euihyun
  • 2 Yeo Taeju
  • 3 Kim Euiyoung
  • 4 Kim Sahyeok
  • 5 Yeo Wonyoung
  • 6 Dohyun
  • 7 Yeongdo
  • 8 Yeo Heeju
  • 9 Yoo Jooin
  • 10 Yeo Taehwa
  • 11 Yeo Juyeon
  • 12 Do Haesung

Kim Euihyun[]

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Kim Euihyun (김의현) is an omega and the protagonist of the webtoon. He comes from a poor family environment, abandoned with his father Sahyeok by his mother, and Euiyoung's mother. After graduating high school, he immediately started working to support and raise his baby brother, without going to university.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

  • Ahegao: Euihyun rolls his eyes upwards when climaxing.[84]
  • Aromantic: Euihyun may fit this category, since he's never been interested in romance, and he was a virgin until he met Taejun at 26yo.
  • Babies Make Everything Better: Euihyun would have lost all will to keep living if Euiyoung weren't around. "In a world where everything belongs to somebody else, your love is the only thing I can claim as my own."
  • Broken Bird: Euihyun is Troubled but Cute in a feminine way since he's an omega, and he has a Dark and Troubled Past, causing him to become cynical and hard-hearted to cope with his circ*mstances.
  • Common Beauty: Many characters show an sexual interest in Euihyun, but they wouldn't think he were an omega since he's so tall, so he's mostly left alone ... until people are informed he is an omega. Besides Euihyun has taken care to go unnoticed to take on jobs without being bothered, with quite some success.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: Played for Drama when Euihyun accidentally smashes open the head of a debt collector.
  • Indentured Servitude: Although one should think it should be the Work Off the Debt trope, Euihyun's situation fits that of indentured servitude, since when he runs away the debt collectors capture him, and make him work to pay off their debt to them.
  • Know When to Fold'Em: Euihyun decides upon murder-suicide when he thinks he'll have to try raise Euiyoung while being on the run from both the police and The Mafia.
  • Kuudere: Euihyun is very blunt, but he does take care of others. When Taejun sneaks a french kiss without his consent, Euihyun smacks him. When Taejun pretends to be really hurt, Euihyun does worry somewhat and asks to let him see, only to be tricked into another smooch. He's on the verge of being an Iron Woobie, but he appears momentarily as a Stoic Woobie during his heat.
    • Stoic Woobie: Euihyun rejects all of Taejun's when he can, and they only make him feel more indebted. Only when begging to not be left at the brothel and during his heat, when reminded how his mother gave up responsibility for him since she couldn't stand living with his father anymore, does he cry. Taejun comments to himself on how vulnerable Euihyun is, despite how strong Euihyun comes across normally.
  • Oblivious to Love: Euihyun is apparantly clueless about condoms, not even taking the initiative to have Taeju use one had Taeju not made sure to wear one himself, and struggling to even put it on said alpha.
  • Promotion to Parent: After his mother abandons him with their father (Sahyeok), Euihyun had to step up and earn money for daily necessities. He has basically raised Euiyoung since his brother was born, since Euiyoung's mother abandoned him straight after he was born.
  • Sex Slave: Most of the debt collectors know that omega debtors don't last long before they end up having to prostitute themselves despite working hard, so they tend to treat omegas as prostitutes from the get go. Euihyun is functionally an economic slave to Taejun and his company due to his debt, only that Taejun is sexually attracted to Euihyun.
  • Smells Sexy: Taejun is especially attracted to Euihyun's scent. He even lampshades this by explaining how he smells like a flower that usually calms him down, but that when he smells it on Euihyun, it makes him rock hard instead. Euihyun's neighbour also compliments him on his scent, and other bus passengers on his way to work also comment on something smelling nice. In bed, Taejun does sometimes go ahead and take in a deep whiff.
  • Trapped by Gambling Debts: Euihyun is forced to pay off his father's accumulated debt of 180 000 bucks, while supporting his baby brother.
  • Uke in the sense of an Troubled but Cute Tsundere who's taller than your average omega.

Yeo Taeju[]

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Yeo Taeju (여태주) is the other protagonist of the webtoon. He is the son of the boss of a debt collector / construction firm.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

  • Anti-Hero
  • Ax Crazy
  • Bastard Boyfriend:
  • The Beautiful Elite: Taeju and his family.
  • Calling the Old Man Out: Chews out Euiyoung's birth mother (who's a male omega) in chapter 76.
  • The Charmer: Taeju is described as wealthy, young, handsome and kind by Euihyun's restaurant colleagues. Euihyun doesn't see it though.
  • Dogged Nice Guy / Low-Key Yearning: Taeju keeps helping Euihyun get out of trouble. First by setting him up with an apartment to rent, a new job to pay off his debt, and even some money for necessities when they first moved in. Later, when Euihyun starts a fight at the restaurant where he works, Taeju steps in to beat up the unsavoury guys for groping Euihyun. And when Euihyun's resolution to never resort to prostitution finally crumbles after the apartment fire, he offers to pay him extra for being his exclusive sex partner.
    • Lampshaded: In his mind, Taeju comments how he must be a bit of a pushover when faced with Euihyun, as he quickly forgives the latter despite how angry he was by how dismissive and ungrateful Euihyun acted towards his offers to help, and especially when Euihyun claims a brothel is more trustworthy than his whims.
  • Sex God: Taeju is great in bed due to good sex techniques, a larger than average tool, and stamina.

Kim Euiyoung[]

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Kim Euiyoung (조연) is Euihyun's baby half-brother, and his motivation to persist despite the poor circ*mstances. Euiyoung is very dependent on his older brother, both materially and mentally. He is vary of people who harass his brother. Sahyeok neglected having Euiyoung trait tested, and it's only with Taeju's help that he is confirmed to be an alpha. Euihyun is relieved that his younger brother won't have to live so poorly like him, although Euiyoung naively wishes he were an omega like his brother. At the start of the story he is 6 years old and 120 cm tall.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

  • Big Brother Worship towards Euihyun, to the point that he wishes he was an omega like his older brother.
  • Children Are Innocent: Euiyoung when he loses his first tooth, wanting to be an omega like his older brother, or when he accidentally set the house on fire by trying to heat up food wrapped in tinfoil.
  • Crybaby: A heartwarming moment is when he begins only nibbling on his food for some time, and when Euihyun confronts him, Euiyoung cries and asks if loosing a tooth is a sign you're dying. He also cries when he learns he's an alpha like Taeju, and not an omega like his brother.
  • Raven Hair, Ivory Skin: Need we say more?
  • Shrinking Violet: Justified because Euiyoung is a neglected kindergarten kid abandoned by both his parents, and thus is left on his own to navigate the world mostly on his own. Meanwhile the only responsible adult figure in his life (big brother, Euihyun) is struggling to make ends meet, and Euiyoung is trying his best to support his brother by not bothering him unecessarily. On the other hand, the trope is downplayed, since Euiyoung does assert himself when he can, and the first thing he does after hearing a smack coming from the apartment, is to check that it was not Euihyun who was hurt (like he would at home with Sahyeok) but Taeju.

Kim Sahyeok[]

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Kim Sahyeok (김사혁) is often portrayed as a douchebag, such as stealing his Euihyun's wages and beating him. He took up a loan of 180 million won with his son as an unknowing guarantor, which he left him with at the start of the story. He is currently being hunted by Taeju's associates.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

  • Abusive Parents: Need we say more.
  • Ax Crazy: Even worse than Taeju.
  • Big Bad: He's the main antagonist of this series.
  • Child Hater: Even of his own children too.
  • Dirty Coward: Upon being seen by Taeju, he flees.
  • Disappeared Dad: Sahyeok abandons his sons, leaving them only an enormous debt of 180 000 bucks.[1]
  • Hate Sink: He's so deplorable it makes us hope that something horrid befalls him, and in front of his sons' presence.
  • Karma Houdini Warranty: After getting seen by Taeju, the latter orders his men to go after Sahyeok, implying that he will meet a very unpleasant comeuppance.
  • Misanthrope Supreme: Hates people and sees them as easy to manipulate, emotionally and financially.
  • Older Than They Look: He looks like he's in his thirties rather than being in his late 50s.
  • Professional Gambler: Implied since Sahyeok is spotted in a casino.[2] He even coerced Euihyun's boss to give him his son's wages, but it's not been explained what he spent the money on explicitly, but we can infer he spent it on gambling.
  • Psychopathic Manchild
  • Resentful Guardian: Despises his sons and sees them as accidents from sex.
  • Slasher Smile: Gives one off more than Henry did in The Purge.
  • So Proud of You: In chapter 88, he gleefully does this with Eui-hyun on accounts of his relation with Taeju, and Eui-hyun does NOT take this lightly.
  • Street Smart: Sahyeok seem very savvy in the casino where he was spotted, even managing to evade his pursuers sent by Taeju, by coming up with an excuse to go to the toilet where he changed out of his red suit into a more inconspicuous costume.[2]
  • Too Dumb To Live: In his latest appearance, he thought he could get past Taeju undetected; Boy was he wrong.
  • Younger Hero vs. Older Villain: The Older Villain to the Kim Brothers and Taeju's Younger Hero.

Yeo Wonyoung[]

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Yeo Wonyoung (여원영) is Taejun's cousin and business partner. They grew up together and are very close. She is 26 years old and 188 cm tall.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

  • Alpha


Low Tide in Twilight/Characters (37)

Dohyun (도현) is Taeju's secretary and an alpha. He wears glasses and looks like an intelligent type, but he is in fact quite a good fighter. Youngdo describes him as a creepy guy.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


Low Tide in Twilight/Characters (38)

Yeongdo (영도) is the debt collector that announced the news to Euihyun and ended up with a cracked skull. He was comatose for two months, until he reappeared in chapter 17. Taeju warned him to not touch Euihyun as revenge, since the omega is his merchandise now, but Yeongdo is unable to let go of his grudges.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

  • Asshole Victim: It's rather pleasing for readers to see his demise in chapter 91.
  • Evil Debt Collector
  • Karma Houdini Warranty: He's the first antagonist to get his comeuppance in chapter 91.
  • Killed Off for Real: In chapter 91, upon trying to rape Euihyun, he instead gets beaten to death.

Yeo Heeju[]

Low Tide in Twilight/Characters (39)

Yeo Heeju (여희주) is a 52 year old female alpha, and Yeo Wonyoung's mother. She is the managing director of Journey Construction, which seems to be competing with another company called Eugene. She was stalked by an investigator for a while, which Wonyoung and Taeju dealt with, with the help of Taeju's alpha father.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Yoo Jooin[]

Low Tide in Twilight/Characters (40)

Yoo Jooin (유주인) is a male alpha and Taeju's dad. Wonyoung calls him big daddy. He currently manages the family business with Taeju and Wonyoung. It's implied that he gave birth to Taeju: "After what I went through to have you... You better give me a grandchild!"[18]

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Yeo Taehwa[]

Low Tide in Twilight/Characters (41)

Yeo Taehwa (여태화) is a male alpha and Taeju's father. He calls his spouse Yeobong[31]

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Yeo Juyeon[]

File:Low Tide in Twilight Yeo Juyeon.png

Yeo Juyeon is Taeju's older sister.[18] So far, she hasn't made an appearance yet.[59]

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Do Haesung[]

File:Low Tide in Twilight Do Haesung.png

Do Haesung (도해성) is a college student who lives next door to Euihyun and Euiyoung. The writer has revealed that he studies pharmacy at a prestigious university. There was a time when Euiyoung started a fire in the microwave, and was rescued by Haesung who noticed the smoke. He seems to have a pretty sweet-hearted personality.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

  1. Chapter 2
  2. 2.0 2.1 Chapter 30
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Low Tide in Twilight/Characters (2024)


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Name: Domingo Moore

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